Willoughby Public School Newsletter

Term 2 - Week 10 Friday 5 July 2019

School Vision Statement

At Willoughby Public School we empower students to demonstrate creativity, collaboration, curiosity and persistence to become successful life-long learners. Students will be challenged in productive and innovative learning environments promoting inclusivity, resilience, respect and confidence.





Dear Parents and carers


Jump Rope for Heart

What a resounding success this event has been! Congratulations and a huge thank you to everyone who has donated to support the Jump Rope for Heart charity. I have enjoyed being out and about in the playground while the students have been practising their skipping skills. I’ve been very impressed with the trick skipping and the many students who wanted to show what they have learnt. The teachers have reported to me the positive impact this physical exercise has had on the motivation and learning in their classrooms. Well done everyone - the final amount raised will be advised next term.

Kindergarten 100 days

Congratulations to our WPS kindergarten students! You are well into the routine of “big school” and are progressing with you r learning. Thank you to our dynamic kindergarten teachers for the seamless assembly item. Well done! Thank you our very proud mums, dads and carers for attending our 100 day celebration.

Sydney North Dance Festival

Thank you WPS dance group – what a wonderful performance on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday evening. It was my pleasure to be in the audience and to watch our dance group shine. You can be very proud of yourselves! Thank you, Mrs Rist for training the group.  Thank you to the parent helpers for supporting the group across the week.

School Uniform survey!

I hope everyone took the opportunity to vote on your preferred option for the uniform change. I’m looking forward to seeing whether Option A or Option B won the vote. It will be great to add the shorts and long pant option for our girls.

Teacher Professional Learning

Throughout Term 2 our WPS teachers have attended a number of professional learning opportunities supporting our WPS strategic directions. Teachers are exploring visible learning and inquiry learning. We are getting ready for the future – exciting times ahead for Willoughby PS.

Before school safety

At Willoughby PS we have teachers rostered on duty from 8:35am. Students are reminded to walk into the school playground where the teachers are on duty and remain there. Only handball games are allowed in the playground before school.

Kindergarten 2020

We are currently seeking kindergarten enrolments for 2020. If you have eligible children or know of neighbours who have school age children please contact the school office for enrolment information. Our kindergarten transition meetings / school sessions are:

  • Monday 21 October evening meeting for parents.

  • Monday 28 October and Thursday 31 October – 9:30 – 11:00am

    Monday 4 November and Thursday 7 November – 9:30 – 11:00am

    Monday 11 November and Thursday 14 November – 9:30 – 11:00am

Our aim is to have our new kindergarten students to attend every session along with their parents. We will be presenting information about our school and the learning programs as well as providing opportunities for new friendships to begin prior to starting at Willoughby in 2020.

Bike and scooter safety

Students and parents are reminded to walk their bikes or scooters into the school playground. We have 1050 students and we need to keep everyone safe! “Watch out – little kids are about”! Stage 3 students have been setting a great example and understanding of the road rules learnt at the C.A.R.E.S bike safety program.

School Uniform choice survey

Thank you to our P&C uniform committee and P&C executive for putting together the choice to update in particular our girl uniform to comply with the Department of Education policy. I urge everyone to vote on the choices presented in the survey. We hope to begin the implementation at the start of 2020. The school uniform survey will be open in Week 9 24 June and close on 5 July.

Building Update

It is exciting to see the rapid development of our new building over the past 2 weeks. The electrical upgrade will occur during the July school holidays; therefore the power will be cut to both schools for the 2 week break.  Please be mindful that part of the school site is impacted by the build, especially lighting, we have installed temporary solar power sensor lighting in the Keary Street exits, and these lights are activated by movement. The safe exit option is via Oakville Road around the Year 6 demountables to the Rose Garden exit on Oakville Road.

Update contact details

It is extremely important to ensure we have your contact details up to date. Please notify the office if you have a new phone number, email address, or home address. I hope everyone has downloaded the skoolbag app to keep informed of school reminders.


Regular attendance at school is essential for children to achieve their educational best and increasing career and life options. I would like to remind you that the Education Act (1990) requires parents to ensure that children of compulsory school age attend school each day it is open for instruction. Class rolls are marked every morning and parents are required to sign their child/children in at the school office if they are late and out if they are leaving early. Thank you for your ongoing support with this issue.

Jennifer Simmonds




ICAS Assessments 2019

Our school, like many others in our area, has supported the University of New South Wales ICAS assessment program for many years. Like most schools, our school conducted the assessments before school. ICAS has switched to an online testing tool for 2019. Given the logistics involved in facilitating online testing for a large number of students before school within the set dates of one week during September, we have decided not to participate in ICAS this year.



This year, The WPS Athletics Carnival will be held over 2 days at Rotary Athletics Field, Lane Cove. One day for the track events and a second day for field events. The field day is optional, with classes at school continuing for students not participating. A separate permission note will be given for each day.



The Premier’s Spelling Bee was introduced in 2004 as a fun and educational way for primary school students to engage in spelling. The program includes activities to encourage all students to engage with spelling and to promote improved literacy in combination with the English K-6 Syllabus.


The official word lists for the 2019 Premier’s Spelling Bee, provided by Macquarie Dictionary, are now available.



Please note:

  • Junior (Yr 3-4) words begin at Level 1 and go to Level 5

  • Senior (Yr 5-6) words begin at Level  2 and go to Level 6


    The Spelling Bee School Final will take place in the Hall in Week 2, Term 3. Please note that it is a student only event. We are unable to accommodate a parent audience. The two winning students from each stage are then selected to represent WPS at the Regional competition.


Good luck to all our fabulous Willoughby spellers!



(Spelling Bee Co-ordinator)





On Wednesday 26 June, two teams represented Willoughby Public School at the Sydney Metro Cup netball competition. They competed in 5 games each throughout the day, against different schools from across Northern Sydney. The girls enjoyed the day displaying good sportsmanship and followed the values of the Willoughby Way. Overall, Team 2 came third in their pool and Team 1 came first in their pool and will progress to the Finals in August. A great effort from both teams and we are proud of their achievements!


At Willoughby Public School we have a number of students with a





Even a small trace of nut, peanut or nut/peanut product may trigger a severe allergic reaction called Anaphylaxis, which attacks the immune system leading potentially to death within minutes.


This reaction can happen by taste, touch and sometimes can be airborne. All of these students have access to an adrenaline injection in the form of an Epipen, which can save lives. Photo posters are displayed in the classrooms, canteen, staffroom, playground bags and sick bay for easy identification of these children.


Willoughby PS works with parents/carers to support students in developing an awareness of their allergies and what foods to avoid. Students are encouraged not to share food and to always check with a parent/adult/teacher if unsure at any time.




Please help us by not including peanut or any nut products in your child’s lunchbox. This includes peanut butter and Nutella.


Please avoid products with any nuts/peanuts listed as an ingredient.


Explain about nut/peanut allergy to your child and encourage the ‘no food sharing’ rule.


Please consider what you are sending for birthday treats to share with the class, checking there are no nut products included.


The school canteen does not serve products containing nuts.


It is only with the continued support of all parents and staff that we can effectively maintain a safe school environment for these children.


Thank you for your understanding. We know you will want to support the school and these children.




Wednesday 14 August                          P&C Meeting 7.00 pm in library

Saturday 24 August                               P&C Parents' Party - A Night in Vegas

Thursday 29 August                              Fathers' Day Stall

28 September                                         Bunnings BBQ

6 November                                            P&C AGM - 7.00 pm in library

29 November                                          Starry Night Movie Night



It’s been an action packed term 2, and we’ve got even more planned for Term 3!


Blues win on Blokes Night


Well done to all the organisers for a great Blokes Night at Willoughby Hotel on Saturday 23 June. Loads of our favourite dads attended and enjoyed a NSW Blues win!


We’re very appreciative of our sponsors for their donations to the auction and raffle:


Willoughby Roos for the donation of the NSW rugby league jersey

Glitz Car Detailing voucher

Claire & Darren Pereira’s Cognac donation

Athletes Foot voucher

Rebel Sports vouchers

And we’re always thankful to our volunteers for making it a great night out, particularly Meredith and Andrew Robson, Phil Skurrie, Mark Taylor, Amanda and Mark Ley,



Voting wraps up in our uniform survey


Have you seen the options for changes to WPS school uniform? The NSW Department of Education has introduced a new policy which states girls must have the option of wearing shorts or pants as part of their school uniform. Parents, teachers and the community have been able to vote in an online survey. Students have had the opportunity cast their vote, with a token, for either a short sleeved button up shirt to wear with the new girls shorts, or a blue polo shirt to replace all the button up shirts for both girls and boys. Votes are in and being counted. Stand by for the results!



Traffic Taskforce progress


Last Friday Gary Feder, Tonya and I met with a Willoughby Council representative to talk about traffic and pedestrian issues around WPS. We put forward some recommendations on making our roads and paths safer for the more than 2000 WPS and WGHS students getting to and from school. We await their response and are hopeful for some changes soon.


We’re looking at introducing a walking bus too! In the meantime keep your eye out for some safety suggestions and transport and parking tips which we will post on our Facebook page from time to time. www.facebook.com/willoughbypublicschool



A Night in Vegas 24 August 2019


Get your glam on and join us for a night of Vegas fun at Norths. Dance the night away, have a flutter on the tables and mix and mingle with other WPS parents. There’ll be food, drinks, a DJ and plenty of chances to go home a winner with our fundraising raffle and auctions.


Ticket sales are off to a roaring start! If you haven’t already got yours, use this link to buy them now! Https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=493389&bof=1


Are you able to help out with a donations towards our auction on the night? Business services, vouchers, artworks, hampers… anything really would be appreciated. Please get in touch with our events team on events@wpspandc.com.au, we’d love to hear from you.



The Concourse Performing Arts Subsidy


Congratulations to Meredith Robson from the WPS Band committee for successfully applying for a $5000 grant to help offset costs for the Band Spectacular at the end of the year. The money will go towards hiring The Concourse for the fabulous performance by our budding musicians. A big thank you to Willoughby Council for this opportunity.



Keep up to date with the progress on our new building!


There will be a lot of work being done on the build over the school holidays, so expect to see some changes when school returns. For a window into the future click here


to see an artist render of the finished product.



School holiday ideas


If you’re looking for some school holiday options for your children, have a look on our website www.wpspandc.com.au/communityadvertising/school-holiday-ideas/ for some fun day camps and activities to try.


We hope you all have a safe and happy break. We’ll see you back at school for Term 3 beginning Tuesday 23 July


Jenni Brown and Tanya Taylor

WPS P&C Co-Presidents





The 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Memberships are now available, with exclusive offers for everything you love to do. It’s our best Membership yet, packed with amazing offers for activities, attractions, shopping, travel and all kinds of tasty treats - from cool cafes to fabulous fine dining.  Support Willoughby Public School by clicking here https://www.entbook.com.au/205e319 to buy yours!  20% of funds raised through Entertainment go back to WPS P&C. 



Winter holiday starts Saturday 6 July to Sunday 21 July 2019.


TERM 3                  Monday 22 July School Development Day (no students)

                               Students commence Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September

Spring holiday starts Saturday 28 September to Sunday 13 October 2019.


TERM 4                  Monday 14 October Students and Staff commence Term 4 together

                               Students finish Wednesday 18 December 2019

                               Thursday 19 December and Friday 20 December 2018,

                               School Development Days (no students)

Summer holiday starts Saturday 21 December 2018 to Monday 27 January 2020.



The school has five school development days per year and we ask parents/carers to make alternative arrangements for their children. These days are invaluable for whole school planning and Professional Learning and they usually occur on the first day of Terms 1, 2 and 3 and on the last two days in Term 4.

Parent Guide to NSW Syllabuses


How to install the SkoolBag App




Class Map 2019 Willoughby PS


