Dernancourt School R-7 Newsletter

7th February 2019


Dear families,

Welcome to our first official newsletter for 2019. A special welcome is extended to all of our new students and their families and our new staff. It has been great to see all of our students returning from their summer break with energy and enthusiasm for learning.  We hope that this will be maintained throughout the year as they encounter new learning experiences and activities. We hope 2019 will be a very rewarding and productive year for every student at our school as their learning journey continues throughout the year; being challenged but supported with new knowledge and skills, we hope that they embrace all of their studies and learning within a positive learning environment. Please share your ideas, encouragements and concerns with us whenever possible so that we can continue to provide the best possible learning environment for your child.

Over the holiday break, some work was conducted around the school in readiness for the changes to our play spaces. This has included the removal of some our primary playground equipment. As a result of this and our increase in numbers all students will have access to the top part of the oval for ball games at both recess and lunchtimes. We are having new swings installed this term in both the Early Years and Primary play areas.  We are also eagerly awaiting the outcome of the tender process for our crow’s nest and Japanese Garden design and costings. This all access play space will be constructed in the space between the Performing Arts Transportable and the green shed. Once tender process is completed design scope will be displayed in the front office and foyer windows of both buildings.  We also extend special thanks to Brad Smith for the improvements to the front of our school over the last few months. We appreciate the hours he has spent volunteering at our school and hope that with the support of others in our community at a working bee, and more optimal planting weather, it will soon be completed.

This term is shaping up to be busy with various activities scheduled for our students.  RAA Road Safety Workshops for R-4 students, SAPOL Road Traffic Monitor Training for Years 5-7, Leadership Day 6/7s,  Skeleton Crew for R-2, Swimming for R-5 and Learning Conversations will be held during Weeks 9 and 10. Sports Day will be held during Term 2.  Please note that there is a Pupil Free Day on FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22nd with all staff attending a Partnership T&D off site. Our 2019 focus will be  on moderation of maths. We ask that you record these significant dates in your diary, and refer to Skoolbag, Facebook and future newsletters (even weeks) to remain informed about exact dates for all of these events.



The Year 7 students have received their polo tops for 2019.  It has been such a joy to see their eagerness to wear their tops and to step up to the responsibilities of being the Seniors in the School.

On behalf of all the Year 7 students Poppy, Chloe and Beth have shared what it means to them.

We feel proud, confident, special and privileged to be at Dernancourt School R-7.  It shows our journey (some short, some long) at Dernancourt and our commitment to the school and it's values. 

Having a Year 7 top identifies us as leaders in the school and gives us the responsibility to behave like leaders.  We stand out from the other students and everyone can see we are Year 7s and school seniors.

The juniors know we're supportive and they can come to us for help and because we've been where they are we know what to do.

We feel good about ourselves and everything we have achieved at primary school. It makes us reflect on the teachers we have had over the years and how much we appreciate what they have done to get us here.  It represents our time ending at Dernancourt but makes us feel excited to face what the future holds.



Read Write Inc. Phonics is a rigorous program for students in R–2 that has proven to create fluent, enthusiastic readers, confident speakers and willing writers. It incorporates effective classroom management strategies that ensure participation and fast progress for all students. The program revolves around the explicit teaching of synthetic phonics and features small group sizes designed to cater to the individual learning needs of our students. 

The program features:

* 100 lively, fully decodable storybooks and 35 non-fiction titles.

* Matched writing books to develop writing from simple sentences to extensive texts.

* Sound cards, friezes, posters, magnetic sounds cards and word cards to support teaching. 

* Songs, rhymes, games and exciting stories.

All students in years R-2 will be participating in the program this year across Dernancourt School R-7. Please find below some key information about the program:

* Each student in years R-2 will participate in Read, Write Inc for 1 hour each day from Monday to Thursday.

* Students will no longer bring home Oxford Site Words, they will instead bring home a collection of ‘Red Words’ to practice at home.

* Levelled readers will continue to be sent home each week. While these do not form part of the Read Write Inc. program, we encourage you to read these texts with your child to model reading for pleasure.

Parent information sessions on Read Write Inc. will be offered later in Term 1. Please check the schoolbag app and newsletter for more information.

Remember to place an order for your FREE sausage sizzle or vegetable patties via Skoolbag or by returning the form sent home on Wednesday.  Orders must be placed by 11:30am Monday 11/2/19


The crossing monitors for Week 3 are Sarah L, Alex, Akshat & Joshua.  Monitor Training for  2019 will be held on Monday 19/2/19 (Week 4)


It will soon be time for the Annual General Meeting of the Governing Council.  The Governing Council are meeting on 19/2/19 to determine the date and guest speaker for the AGM.

If you wish to nominate for Governing Council or one of the school committees, nominations can be made via the skoolbag app (eForms).  Nominations can be made for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer (Finance Committee) & Subcommittee Convenor/Member.  The sub committees are Grounds, Fundraising, Finance Advisory Committee, ICT, Canteen & OSHC.  Please complete the nomination on the app (or email your nomination to Elections will take place at the AGM. 




We are looking for children in Year 2 and above to play for the school footy team.  Please register your interest with the front office. See flyer below for more details.


Acquaintance Night
6/7 Leadership Day18/2/19
R-5 Swimming
Parent/Teacher Discussions

Casual Day