St Mary's Bulletin

Term 2 - Week 7 (14 June, 2019)

From the Principal

Dear St Mary's School Community

Trinity Sunday

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday.  Christians remember and honour the eternal God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Trinity Sunday is celebrated the Sunday after Pentecost, and lasts only one day, which is symbolic of the unity of the Trinity. The Father loves the Son and Jesus loves the Father, and from their love the Holy Spirit bursts forth to give life to the world.  The love between them is so strong, even though each is an unique and individual divine being, they act and love as one.


Congratulations once again to those students who last Sunday received the Sacrament of Confirmation!  Thank you to Fr Andrew for celebrating the Sacrament so meaningfully, to Mrs MacDonald and Mrs Herbert who prepared the children and the Mass so capably and to Mrs Ada Barnett who was the photographer on the day.  The children and their families then shared refreshments in Hall.  The day was a beautiful celebration of faith, family and friends.


It’s report time!  I have been busy reading all the reports and most impressed not only with the academic achievements of the students but also their work habits and social/emotional development which are just as important.  Reports will go home on Monday 24, June 2019.  This will give families time to read the reports carefully and discuss them with teachers if required.  Kindy portfolios will go home on Wednesday, 3 July.

Possum Magic

I had the pleasure of attending ‘Possum Magic’ at Cummins Theatre with the Kindy to Year Two students on Tuesday.  This was a beautiful representation of a classic Australian book that had the children both amazed at the props and backdrop and highly entertained by the acting!  Our students are very lucky to have had this theatrical opportunity.

Cross Country

Despite the delay due to inclement weather the Cross Country went ahead in the mist on Wednesday.  The students all displayed great sportsmanship and perseverance.  Congratulations to those students who then had the opportunity to compete in the Bruce Rock Cross Country today, they all represented the school admirably.  Results will be in next week’s Newsletter.

P&F Meeting

The next P&F meeting will be held on Monday night in the Library at 7.30pm.  Please come along to support the P&F and find out how you can help at the St Mary's School Family Fun Fair.


We farewell Mrs Pauline Riethmuller and wish her the best of luck as she undertakes her short-term appointment at St Joseph’s Southern Cross.  Mrs Hannah Herbert will be picking up extra duties during this time. 

We also farewell Mrs Rachel Smith and thank her for her efforts and contribution in Year Two over the last few weeks and wish her well in her future endeavours.

God Bless and have a lovely weekend with your families. 

Ms Adriana Coniglio


Upcoming Events

We are still requiring parent helpers to fill our roster this term.  Please contact the office if you are able to volunteer your time.

Tuckshop Menu - Please have orders to the classroom by Friday


St Mary's School Merredin

P&F Uniform Shop

Open Tuesdays

8:30 am - 9:10 am

2:50 pm - 3:15 pm