ZIG ZAG Public School

March 2023 Newsletter

Principals Report

It is the end of Week 8 Term 1 and ZZPS has been a very busy place.

In addition to the events posted through photos on Face book, some additional highlights of the term have included:

· Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 have begun implementing the new English and Mathematics syllabus

· Teachers have participated in their first full day of collaborative planning in curriculum reform.

· Teachers have also completed 4 hours of professional learning with a focus on spelling.

· NAPLAN assessment for Years 3 and 5 has successfully occurred this week.

· The Healthy Harold Van visit was enjoyed by all classes and the topics covered included:

- Kindergarten: Body Matters

- Year1/2: Safety Rules

- Year3/4: Friends and Feelings

- Year5/6: Relate,Respect and Connect

I was hoping to include in this newsletter, information regarding the new direction I would like to take for:

* Student Individual Learning Plans

* Student Attendance Improvement and

* The use of Third-Party Software…

(Unfortunately, the use of Third-Party Software is a very big change for our school and not only has an impact on the technology we use in the classroom but is affecting the school’s plans for communicating the above information to parents/carers).

As soon as I have all the information I need, I will be sharing with parents/carers and seeking permission to continue to use specific software programs across the school.

An exciting addition to our Newsletter this year, will be a Curriculum Instruction segment where we will share information with you on our whole school focus. We will be opening a Q&A forum through our new Facebook Parents and Carers Group 2023 to answer and respond to any further information you would like to receive.

A reminder:

Advanced Life Photograhy will be returning on Monday 20/3/23 to re-photograph all students individual portraits.

Curriculum and Instruction

Leaders Induction

Our School Captains, Vice Captains, Sport Monitors and Technology Monitors made the Zig Zag Leaders School Pledge before receiving their badges … proudly pinned on by their families.

Halogen Leadership Conference

Our Year 6 students had a great day at the Sydney International Conference Centre attending the NATIONAL YOUNG LEADERS DAY.

Guest speakers included:

*His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC

*Nazeem Hussain

*Dr Jordan Nguyen*Caitlin Bassett

*Chris GreenIt was a unique opportunity to hear each speakers insights from their own leadership journey.

Smoking Ceremony

We were humbled with a special Smoking Ceremony to start the year of learning at Zig Zag, on beautiful Wiradjuri Country.

Rick, proud local Wiriadjuri man taught us the meaning of a Smoking Ceremony.

While Aunty Judith placed orchre on everyone in order for our ancestors to help us connect to country.

The students read their class Acknowledgements of Country for Rick and our school community.

Thank you for giving us such a beautiful experience and opportunity to understand and respect First Nations culture.


Our Kinder’s had a busy and exciting first week of school!

Our First Week at Zig Zag

Around Zig Zag

Learn to Swim Program

Our Swim School boys and girls enjoyed the Learn To Swim program  and are loved  their  lessons.

Keyboarding Skills

 Look at these clever Year 1 and 2 students learning to touch type! Their hands are on the home keys and they are developing the skills to recognise and use the keys on the keyboard with confidence.

Girls Pop Up Blast Cricket

Girls Pop Up Blast Cricket

Thank you to Cricket Australia for giving our girls the opportunity to experience Cricket! Our Primary girls are involved in a Pop-up Blast Program that runs over several weeks … giving them a fun, safe and exciting opportunity to be introduced to the skills of cricket through a mix of activities and modified games.

P and C News

P & C News:

We had a great turn up for the P & C AGM on Wednesday 1st March 2023.

The P & C Committee positions for 2023 are as follows:

President: Jessica Selmes

Vice President: Angela Whichelo

Treasurer: Tracy Dewar

Secretary: Rachel Small

Social Media Officer and Vice Secretary: Chantelle Southall

Canteen Co-Ordinator: Jolanda Burrows

Uniform Co-Ordinator: Tracy Dewar

Fundraiser Co-Ordinator: Sarah Spackman 


Term 1 Fundraiser:

· Election BBQ and Cake Stall- 25th March

· Easter raffle and Hot Cross Bun and Milk for the Easter Hat Parade

Don’t forget to join the P & C Facebook group to keep up to date with P & C news and to offer to help when you can.

P & C Meeting

Next Meeting: Wednesday 5th April @ 3pm

Parent and Carer Facebook Group

Please feel free to join the P & C Facebook Group on the link below.


Our Canteen Menu

Please find attached Our Canteen Menu.

There will be changes and a small price rise that will start in Term 2.

We will send the new menu when it has been finalised.


Community Announcements

Lithgow Thistle Soccer

LITHGOW THISTLE SFC 2023 PLAYER DRIVE Players required in all age groups from Under 6 to Under 12 (Minimum age for U/6 is turning 5 this year) All new & past players will be made most welcome. For more information, please phone Lorraine Keay 0419 621 426 or

Email:  thistlesfc@gmail.com

Go4Fun Lithgow

Go4Fun is a FREE NSW Health program for 7-13 year old children and their families to become fitter, healthier and happier! Programs are run during school term for 10 weeks after school hours.

Please look at the below attachment for more information



Aboriginal Go4Fun Richmond

Go4Fun is coming to Lithgow and Aboriginal Go4Fun to Richmond in Term 2!


Please look at the attachment below for more information.


Follow Our Facebook Page

To view more photos from our Return to School 2023 and all the things that have been happening at Zig Zag Public School please visit our facebook page on the link below.



Monday 20th March
- Rescheduled Photo Day
Tuesday 21st March
- World Down Syndome Day - Crazy Sock Day
Thursday 23rd March
- Harmony Day
Thursday 23rd March
- Dentist Visit
Friday 24th March
- Dentist Visit
Thursday 6th April
- Easter Hat Parade
- Last day of Term 1