St Peters Lutheran School Newsletter

Term 3 Issue 2 - 3 September 2020

From the Principal - Bronwyn Wilson

The Parable of the Two Sons - Matthew 21: 28-32

(Adapted from Week 6 Chapel message)

This is a story about a principal and two teachers named Mr Burmeister and Mrs Smith.  One day Principal Wilson walked into Mr B’s classroom to find him practising his class dance for the school musical. "Mr B, we had a lot of wind last night and there is rubbish scattered all over the yard. Would you please put all the rubbish back in the bins?" Principal Wilson asked.

"Aw Principal, I don't have time to do the bins today. I am working on my dance moves and I really want to finish the routine today," Mr B answered.

The Principal turned and left the room and went to look for Mrs Smith. She found Mrs Smith playing in the home corner in the Reception class. "Mrs Smith, there is a lot of rubbish next to the bins.  Would you please put the rubbish back in the bins?" Principal Wilson asked.

"Sure, I'd be glad to," Mrs Smith answered.

"Great!" said Principal Wilson. "I'll leave the bins and the rubbish for you to clean up."

After Principal Wilson left Room 5, Mr B began to think about what she had asked him to do. "I can do the bins and still have plenty of time to practise my dance moves," Mr B thought to himself. He went outside and began doing the bins.

When Principal Wilson returned, she saw Mr B cleaning up the rubbish. "Where is Mrs Smith?" Principal Wilson asked.

"I don't know. The last time I saw her she was playing in the home corner," Mr B replied.

When Principal Wilson went into the classroom, guess what she saw? There sat Mrs Smith, still playing in the home corner! I wonder which of the two teachers was doing the right thing? Mr B, who said he wouldn't clean the bins, but did -- or Mrs Smith, who said she would clean the bins, but didn't?

Jesus told a similar story to show how different people obey what God has called them to do. In Jesus' parable of the two sons, the father asked both sons to go and work in his vineyard. Just as the two teachers in the story, one son answered, "No," but went and worked. The other son answered "Yes!" but did not go. In telling the story, Jesus wanted us to realise that what we do is more important than what we say we will do. Jesus wants us to answer, "Yes," when he tells us to "Love one another," but what he really wants is for us to love one another! Jesus wants us to answer, "Yes," when he says, "Follow me," but what he really wants is for us to follow him!

Bronwyn Wilson, Principal

From the Chaplain - Alex Heberle

Finally Spring is here! The sun is shining more, the blossom is exploding around us and there just feels to be a bit more hope in the air. What a wonderful thing that here in South Australia we get to move through all the Seasons and experience all their beautiful changes. Amidst all the costume changes and rehearsals and excitement and inevitable tiredness of next week, I hope you can find moments to listen to the bees buzz, and feel the warmth of the sun on your face, and give thanks for the blessings of a new season. I look forward to seeing you at musical performances! 

Alex Heberle, Chaplain

From the PYP Coordinator - Nicolle Jakube

How the world works - Unpacking the Transdisciplinary Themes

How the world works is an inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

Throughout their time at St Peters, our students engage with many ‘How the world works’ units of inquiry which offer opportunities to develop understanding about the deeper concepts of how:

  • Science provides a lens through which to look at the world
  • People apply their observations and understanding of science to explain, solve problems and meet needs
  • Scientific and technological innovations have an impact on humanity and the environment

Our students inquire into:

  • Weather and seasons
  • Living things and life cycles
  • Simple machines
  • How to conduct experiments
  • Sound, light and energy
  • Inventions and innovations
  • Space and space exploration
  • Chemical reactions
  • Engineering… and more!


During these inquiries our students are discovering how things move, change and are interdependent. They are exploring the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and the environment. They experiment, test ideas and observe how changes occur when chemicals react with each other, delving into finding out how people use their understanding of scientific principles. When inquiring into how energy is converted, used and stored students explore the impact of technology on society and the environment and how people use their understanding of scientific principles to innovate and solve problems.

There are other aspects of the school day that provide opportunities to explore ‘How the world works’ including Science Week. To see what our students participated in this year, check the school Facebook page.

In all units of inquiry, in learning experiences and in each transdisciplinary theme, including ‘How the world works’, it is about our students having a sense of control of their learning as they plan for, find and solve problems for real issues that matter. We can’t wait to see what they discover, innovate on and explore next!

Nicolle Jakube, PYP Coordinator


We are very excited to congratulate Tina, David, Sebastian and Elliott on the recent arrival of their baby son and brother, Spencer.

LLL Survey

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