Term 4 2019 | Week 3

Welcome to our E-Newsletter

Research shows that 80% of Newsletters are now read online so we would like to make accessing our Newsletter easier and kinder to the environment. Our new e-newsletter can be read on any device and can be translated into over 100 different languages - simply scroll to the bottom of the newsletter. We would welcome your feedback.

News from the Principal

Welcome to week 3’s newsletter.

During the past 6 weeks there have been a number of employment panels for leadership positions run throughout the school. I would like to thank all panel members for their hard work and commitment in ensuring Long Street is well served by the winning applicants. I am pleased to announce that Mrs Jodie Turpin was successful in winning the Senior Leader Literacy position for 4 years. Mrs Turpin has been influential as a leader for the past 2 years and I look forward to the work she will continue to provide our staff, students and families. Mrs Rebecca O’Neil was successful in winning the Wellbeing Leader for the next 3 years. Mrs O’Neil has been at Long Street for over 5 years and has undertaken many important roles within our school. I look forward to the work she too will provide for the staff, students and families. There was one other panel that sat for a Senior Leader Numeracy position for 4 years. There was no applicant appointed at this time. This panel will resit before the end of the school year. This position will be offered for a 1 year contract.

This time of year is extremely busy with many significant events to look forward too. Our annual Christmas and music festival is always a highlight. This year promises to be nothing short of awesome. Awards night, is also an amazing ceremony where students receive recognition for their efforts. Year 7 aquatics to Port Augusta is a highly rewarding program we have been participating in for over 20 years.

Bryan Rotherham,


Student Wellbeing Leader News

A big welcome back to Term 4! Our shortest and busiest term by far!

We have a lot of exciting events to look forward to this term including our first Colour Run, Christmas Concert, Awards Night and transition days for Reception and our year 7’s. Please keep an eye out for all newsletters, bulletins and notes that are sent home so you don’t miss out on any important information. 

 This year you would have all received quite a few attendance letters from me. Mostly just to keep you informed about your child’s attendance rate. Long Street is committed to communicating and working with families to improve student attendance, and by extension, learning and social/emotional outcomes.  If you would like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to contact me and we can set up a meeting time.

The Department for Education insists that students attend school regularly and on time unless they are unwell, or family circumstances have been discussed with the school. A note, phone call or text message from home should be made to the school to provide an appropriate reason for non-attendance each day the student is absent. The school phone number is 8645 8303 or 0499 444 438. Thank you for your support in this.

 Warm Regards,


Senior Leader News

Welcome back to Term 4.  It has been a busy start to the term for our Year 6/7 students with both classes having been on camp.  On the whole both classes represented our school well and had a great time.  The students visited places such as the Maritime Museum, Adelaide Zoo, AFL Max, Melba’s Chocolate Factory and the Big Rocking Horse.  Thank you to the staff who attended these camps and to the students for their participation in all activities.

Teachers are back into the swing of writing your children's end of year reports.  This is an ongoing process that will take pretty much the whole term. 

We have a Student Free Day on November 11 where our teachers will be working with Nelson Literacy on Reading Assessments and our SSO staff will be working with Anya Beck (site Speech Pathologist) and Lyn Mackenzie (site Special Educator) on Speech Programs and the Traffic Light program.

Jodie Turpin

Diary Dates


Monday 4th November                                     Colour Fun Run

Monday 11th November                                   Student Free Day

Friday 22nd November                                      White Ribbon Day

Tuesday 3rd December                                     Awards Night

Thursday 5th December                                   Christmas Concert

                                                                                                       Monday 9th December                                     High School Transition

                                                                                                                                                                                     Reception Transition

                                                                                                      Tuesday 10th December                                    Year 7 Graduation

                                                                                                      Thursday 12th December                                  Year 7 Aquatics

                                                                                                      Friday 13th December                                      Last day of Term 2.10pm finish

please note: Some dates may be subject to change

Getting to know......

Miss Hunt

How long have you been teaching?

This is my first year.

What is your favourite subject to teach?


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Greece. Because it is beautiful.

If you could be any other occupation what would you be and why?

A performer, because I am a great singer and dancer.

What's Happening in ........


In Indonesian we have been looking at body parts.  Students have had opportunities to also use the Indonesian words to enjoy various games.  Head (kepala) shoulders (pundak) knees (lutut) and toes (kaki) is one of the favourites to play.  In these pictures students were choosing various words to write down on the white boards as part of ‘look cover write check’ activity using visual prompts. 

 In room 3 as well as re visiting body parts, students have been revising their numbers.  They have been adding more language by asking number questions and responding with their answers in complete Indonesian sentences.  Students have started writing their own Indonesian number stories using the new language to make their sentences.  At first some of the students were quite apprehensive as writing a story completely in Indonesian sounded scary.  But just like English language, once they had the pattern it is quite easy!  Keep a look out for assembly in week 6 when we will be sharing some of the stories that they have written. 

 Bu Yates

Indonesian Teacher


What's Happening in ........


In the first half of this year students in year 3/4 connected to country with a unit on the first Australians before colonisation. Students were exposed to the art, food, culture and myth of Indigenous Australians across the continent. The 4/5 cohort centred their learning on explorers during the Age of Enlightenment. Students built models of the Chinese ships used by explorers and mapped out the course of people like Flinders and Boudin. Year 5/6/7 students looked into our countries federation origins. Students researched early colonial life and empathised with those from the penal colony through to the indigenous Australians that were displaced at this time.

 This semester in HASS students have been looking both nationally and internationally. In years 3/4/5, students have been studying the continent of Africa. We looked at the similarities and differences between our two continents and to finish off students chose to research an African animal to create a Zoo enclosure for.

 In years 5/6/7, students have been working closer to home looking at the migration history of Australia. Students then created informative posters on an issue that arose from migration.

 Asian studies in rooms 10, 11, 12, and 13 have seen students travel through a wide range of Asian countries. These included China, Japan, Mongolia, and India. Students have been exposed to different languages, myths and cultures while studying the history of these different cultures. It has also been instrumental in challenging the idea of “Who is Asian”.

 Cassie Tregenza

HASS Teacher


Around our School

Community Informaton


Our fabulous STEM Café, managed by the wonderful Sandra, is a Governing Council run service funded entirely by sales made by our school community, so it relies solely on your support.

We would like to encourage all families to continue to use the STEM Café for all your yummy lunch and recess needs.

Have you tried our delicious slushies yet? Our current flavours are Raspberry and Tropical. They are only $2 and are perfect for this hot weather.

Keep an eye out for the QKR app which will be launched next year and will make ordering and paying for your canteen orders a breeze.

Missing Scooter

A black MDC scooter with rainbow wheels and a rainbow clamp has gone missing from the school. If anybody has any information as to the whereabouts of it, please contact the office. Thank you.


We are excited to announce that we are now a collection point for Lids4Kids, an organisation that collects plastic bottle lids to be recycled and turned into 3D plastic prosthetic arms for kids. More information will roll out over the coming days about what kinds of lids can be recycled. We do ask that they be washed and dried before dropping them into the Long Street front office. Thank you for your participation in this very worthwhile cause.