As mentioned above our student leaders are busy fundraising for the Lions Cancer Institute. All the monies they raise this term will go towards sending some sick and hospitalised children to a fun day out. The leaders are aiming to try and raise $300. Given our small community this could be a difficult task. They have been working hard to identify some fundraising events that can reach out to our whole community and not just focus on asking our small school community. So far their ideas have included:
- Faction Carnival – Morning Tea
- Movie and PJ day – coming later in the term
- Easter Raffle
Easter Raffle – for the Easter raffle we are asking for a small donation of an egg or mini eggs that can be compiled together to create a first, second and third prize to be raffled off. If families could please send their donations in to the school, then we can start compiling the prizes together. Raffle tickets will be sent home with each family but also distributed amongst the community at local businesses. We will draw the raffle in the last week of school allowing plenty of time for prizes to be delivered to the winners.
The student leaders and I would like to thank you in advance for your support.