Hallett Cove East Primary School

Keeping you in the loop ....


  • Friday October 29th - World Teachers' Day
  • Monday November 1st - Pupil Free Day
  • November 10th - 12th - Yr 6/7 Camp to Wirraway
  • Tuesday November 23rd - Yr 6/7 Aquatics program
  • Tuesday November 30th - Proposed Concert
  • Thursday December 9th - Yr 6 and Yr 7 Graduations


Dear Parents/Caregivers,


This is a very special welcome to all our new families. We look forward to working with you and sharing your children’s learning journeys with you.


As notified in the Finance section in last newsletter, we are holding a special Governing Council meeting at 6:30pm this coming Monday for parents to attend to discuss the Materials and Services fees. If you would like to attend, please contact the front office by 1:30pm on Monday so we have time to ensure safe physical distancing. We expect to meet in the Resource Centre but will let attendees know if we need to meet in a larger space. Attendees are asked to please wear a mask and scan or sign in.


PUPIL FREE DAY IN WEEK 4 ON MONDAY NOVEMBER 1st for teachers to work together with other teachers in like year levels to moderate learning in preparation for reporting. OSHC will be available that day for childcare. Please contact Sally, Maddi or Linda to book in.


I would like to thank you all for your ongoing support and perseverance with the Department for Education (DfE) expectations of schools around COVID requirements. I thought I would take the opportunity to update you on where we are up to and 2 events we are hoping to be able to hold with parent attendance, before the end of the year.

Firstly I have heard indirectly that a few parents believe that schools are open, and are questioning why ours isn’t. I can assure everyone, that at the moment, schools are still required to minimise access for non-essential adults on site. There are exceptions and we are implementing some of these, (which also matches with other local schools, such as Hallett Cove R-12 and Woodend). We are able to have volunteers work in necessary programs that require volunteers for them to be able to happen, (eg canteen, excursion/camp support, Governing Council meetings). We are also able to have limited enrolment tours with strict numbers and restrictions such as no access to classrooms. Parent meetings for very significant issues are able to go ahead but only in the front office. A couple of very important parent group meetings involving one representative from a family have/will occur in relation to pre-school and high school transition processes. All of the latter are able to occur because they are essential but are held under very strict COVID conditions.

Further to this, DfE has now also allowed schools to begin offering parent attendance at one-off larger school events as long as a strict COVID Plan is in place. So we have decided to try to plan for a Concert of the type we had in 2019, to be held outside in the COLA, at the end of the year. We will need to put a cap on attendance so the event will be ticketed with other clear COVID expectations, but we are hoping to be able to allow 1 or 2 adults/family to be able to attend. At this stage we are still working out how we can manage this safely, so more information will be made available in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, I invite you to put TUESDAY NOVEMBER 30th AT 6:00pm in your diary for Concert. Classes are beginning to prepare, students are excitedly getting into practices for their items and we sincerely hope we will be able to see parents there for this program. Obviously, if a COVID outbreak occurs, or, SA Health/DfE changes the rules about these events, (perhaps when eastern borders open), the Concert will need to be cancelled.

The other event which is already being planned with parents of Yr 6 and Yr 7 students, is the Graduation ceremony for each of the year levels, to be held on Thursday December 9th.

Fingers crossed all these events can go ahead!!


Next Friday is (Australian) World Teachers’ Day. This day is a wonderful opportunity to draw public attention to the important role of teachers in our local communities. While International World Teachers’ Day is actually celebrated on the first Friday in October this is usually in the Australian school holidays, so Australia celebrates it on the last Friday.

Celebrated in over 100 countries worldwide, World Teachers’ Day acknowledges the efforts of teachers in an increasingly complex, multicultural and technological society. It is a day when we hope that students, parents and communities can show their appreciation for the contributions teachers have made to the lives of children and their communities. Please join me in thanking your children’s teachers for their hard work, professionalism and commitment to your children’s learning. I would also like to thank the Governing Council parents who will be providing morning tea and lunch for staff.


We will shortly begin the process of developing class groupings for 2022. If you would like to provide information relevant to your child’s 2022 placement, please click on this link to download the “2022 CLASS PLACEMENT PARENT INPUT FORM”. Please complete the proforma and return to me in an envelope marked ATTENTION: Anne Rathjen, Class Placement Process, by no later than Monday November 8th. Letters received after this date will not be able to be considered as our placement process begins that Monday. Please note that for many reasons, while every request is considered closely, none are able to be guaranteed. Requests about specific teachers are not considered. If you have a child who will be transferring to another school I ask that you please complete the relevant section of the proforma and return to me as soon as possible. Accurate numbers are required to ensure our correct staffing levels and enrolments affect the number of classes we can run.


A huge thank you to all drivers who observe speed limits and usual road rules when driving in the drop zone. Over the last few weeks, we have observed speeding, failure to stop, check and wait for children on the crossing and drivers checking mobile phones when driving through. I respectfully remind all families that the safety of students crossing the road in the zone is paramount and that they have right of way, so to please be observant. Thank you for your cooperation.


I am sure you will join me in congratulating ex-student and OSHC Educator, Tahlia McGrath for her current achievements in both the Australian and Strikers WBBL women’s cricket teams. Her achievements are outstanding and reflect all 4 of our school values. Well done, Tahlia!!

We have just been notified that we are in the top 55 schools in South Australia for % of students completing the Premier's Reading Challenge this year. With our big focus on Reading, excellent learning programs and teacher and family support or this particular program, our students continue to make strides in their literacy learning. So thank you for your support.


You may have noticed that the shipping container in the carpark has now been removed. This is because our air conditioning in the Pavilion has now been installed. There are some additions still to be made to the vents inside but we are still able to use it while waiting for these additions. I can tell you that it is very effective and the Pavilion is now going to be a great place to be on hot days!


The vacancy process to choose the new Groundsperson is underway and I should be able to announce the successful applicant within the next few weeks.

 With regards,

Anne Rathjen








A Few Words from the Deputy Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We always have lots of things happening here at school and this term is no exception. The students have many things to look forward to over the next seven weeks both in the classroom and out.

Cyber Safety

We have organised a cyber-safety session presentation on the morning of Friday 5th November. This will be run by the Community Engagement section of South Australia Police. This session will be for our year four and five students and will be focussing on safe practices on line. We are finding that with ever changing technologies our students are accessing social media and online gaming at an increasingly younger age. I would encourage all families to consult some of the many excellent websites which are designed to help parents, children and schools navigate this complex world.

There is extensive information on the eSafety Commissioner website which is run by the Australian Government. https://www.esafety.gov.au/

Kindy To School Transition

We start our transition program for our 2022 Receptions with a parent meeting on Wednesday November 10th. The following three Wednesday mornings will see our students visiting so families are reminded that it may be a little busier on these mornings. The transition parents and students will be entering through the OSHC/Admin gate only as we are still minimising adults on site.

Hallett Cove Karrara Kindergarten

And speaking of the kindy we had a message from Rebecca, the director at our major feeder kindergarten Karrara. She has informed us that they have spaces available for students in 2022.

The kindy is open Monday to Friday and they have a Playgroup on Fridays from 11am-1pm.

So if you know anyone who is interested, for next year or beyond, please contact her as soon as possible.

Contact Details :

Preschool director: Mrs Rebecca Harrison

Phone: (08) 8381 9154 or Email: dl.3645.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au

45 Barramundi Drive Hallett Cove SA 5158.


We are asking again for volunteers to help in our canteen, as explained in the information from Mrs Rathjen. If you are available could you please contact Helen, our manager, through the front office?

Helen is selling children ice-blocks, cookies, muffins and slushies at recess and lunch time if she has enough help. Helen can take cash but she would prefer parents and caregivers to pre-order through Qkr and then the children can collect at the appropriate time.

Kind Regards,

Andrea Hayden

Deputy Principal

A Few Words from the Wellbeing Leader

Wellbeing: What’s it all about? 

What are some of the factors that make up wellbeing? 

·         Being involved in supportive relationships

·         Feeling that your life has meaning and purpose

·         Feeling connected to others in your community

·         Feeling a sense of control of your emotions

·         Engaging in activities that are important to you 

Wellbeing and your child

As a parent or carer, you want your child to be safe and happy throughout their time at school, and beyond. Here are some ways you can lay the foundations for your child’s wellbeing and, at the same time, support the school to build on and enhance these vital skills 

•Build strong, healthy and trusting family relationships

•Make time for open communication to build close family ties

•Get involved in your child’s education to show you value learning 

Research tells us that young people who feel safe, connected and secure, and have loving and trusting relationships, are more likely to be active participants in their learning and to achieve better physical, emotional, social and educational outcomes. Wellbeing is linked to improved learning outcomes. When children experience learning success, their wellbeing is further enhanced – so wellbeing and learning go hand in hand! 

Your Role as a Parent /Carer/Guardian

As a parent your role is fundamental to the health, safety and wellbeing of your child. While there are different parenting styles, some features of parenting are associated with higher levels of children’s wellbeing and success at school.

 •Showing warmth to your child via expressions of affection, love and support

•Setting limits and boundaries to encourage your child’s self-control

•Encouraging your children to share and talk about their worries

•Sharing your own concerns and worries with your children in a sensitive way 

Find out more

Discover more about the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, and how you can help build your child’s social and emotional skills. Work in partnership with the school to promote the wellbeing of everyone in a safe, supportive and positive learning community. Websites Parents and schools work together to promote the wellbeing of children and young people. Learn more from these 


 •Child protection, health and safety services (Raising Children Network)

•Sleep for children’s health and wellbeing (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)

•The move to high school (Murdoch Children's Research Institute) 


These podcasts have some good tips for promoting family wellbeing. Find them by searching in your podcast app. 

•Australian Institute of Family Studies

•Emerging Minds

•Happy families with Dr Justin Coulson 

 © 2019 Commonwealth of Australia or Education Services Australia Ltd

A Few Words from Joey

What are you holding on to?

I’m a hoarder. I can admit it. I moved house on the weekend and there was far too much stuff. I consider myself an optimistic hoarder though. From ‘this has such happy memories’ to ‘this will be really useful one day soon.’ For example the 3 boxes marked ‘uni work’ that are still packed from the last move 5 years ago might contain my human rights assignment that I got a high distinction for so I need to keep them all. And the justifying boxes goes on... When it comes to possessions we range all the way from diagnosable hoarders to minimalists.

Relationally though, many of us tend towards pessimistic hoarders (we hold grudges). When someone has hurt us, it continues to hurt us for days, weeks or even years. They might apologise and we tell them ‘It’s ok’ or ‘I forgive you.’ We might even think that we mean it. Often though, we continue to carry the hurt and allow it to impact on our ongoing relationship. When we consider who to trust or what level of personal information to share it can be helpful or harmful. If someone loses multiple of our things it is wise to not lend them anything else that we want back. Other times, we allow a single mistake or event to devalue or ruin a relationship. We refuse to play soccer with someone who cheated once in a game 3 years ago. Unforgiveness often hurts us more than it hurts the offender. It can lead to anger, resentment, insecurity, stress and anxiety.

It is tricky to find the right balance in how to let past experiences shape our future decisions. And if it is tricky for us, how much trickier must it be for our children. It can seem the impossible task to teach forgiveness. However, it doesn’t need to be. This linked article (www.mindful.org/how-to-gradually-introduce-kids-to-the-idea-of-forgiveness/) contains some simple ideas that any family can implement to help develop their forgiveness skills. ‘As psychologist Robert Enright and psychiatrist Richard Fitzgibbons write, forgiveness is a choice to let go of anger toward someone who hurt you and to think, feel, or act with kindness toward that person. They clarify that forgiveness is not being weak—it takes strength and courage to forgive. It is also not forgetting, condoning, or putting up with being hurt; you can forgive while still seeking justice. And forgiveness is different than reconciling with someone; you can forgive without receiving an apology.’

I encourage you to consider a spring clean of any grudges or unforgiveness that might be unnecessarily harming your relationships. And I will try harder to throw out some more things as I unpack my boxes.

Joey Traeger

Pastoral Care Worker at Hallett Cove East Primary School on Wednesdays and Fridays. 



2021 Materials and Services charge will be presented at the governing council meeting scheduled for Monday the 25th of October.

An invitation is extended to the whole school community.

Please click this link to view the Governing Council invitation to Community.   

To view the 2022 Materials and Services charge please click here. 

REMINDER -  teaching staff are busy planning incursions, excursions and camps for the remainder of the year.  Please ensure you have paid your $60 levy to avoid students not being able to participate.

If you are yet to pay your 2021 Materials and Services fees we remind families to clear all outstanding accounts, final notices have been issued.   If no contact has been made with the business manager or finance officer debt collection will commence at the end of this month.

If you believe you qualify for the 2021 School Card Scheme and you have not submitted your application as yet please be advise the last date for new applications to be accepted for the 2021 school year is 19th November 2021.

To determine eligibility for School Card please click on this link 

If you are experiencing financial difficulties we ask you contact the Business Manager via email dl.1053.finance@schools.sa.edu.au 

Imelda Jolly

Business Manager

House 3 Arbury Park Camp


A One Time Offer Only - we have some Boys, Grey School Trousers and Shorts for sale.

Trousers available in Sizes 16 & 12, limited stock and we are letting them go for a ridiculous $10.00 !!  Some trousers have a double thickness knee - WOW!

Also available are some boys, grey shorts in sizes 10 & 12 for only $7.00.

Get in quickly for these fantastic bargains!

Call into the school office and ask one of our friendly staff for assistance.


Limited menu available until further notice
  • Available via Qkr!
  • Limited Lunch menu 
  • Orders by 9.15
  • We thank you for your continued understanding and support.

Volunteers Wanted !!

Volunteers are important to our school community. Our canteen relies on help from volunteers to deliver a meal service to our pupils.

To enable us to provide a varied recess and lunch menu offer to our pupils we really do need your help.   

If you have a spare hour or more we would welcome your support.

Not registered with the school as a volunteer?  Volunteer application packs are available from the front office containing all the information you need to submit your registration as a volunteer...... WE NEED YOU

Canteen Roster

Please download and view the CANTEEN ROSTER, you will see there are many blank spaces on the roster, we would love you to select a time slot and become part of our team.

We would welcome and thank you for volunteering your time to help and ensure our children have access to varied interesting food and snacks offered from the canteen.





Helen Jefferson : 8322 3677

(9.30 am - 1.30 pm)

RECESS ROSTER APPROX TIME 10.00 am - 11.30 am

LUNCH ROSTER APPROX TIME 11.30 am - 1.30 pm


Secondhand Uniform Shop

The Second Hand Shop is Temporarily Closed

If you have any uniform items in good condition that are now surplus to your needs our volunteers would appreciate donations.  

Donations can be left at the administration office.  Thank you.

Opening hours :- House 1, through the carport - facing Forresters Rd

Wednesday morning 8.30-9.00

Wednesday afternoon 3.00-3.30




Spring Fair, Fete Activities, History Displays.  Join us to celebrate St Leonards Primary School's 100 years.  Saturday, 30th October 10:00 am - 4:00 pm at St Leondards Primary School, Jervois Street, Glenelg North.

KIDS TAEKWONDO CLASSES - Fitness, Resilience, Confidence, Discipline.

Enrolment Open Now:  Children start at age 5, Experienced & Qualified Instructors WWCC cleared, Classes starting now.

Enquiries email: info@worldtaekwondo.com.au or Phone: 0412 909 500

FOOTBALL STAR ACADEMY - Free Clinic Football Programs

All kids invited to join us at Warradale Primary School, 2-16 Keynes Ave, Warradale on Saturday, 23rd October.  9:00 am - 12:00 pm - ages 5-12 years.  Visit: sportstaracademy.com/football or Phone: 1300 372 300


Residents and local groups are invited to share photographs about their gardens for a chance to win one of three $100 gift vouchers, plus a $50 voucher for young gardeners.  

For more information visit: marion.sa.gov.au/garden-showcase 


Online psychological support for children with big feelings and life challenges.

We can help a child who:

 - worries and gets frustrated

 - has difficulties in making / managing friendships

 - has been through tough life situations

 - might have a mental or emotional health challenge or diagnosis

Learn more at www.calmkidcentral.com


Junior Blaster, Wednesday 20th October - 8th December 4:30 - 5:30 pm at Cove Sports and Community Club.  Visit playcricket.com.au


Come and Try Sessions - Under 9, 11 and Girls

Commencing Wednesday, 3rd November, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, every fortnight

Club Marion, 262 Sturt Road, Marion.  Players of any experience welcome.



Hallett Cove East Primary School:

  • Learning for tomorrow’s world
  • Working together
  • Valuing each other and our future

Our Mission is to ensure that our students are able to successfully interact and achieve within andbeyond their own community, now and in the future.

This may be evidenced by:

A Strong Sense of Identity
  • Students will be resilient and reflective, confident in their own opinions and provide leadership.
Creative Thinking
  • Students will be creative and critical thinkers who draw upon a range of strategies to deal with new situations or information.
Success in Interactions
  • Students will value diversity and successfully interact with others within and beyond their community in a collaborative manner.
Preparedness for the Future
  • Students will demonstrate initiative, enterprise and adaptability and will be able to successfully manage change within their own lives and as part of a global community.
Skill in Communication
  • Students will be able to successfully communicate in a range of settings within and beyond their own community.
Success in Learning
  • Students will develop and apply knowledge, competencies and skills, which enable them to be successful now and in the future.
Self-Directed Learners
  • Students will be able to initiate and implement their own learning plans. Based on constructivist theory, students will be supported in self-assessment procedures in order to reflect on and guide future learning.

The school Values identified by the school community are reflected in the everyday language atschool by staff, parents, students and community members. The Values are

  • Excellence
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

Our ongoing commitment to our Values is reflected in our Student and Staff Wellbeing programs including the Year 7 Student Leaders program, Buddy and assembly programs.

QKR APP (Quicker)

Qkr App (pronounced quicker) is Hallett Cove East Primary School and Out of School Hours/Vacation Care preferred form of payment. 

Please click for more details Qkr App

Download on the App Store or Get it on Google Play

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