
Term 4 Week 10 - Christmas Edition

Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers
As we come closer to the end of the school year, I would like to extend my thanks to you, our parent community, for demonstrating so much resilience and patience towards the circumstances we faced together. We strived together to get the best outcomes for our students despite the pandemic and you have stayed by our side the entire time.

To those families who are leaving the Wattle Grove family, I wish you all the best for the future and hope you take away fond memories of your time at our wonderful school.

It is now time to enjoy the Christmas break and spend time with our loved ones. I wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

End of Year Award Ceremonies
Last week we celebrated the achievements of all students at our End of Year Assemblies. I would like to congratulate the award recipients on their achievements across a range of areas. Although not every student is able to receive an award, every student at Wattle Grove is a winner! They have all worked extremely hard throughout the year to achieve their personal best and I am very proud of everyone!

I would like to thank Mrs Valensise for her outstanding organisation of these assemblies. Many hours of work go into these events to ensure they are a great celebration for all. Thank you also to the teachers and administrative staff for their work hard work and support in ensuring the assemblies ran smoothly. I would like to recognise the work of Mrs Bartram and Mrs Lazarevic, who filmed, edited and uploaded these assemblies to our Facebook page, allowing all our families to be part of these events.

Student Leadership for 2020
I would like to congratulate the incoming Student Leadership Team for 2021. I am looking forward to working with you all.

School Captains: Max and Erica 

Vice Captains: Ousman and Nai  

Prefects: Jessica, Antonio, Jacob, Allegra, Elias, Isabella, Chelsea and Abbie.

Year Six Farewell
What a lovely night was had at the Year Six farewell last Wednesday night. All the students looked amazing for their night of eating, dancing and celebrating. The students displayed outstanding behaviour on the night and had so much fun with their friends celebrating their seven years of primary school. I thank you for your support in following the COVID guidelines. Thank you also to Mrs Dodd for her leadership and organisation of this event and Mrs Robinson, Mrs Richter and Mr Wilson for their work and support, ensuring a successful night for the children.

Celebration Days
The students celebrated the end of year with a fun filled day of activities and treats. The students had a great time and showed exemplary behaviour throughout the day! Thank you to the Assistant Principals and teachers for their organisation of the day.

Semester Two Reports
You would have received your child’s report this week. Congratulations to all students on their achievements this Semester and a big thank you to the teachers for the time and effort they put in to ensure these reports are an accurate record of each child’s growth. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.

Sporting Opportunities
I would like to recognise the work of Mrs Bartram who successfully applied for numerous state government sporting grants during Semester Two. These grants provided the opportunity for many of our classes to be involved in basketball or hockey clinics during Terms 3 and 4. We received $22 000 which covered the cost of the clinics. The students had an absolute ball!

It’s Finished!
The resurfacing of the synthetic grass and the addition of a mini running track is now complete! I must say I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the child racing up the track. I even saw a dad racing against his children the other day! I had a go myself and my legs were sore the next day. Something tells me I need to work on my fitness. My heartfelt thanks go to the P&C and the community who have contributed to many fundraising items over the last two years, making this project possible.

Staff Changes
Mrs Bateup, Mrs Styer, Mrs Kilzi and Mr Koulouris will be returning in a casual capacity in 2021. So, we are still hoping to still see them at Wattle Grove. I would like to thank all these teachers for their amazing work in 2020.

Mr Keiran Shanahan will not be returning in the wellbeing role next year. This was a difficult decision for Mr Shanahan who will be focusing on his other role at another agency. I would like to thank Mr Shanahan for his fabulous work with the students at Wattle Grove over the last three years.

Mrs Dawson will be taking extended leave for Semester One. Mrs Whiting will be R/School Administrative Manager. Mrs Fraietta (M, W, TH, F) and Mrs Lazarevic (Tu, F) will be our R/School Administrative Officers. Mrs Hankin will remain in her School Administrative Officer position (M-F).

Student Return - 2021 
Students in Years 1-6 return Term One on Friday 29 January. Kindergarten students will receive information via the post in relation to their Best Start assessment dates and starting dates/times for 2021.

Nicole Cameron 

Staff Christmas Bitmojis - Guess Who?????

Library Awards

Public Speaking

Sporting News

Year 6 Basketball Competition

As part of the Sporting Schools grant Year 6 students received 2 weeks of training and were then placed in mixed ability teams for a 4-week competition. The students embraced the competition and showed great commitment and sportsmanship to their teams.

The grand final was an exciting game with the winners from Pool A, the Thunderers playing the winners of Pool B, the Crazy People. Extremely even from the start, the Thunderers managed to score an extra winning goal to win the competition 12 – 10.

Congratulations to all the students for participating.

Hockey and Basketball Program

Term 4 saw the continuation of our basketball program on Fridays as well as the introduction to hockey which years 3, 4 and 5 trialled. The money from the program came from the Sporting Schools government grant to encourage our students to participate more in sport and physical activity. It was very successfully received by the students. 

Mrs Bartram

Hockey and Basketball Gallery

Kindergarten 2020 Class Report

Year 1 2020 Class Report

Year 2 2020 Class Reports

Year 3 2020 Class Reports

Year 4 2020 Class Reports

Year 5

Year 6 2020 Class Reports

Crazy Hair Day

Defence News

What a year it has been! I have been so proud of all our Defence students for demonstrating such resilience and strength this year. It has definitely been a difficult and trying time for all. Throughout it all though, I have thoroughly enjoyed the time I have spent with the children and I look forward to returning to WGPS again next year.

All my very best wishes to the families who are leaving. My thoughts go out to you as you set out on new postings and new adventures. I will miss you all very much.

Merry Christmas everyone. Please stay safe and enjoy your holiday break.

Kim Lazarevic
Defence School Mentor 

Canteen Menu 2021