Firstly I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Shane Atkins, and it is my great pleasure that this year I am joining Clapham Primary School as Principal.
Wow what a busy few days and weeks it has been.
Thank you to all of the lovely welcome messages and face-to-face welcomes, for those families in Year Rec and Year 1 that I have been able to meet. I have been made to feel very welcome to Clapham Primary.
It has been so nice to meet those students at school face-to-face and online, engaging in their learning. I am so proud of how staff have managed this disruption and hybrid learning style for the start of the 2022 school year. While it’s not the start any of us expected or envisaged, everyone has been highly supportive and understanding that this in some respects, starting a year online, is uncharted territory. Congratulations and thank you to the Clapham staff.
I would like to welcome our Receptions as they start their Primary schooling and to the new families who join us at Clapham this year, welcome on behalf of the Clapham school community.
Welcome also to Caleb Cook who is joining us this year teaching Year 1/2 in Room 8.
I look forward to meeting each and every family as time permits and we are allowed to welcome families back on site.
Shane Atkins
COMMUNICATION REMINDER: For those who are yet to join, we ask all families to please join SkoolBag. This is where we will send out information regarding whole school events and Covid updates, etc…
By now all families have been invited to join their child’s class SeeSaw account. This will be used by classroom teachers to share your child’s learning and eventually your child will be able to upload and share their own learning throughout the day.
Direct communication with your child’s classroom teacher is vital to the links between home and school. We ask that these communications, when not face to face, please be via email. You will find all teachers, Leadership and Front Office email addresses below. Email will need to be used as your main communication with teachers.
Please note that staff will only reply to emails during work hours between 8am and 5pm weekdays. It is important to understand that while email and Seesaw are quick communication channels, staff also have families and need time to relax and switch off from work for their own health and wellbeing.
Room | Staff Member | Roll | Email Address |
Principal | Shane Atkins | | |
Deputy Principal | Justine Langley | | |
Assistant Principal | Cassie Kopias | | |
1 | Jenna Campbell | RE | |
2 | David Tucker | 2/3 | |
4 | Sophie Ruddell | RE | Sophie. |
7 | Linda Fasoli | 1/2 | |
8 | Caleb Cook | 1/2 | |
9 | Danica Klemse | 3/4 | Danica. |
10 | Ben Hillier | 3/4 | |
14 | Megan Toy | 5/6 | |
16 | Brooke Taylor | 5/6 | |
17 | Bridget Dyson | SP JP | |
17 | Catherine Howat | SP PR | |
The Arts | Lynne Averis | R-7 | |
Science | Angie Francou | R-7 | |
Japanese | Reena Aftab | R-7 | |
PE | Gene Lashchuk | R-7 | |
Finance Officer | Tracy Clifford-Clark | Front Office | |
Front Office | Anna Martin | Front Office | |
Families/ Visitor on school grounds:
As of Week 2 of Term 1, 7 February, we are going to limit the number of families on school grounds.
· Reception families: we ask that only one adult please drop and collect your child from the nominated door you are already using.
· Year 1 families: we ask you to please kiss and drop your child at either the Front or Rear gate and your child will walk to their classroom by themselves. Teachers will be on duty to support those who need it. Collection will be via either of these gates, to be negotiated with your child.
· Year 2-6 essential workers and vulnerable families: we ask you to please kiss and drop your child at either the Front or Rear gate and your child will walk to their classroom by themselves. Teachers will be on duty to support those who need it. Collection will be via either of these gates, to be negotiated with your child.
I thank all families for supporting us in managing this during this tricky time.
Face masks are:
· Required for all adults (including staff/ parents/ caregivers/visitors) when on school grounds.
· Strongly recommended for students in Years 3 to 6.
Exemptions will be made for students or staff who have a medical condition, such as problems with their breathing, a serious skin condition on the face, a disability, or a mental health condition.
If you do not wish your child in Year 3-6 to wear a mask, please email your child’s classroom teacher and we will record this centrally at the school. Those who wish their child to wear a mask are more than welcome to send a mask with them, alternatively the school has limited supply that we can provide to students, as needed.
QR code sign-in and social distancing:
We have placed QR codes at every gate which we ask families to scan before entering the school ground. As well as please adhering to 1.5m social distancing. I ask that families who wish to have a chat do so off school grounds, to maintain and limit the number of adults on site at any time.
FACILITY PROJECTS: Over the summer break, work has started on the disability ramping from the Gym, along the soccer field and down to the JP playground area. Unfortunately there was a miscommunication between the contractor and the arborist, and they cut down all the trees between the basketball courts and soccer oval. I have had numerous meetings regarding this and have expressed my disappointment on behalf of the Clapham school community.
As a result we have requested that they will fund and plant 14 x 4m+ mature trees along this area after the completion of the ramp and this has been approved. While it does not directly replace what was there is allows us as a school to develop this area into what we want it to be, plant wise. The completion of the ramp is expected to be by May 2022.
NOMINATING FOR GOVERNING COUNCIL 2022: The Governing Council AGM will be held on Monday 7 March, at the rear of the Front office area under the shade structure (Covid depending). All are welcome to join.
Nominations for Governing Council will be open at the beginning of Week 2 (7 February, 2022). I encourage you to think about nominating for Governing Council to assist with the continual improvement of our school, we cannot do it without your support. If you have some time please consider nominating for Council.
There are a maximum of nine positions vacant for 2022. The nomination form will be available on the app/website on Monday 7 February and a hard copy sent home on this day. Please fill it out and email to or return to the Front Office by 3pm, Monday 21 February.
For further information please see letter attached about Governing Council's role. If you are not able to commit to being a Governing Council member, you are more than welcome to be on a sub-committee as a parent representative (OSHC Advisory, Finance, After School Sports, Education & Communication - Parent Reps/Events, and Facilities).
Governing Council Information 2021
Have you considered being on the Clapham Primary School Governing Council? Governing Councils are jointly responsible with the Principal for the governance of the school, with the council fulfilling roles specified in the constitution, including: strategic planning for the school, determining broad policy direction for the school, determining application of finances, presenting operational plans and reporting on its operations to the school community and the Minister, and complying with a code of practise approved by the Minister. Governing Council meets twice per term regularly to talk about the direction for the school.
Benefits of being on Governing Council include:
· You hear different perspectives, what other people think
· You become well informed about what is happening in our school
· You get to know other parents
· You get to understand how the school works
· You learn how things "fit together" at school
You don’t work alone when you are on a Governing Council. You and the Principal have shared responsibilities, but your day-to-day involvement is different.
Some differences between governance and day-to-day management
In your role on a governing council, you work with the site leader to:
· Involve local community
· Develop and approve local policies
· Set the broad direction and vision of the site
· Monitor and review the Site Improvement Plan (which steers the education outcomes/priorities)
· Be the employing authority of some services such as the canteen (please note there are currently no governing council employees at Clapham Primary)
Site Leaders work with governing councils to:
· Give educational leadership
· Carry out the site’s policies
· Carry out the Site Improvement Plan
Further examples of different responsibilities – councils and site leaders
Area of responsibility | Site Leader (Principal) | Governing Council |
Curriculum | Lead the development of teaching and learning programs, and set up timetables and teacher/class allocations. | Provide advice to the site leader to make sure the curriculum offered meets local community needs. For example, a specialist program. |
Student achievement | Monitor individual student achievement against the department’s standards. | - |
Student management | Manage all areas of student wellbeing and discipline. | Consult with the site's community to assist when policies are made or reviewed. |
Staff management (example 1) | Manage all department staff. For example, teaching performance, discipline and complaints. | - |
Staff management (example 2) | Day-to-day management of staff employed by the council, including performance management. Performance management covers dealing with allegations of misconduct or negligence. | Overall responsibility and management of council employees. |
Staff employment (example 1) | Employ the department’s teaching and non-teaching staff. | Employ some staff. For example, canteen (if operating). |
Staff employment (example 2) | - | Take part in an interview panel to employ the principal. |
Big picture planning | Carry out the initiatives and work towards achieving the goals in the site improvement plan e.g. education outcomes/teaching and learning priorities etc. | Work on the site improvement plan and set strategic directions. |
Finance | Prepare and supply financial reports to the council via the finance advisory committee. | Review, approve and keep a check on the site budget. |
Reporting | Draft the annual report and share the information. | Endorse the annual report and report to the site's community – and the minister – at least once a year. |
Our Governing Council has a number of sub-committees which meet and discuss certain aspects in detail, these sub-committees are where you can really get involved. This is where the action is. Sub-committees are usually convened by a Governing Council member; however, parents and interested community members are welcome to join a sub-committee without being on the Governing Council. Sub-committees report back to Governing Council and any recommendations from sub-committees are discussed and decided upon at Governing Council. Our sub-committees include Education and Communication (Parent Reps), Facilities, Finance, After School Sports, Events and OSHC Advisory.
Governing Council members need to be positive, respectful, confidential, and be part of a team to work proactively with other Governing Council members, school leadership, staff and students to ensure our school continues to be a quality education facility which maximises opportunities for all our young people. Training/induction will be provided.
If you are interested, please see the attached nomination form. If you would like more information about the role and responsibilities of the Governing Council please talk to our current Chairperson, Mr Brad Hocking or any Council member, the Assistant Principal, Deputy Principal or myself. We will be more than happy to explain the important part you play as a council member in your child's life and the life of the school. Please also encourage each other to join. More information can also be found on the Departments Governing Council portal
Governing Council Nomination for Election Form 2022
Nominations close: Monday 21st February at 3pm
Email applications to: or return to the front office by the above time and date.
I……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(full name) would like to nominate to be elected as a member of Clapham Primary School Governing Council.
Signed: _____________________________________ Date: / / 2022
In the space provided below, please let us know why you would like to nominate for Governing Council and what skills and abilities you may be able to offer. This will be displayed in the front office and put on the app prior to the Annual General Meeting.