It’s hard to believe that Term 3 ends today, it has been such a busy term but an exciting one at Blaxland Public School. This term we were able to invite the community back on school grounds to many of the school events which has been the first time since 2020 which certainly put a smile on the faces of everyone.
Blaxland Public School’s Transition programs were also started in Term 3 with Year 6 students attending a 5-week transition program to Blaxland High School at the beginning of term with the 2023 Kindergarten Transition program started last week and will continue into the first 4 weeks of Term 4.
This year, we were chosen to be an early Adopter School to trial the new K-2 syllabus in English and Mathematics in Year 1. Mrs Cooke has been trialing the syllabus with her Year 1 students and leading the staff in developing their understanding and skills to implement the policy moving forward in 2023. We have also been fortunate to have the support of a curriculum reform adviser who has been providing extra Professional learning for all K-6 staff. All K-2 classes across NSW will be implementing the new syllabuses in 2023.
This week, I had morning tea with the Term 3 Gold, Silver, and Principal Award winners for this term. Principal Awards are given to those students who have demonstrated a positive attitude, commitment, and effort to learning. This is always a highlight of the term and a great way to recognise the efforts of these students. Congratulations to all students.
As the term ends, I would like to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of all staff during Term 3. It has been a busy term and I thank the staff for always putting the students at the centre of all that we do. I would like to thank the students for their continued enthusiastic approach to school life and for always making us smile. Lastly, I would like to thank the school community for your continued support, acknowledgments, and support of the school, we are very grateful. The positive comments and emails this term have been truly appreciated.
I wish everyone a happy and safe break and all students and staff will return to school on Monday 10th October.
Term 4 Staffing News
I am happy to announce that Ms Sally Hinde will be teaching 3/4E in Term 4. Mrs Wacker and Mrs Johnson will resume their roles as Quality Teaching Coordinator and COVID ILSP in Term 4.
2023 Staffing News
Today I would like to confirm that through the merit selection process, Mrs Wacker has been appointed into a newly created role across NSW Public Schools as an Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction at Blaxland PS 4 days a week starting in 2023. The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction position is a leadership role dedicated to ensuring that literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills are embedded in curriculum and assessment; high quality teaching practices are enhanced; and the capabilities of middle leaders are strengthened in literacy and numeracy instruction. Mrs Wacker has been working in a school funded role as the Quality Teaching Coordinator over the past three years and we are excited to have her join the school team as a permanent member of staff.
School Swimming Program
There are limited places left in this program, please return your payment and notes to school as soon as possible
School Sport Uniform
A survey will be sent out to parents early next term to gather feedback on the introduction of a school sport shirt that would be worn to school each Friday. We are exploring the option of having this shirt in the colour of the student’s sport houses, red, yellow, and green but we would like your feedback. Please think about and look out for the survey link once we return to school in Term 4.