Wambi's Wavebreaker

Term 1 Week 8 - 15 March 2023

For your diary..........

Thursday, 16 March
  • NAPLAN - Year 5 Reading
Friday, 17 March
  • NAPLAN - Year 5 Conventions of Language
Monday, 20 March
  • NAPLAN - Year 5 Numeracy
  • Assembly - K-2. Class item - 2 Purple
Monday, 20 March - Thursday, 23 March
  • Year 6 Canberra Excursion
Tuesday, 21 March
  • NAPLAN - Year 3 Reading, Year 5 Back Up Day
  • Harmony Day
Wednesday, 21 March
  • NAPLAN - Year 3 Conventions of language
Wednesday, 22 March - Friday, 24 March
  • Year 5 Great Aussie Bush Camp
Thursday, 23 March
  • NAPLAN - Year 3 Numeracy
  • Sydney North Swimming Carnival
Friday, 24 March
  • NAPLAN - Year 3 Back Up (other than writing)

Principal Message

Dear parents and carers,

Stage 3 Camp and Canberra Excursions

Next Monday, our Year 6 students have an early departure as they head to Canberra on their major excursion. They will be able to enjoy many of the major sites and attractions in our nation’s capital and consolidate their learning about our democratic processes.

Next Wednesday, our Year 5 students depart for the Great Aussie Bush Camp where they will experience a time of bonding with many opportunities to achieve their personal best through a wide range of fun and challenging activities. 

Highlights from both excursions will be shared on our Facebook page for the school and wider community to enjoy.

We look forward to welcoming our students back at the end of next week and hearing about their great experiences.


Parent/Teacher Interviews

It has been lovely to see many parents taking the opportunity to meet together with teachers during our Term 1 interviews to partner together and discuss the progress of their children. We hope you find these interviews valuable.

Thank you to our teaching staff for the time invested and being available to meet before and after regular school hours.

Have a great week,

Paul  Miller


Deputy Principal Message

Student Representative Council

At Wamberal PS, we believe that students should be active participants in the school community, and they should have their opinions heard and respected. Our School Representative Council (SRC) provides a fantastic opportunity for students to learn leadership skills and connect with their peers.

At the last two assemblies, students who were voted by their peers to be the SRC member for Semester 1 received their badges in front of parents, families and peers.

We look forward to working with our SRC members in contributing to the school decision making process.

Year 7 2024 Enrolments

All enrolments for high school are now online, with digital expression of interest forms to be completed by 31 March 2023. Visit the moving to high school page to find out more about the transition of Year 6 to Year 7 process. 

Positive Behaviour for Learning

At Wamberal Public School, we are safe, respectful learners. This week, all students have been learning about being safe, respectful learners during ‘FRUITO’ and teachers are rewarding students with SRLs for demonstrating the school’s expectations of safe, respectful learner behaviour.

Our social emotional teaching this week continues to focus on emotional regulation, through identifying emotions and learning a variety of skills to self-regulate.

Harmony Week

A reminder we are celebrating Harmony Week next week, and students are encouraged to wear orange mufti or traditional cultural dress on Tuesday 21 March 2023. Please ensure your child is wearing enclosed shoes (no sandals or thongs) and shirts that have sleeves.

You can learn more about Harmony Week by visiting https://www.harmony.gov.au.

P&C Matters

Our Wamberal PS P&C have had a long history of supporting our school. They coordinate the canteen, organise grants, and provide many fundraising activities that positively benefit our students and the school. Many additional opportunities and upgrades are a result of P&C initiatives.

The P&C always welcomes the support of new members. The P&C Annual General Meeting will be held at school on Monday 20 March 2023 at 7:00pm, with all positions being declared vacant. Coming along to the meeting is a great opportunity if you have ever considered joining the P&C or finding out about ways in which you can work in partnership with the school.

Have a great week everyone.

Jane Rees

Deputy Principal

Library News

The Matthew effect — reading stimulates and changes the brain

Research shows that reading not only activates, stimulates and interconnects various areas of the brain, but also that reading can make permanent changes to the brain, preparing it for cumulative growth. The more children read, or listen to stories, the more their brains develop. Just talking with children about stories, the world and ideas, helps to increase their understanding of the sound patterns and meanings of diverse vocabulary, of language structures (grammar) and of general knowledge, as well as strengthening other skills which underlie children’s capacity to read. The more children experience reading and language stimulation, the more children’s capacity for reading blossoms, becoming more automatic and fluent.  

Interestingly, some of the areas activated by reading are also activated when performing tasks in other subject areas such as Maths. Strong reading skills support learning in all Key Learning Areas.

Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC)

Congratulations to Hannah (4 Green) who has completed her 2023 PRC. Hannah is now undertaking a personal challenge to read (the wonderful) When the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin (see further comments below).

Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Book Club’s ISSUE 2 orders can be made until Friday, March 24. A percentage of the value of student Book Club orders accrues to provide resources for our school. Thank you for your support.

Skoolbag app

Please see the Skoolbag app for important Library updates. Feel free to contact me through the school office if I can help in any way.


Happy reading,

Nell Knight    👱‍♀️📚

Teacher Librarian


Currently reading Starry River of The Sky by Grace Lin. I had very high expectations of my third read from Lin’s trilogy and it took a while to find my reading rhythm with Starry River of the Sky (actually the second book). Once I did, I looked forward to my nightly read and devoured it in no time.

I have enjoyed Lin’s trilogy immensely — When Mountain Meets the Moon, Starry River of the Sky and When the Sea Turned to Silver. It is quite a while since I read the first title but I know I loved it. I currently feel most impressed by When the Sea Turned to Silver and When the Mountain Meets the Moon. The books in this series can be read as stand-alone stories but the characters reappear and the tales are cleverly connected. I particularly enjoyed Lin’s use of traditional tales which are woven into the narrative. These too, can be read as stand-alones, but offer more as part of the larger narrative.

Age: 8-12 and up. 

WPS P&C News

Wamberal Public School P&C AGM Notice

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the school at 7pm on Monday 20 March 2023 and we encourage parents and carers to help form our committee and sub committees.

If you wish to vote at the AGM, you need to log onto Flexischools and pay $2 for a P&C membership.

Our committees could never operate without the dedication and hard work from our wonderful volunteers.  

The P&C consists of the following committee and subcommittee members:

P&C Committee: President, Vice President 1, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary, Secretary - Correspondence and membership, Executive Committee.

Sub Committee: Canteen Conveyor, Uniform Shop, Fundraising (more assistance the better), Performing Arts, Road Safety, School Beautification (grants).

If you want to help make a difference and help out or suggest some fresh ideas, please contact us on the below details or directly on our website to find membership forms


Election Day Stall

We are still seeking volunteer bakers and people to staff our fundraising BBQ and cake stall on election day (March 25). The roster is almost full in the morning, so if you are not a morning person, this is your time to shine!! This is a big fundraiser for us but we need your support in order for it to be a success.  As we have done in the past, we have set up online volunteering registers for those who are able to dontate goodies for us to sell and for those who can staff the stalls in shifts throughout the day. Bakers can drop off their goodies to a Wamberal home address the afternoon before, or to the school on the day. Our Signupgenius links are: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4da8aa2ba2f9cf8-cake#/ and https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4da8aa2ba2f9cf8-election1#/ Please go to https://www.facebook.com/wamberalpandc and send us a private message if you have any questions.

Easter Raffle

Please add an Easter goody or two to your shopping this week to donate for our ever-popular Easter raffle.

We are asking parents and carers for a small donation of Easter treats to enable us to put together prizes. Donations of treats and/or baskets can be left in the box outside the school office until March 24.

Students are bringing home a book of five raffle tickets to buy or sell for $1 each. They will also bring home a colouring-in competition entry sheet. Entries are $1 each with Casey's Toys vouchers up for grabs. Please return sold and unsold raffle tickets and money (raffle ticket and colouring-in competition fee) to the school by March 24.

Mariners Mufti Day

The P&C is coordinating a Central Coast Mariners-themed mufti day on March 31. The Mariners have invited schools across the Central Coast to show their support for the local A-League team and also raise funds for their own school at the same time. All students are invited to wear Mariners gear (or simply the Mariners colours of yellow and navy) to school and contribute a gold coin on the day. All funds raised will be used to purchase and upgrade sporting equipment for our students. Keep an eye out for Mariners-themed canteen specials on the day.

Other News