St Bishoy- Imagine

October 2019

Principal's Message

With the warmer weather here, I am sure that you all agree that health and fitness is important.

A healthy body is the key to a healthy mind. It’s not easy being a student and for students, staying fit and healthy is important to meet the challenges at school.

A well-balanced diet from a young age lays the foundation for the future.

Some points to keep in mind when arranging meals for your child’s diet: 

Proper portion size: To avoid over-eating keep track of how much you are eating. Get a fix on the ideal portion size for vegetables as well as meat/chicken

Mix your meals: To ensure you do not miss out on anything mix your meals so you have something different every day / week

Eat breakfast: No matter how busy, you cannot compromise on a good breakfast. Begin your day with a good breakfast.

Drink water: Water is one of those things that just doesn’t make it to most priority lists. This can be costly. For students looking to study and concentrate for long hours, drinking enough water is important. Carry a bottle of water with you all the time.

Limit sugary drinks and junk food: Students eat out a lot which is not bad in itself, so long as they avoid junk food and sugary beverages. It is a matter of finding food that is tasty as also healthy.

At St Bishoy, we are committed to modelling this for our students. Our success will only be as good as the partnership with home.

Michael Atteya

Important Dates

Tuesday 15th Oct- Term 4 begins

Tuesday 5th Nov- Kindergarten Excursion

Monday 11th Nov- Year 5/6 Camp

Tuesday 12th Nov- Year 5/6 Camp

Tuesday 19th Nov- 2020 Kindergarten Orientation 1

Tuesday 26th Nov- 2020 Kindergarten Orientation 2

Thursday 28th Nov- Primary SBC's Got Talent

Wednesday 4th Dec- Last Day of Term 4


Athletics Carnival

Congratulations to all who participated in the Athletics Carnival. Ribbons were handed out and the age champions were given certificates. 

2020 SRC Speeches

Year 5 students presented their speeches to be voted for the 2020 SRC. Good luck to all students involved.

Jump Rope for Heart

Congratulations to all the students and teachers who participated in Jump Rope for Heart. Thank you to Miss N Hanna for organising everything for the cause.

Information Technology

Year 3 have been working on their typing skills using Microsoft Word. Students enjoyed the lesson and learnt a lot about the functions available in the program. 


Year 7 TAS students are learning about weaving and how it is done in the textile industry.