Modanville Public School

eNewsletter T4 Week 8

Upcoming Events

4 DecGrandparents Day Healthy Habits Expo 12pm
5 Dec
P&C meeting, 5:15pm (this has been changed from the usual date)
5 DecSafe on Social student workshops in school time, followed by parent presentation at 4pm. 
5 Dec & 12 DecYr 5&6 Adoles-sense Sex Education lessons
9-13 Dec

Intensive Swim School - 5 days ( 2 lessons a day) 12:30 - 2:30

9 Dec
K - 6 Ten Pin Bowling End of Year Activity - in the morning before swimming
10 DecYear 6 Farewell Dinner
10 DecMobile Library van visiting
12 DecReports home
16 DecChristmas Tree Night
17 DecPeer Support Fun Day 
18 Dec Last day for students

From the Principal

We have a busy week ahead with many opportunities for students and parents to engage with the school. All parents and grandparents are invited to our Healthy Habits Expo on Wednesday 4th December at 12pm. Students will be showcasing their learning about health and wellbeing. Our 2/3 class will also be serving you a delicious snack and Dewi will be sharing the new canteen menu.

On Thursday 5th December at 4pm, parents are invited to a special presentation on cyber safety presented by 'Safe on Social'. This presentation has been kindly funded by our P&C. Social media is one of the biggest influences on our children's world and wellbeing. Please save the date and come along to be informed about the most up to date information on keeping safe online. All parents are welcome to bring a friend as well.

Please be aware that the Teachers Federation has called a stop work meeting for Thursday 5 December. The 5/6 class will not be impacted as supervision has been organised for the scheduled Adoles-sense program. K-4 will have minimal supervision. Normal classes will resume at 11.00am.

I would like to thank our dedicated teachers for providing some wonderful extra curricular opportunities and enriching the learning for our students. Our students should also be congratulated for their outstanding behaviour on these excursions.

There is still a lot happening between now and the end of the year, so please keep an eye for Skoolbag reminders. Another busy two and a half weeks to go!


Larissa Polak



Unexplained Absence Text Message

We are trialling a text message option that is created from our Student Attendance program. If you have not informed us of your child being absent by 10:30am, you will receive a text message letting you know we have an unexplained absence for your child. Follow the prompts to reply and let us know the reason for the absence.

We encourage you to use Skoolbag App or phone to explain absences (before 10:30am on the day of absence) as this is the  most efficient way for the school to manage recording absences. However, if you forget and receive a text message, please reply and we can then enter the reason in our system.

Thank you for your patience with this.

Out of School Hours Care - OSHC Begins

Welcome to Vanessa our Out of School Hours (OSHC) Coordinator, who has commenced work at Modanville PS. Your child can be booked in to use the service before school 7.00-9.00am and after school from 3.15-6.15pm. Once you have enrolled with the OSHC service, you can then choose a permanent or casual booking.

Parents can phone Katrina at Northern Rivers Children's Services to discuss child care subsidy entitlement estimates. We understand that the program can be as little as $3.50 a session once the subsidy is applied.

Phone Katrina on 02 66216437 for more information.                

Macadamia Castle Excursion for K/1/2 students

Lake Ainsworth Sport and Recreation Camp for Year 3/4

School Spectacular

Office Reminder

Please ensure you only use Australian currency when making payments at the school office. We cannot bank any coins from other countries.

Administering Medication at School

Parents/carers of children who require prescribed medication to be administered at school must complete a written request. When a medical practitioner has prescribed medication that must be administered during the school day, parents/carers must notify the school, provide up to date information as required and supply the medication and any 'consumables' necessary for its administration in a timely way. The administration of such medication forms part of the department's common law duty of care to take reasonable steps to keep students safe while they attend school. 

Canteen Roster

Week 8Canteen Roster
Cooking Roster
Tuesday 3/12Zara & KieraB. Cox
Thursday 5/12Zara & KieraB. Cox
Friday 6/12K. Derrick & T. RobbinsK. Derrick
Week 9

Tuesday 10/12
Grace & Annabelle
B. Thompson
Thursday 12/12
Grace & Annabelle
B. Thompson
Friday 13/12
S. Robinson
D. Miller
Week 10

Tuesday 17/12
Zayden & Sam
R. Smith

2020 Bus Travel Update

Message from bus proprietors:

At the beginning of the year Transport NSW allows free travel to all students for the first 4 weeks (previously 8 weeks) giving parents time to get online and register. As we don't collect any fares, this isn't an issue for your bus users, however we just want to make sure that every child getting on our bus has registered and details are up to date. In particular we have noticed that many online forms don't have telephone numbers.  From a safety point of view we would strongly encourage parents to update their details in the event we need to contact them.

New students (including Kindergarten) please go online and complete the SSTS documentation prior to catching the bus so we know where to stop, however we are always going to pick them up if they are waiting.

Intensive Swimming Program

All places have been filled and we will commence the program next week.

Save your bottle tops


As a school we will be helping Envision Hands collect 2,000,000 plastic bottle tops, to recycle them into mobility aids for children in need. A box will be placed in the office for all of your plastic milk, soft drink and water lids to be collected. You can even drop off plastic bread clips!

More information regarding the cause can be found at envision-hands/

Mobile Library Visiting


The Mobile Library van will be visiting our school on Tuesday, 10 December 2.00pm-3.30pm. Students are welcome to borrow from the Mobile Library and should bring their library card and books to return on the day.  

Twilight Christmas Community Markets at Tullera Hall

Enjoy shopping from a variety of local artisans and designers. Gold coin donation with proceeds going to our local fire brigade.

Friday December 13th at Tullera Hall between 4 - 8pm.


Notes home

Request for school to administer prescribed medication

Attached is a form for you to use if you require the school to administer prescribed medication for your child while they are at school.

Year 5 Adoles-sense Program

Sex Education program

Year 6 Adoles-sense

Sex Education program


Intensive Swim School Program

56 places available for special swimming scheme.

Year 6 Graduation

Invitation for Year 6 students and parents.

P&C News

Date: Thursday 5 November

When: 5.15pm

Where: Year 5/6 classroom                                                         

We would love to see you there and children are most welcome to attend under your supervision.

NDIS Workshop

Clunes School Vacation Care Program

Clunes Vacation Care Flyer
