Yesterday saw our Year 3 and Year 5 students begin the National Literacy and Numeracy Assessments (NAPLAN). We wish them all the best as they aim to show all that they know. We thank our teaching staff and families for supporting their preparation. We ask our families to further support our students by ensuring, especially over the next two weeks, that our children get a good night's rest and that we maintain a positive and calm approach to coming to school each day. We ask that you encourage your child to do their best and have a go, just as you would for any other day at school. Some students may feel nervous, so please remind them that these assessments are just one of the many ways that teachers get to know students and then assist them in their learning to move forward with confidence. Let us celebrate and acknowledge all of the little things that make our students successful, both academically and socially.
Have a wonderful week,
Rebecca Boidin
Assistant Principal