Salmon Gums Primary

Newsletter Term 1 Week 6

Principal’s Report

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Please remember to keep up to date with the correspondence being sent out by the school. Check your email, the website and the Skoolbag app regularly.

Faction Carnival

The faction carnival is only a couple of sleeps away. It is always a fun day to look forward to with the two factions partaking in some healthy competition against each other. Who will win the faction shield this year, will it be Kumarl or Red Lake. Whatever the outcome I can guarantee a fantastic day filled with fun events, laughs, and delicious food.

2019 Faction Carnival – Friday 15th March

All students are encouraged to represent their factions wearing appropriate clothes of their choice, in faction colours, for the carnival day. When competing, shoes must be worn at all times so sneakers, runners, etc are required. All students are required to bring a drink bottle on the day to ensure they remain hydrated.

As always we will find the time to slip in some parent and staff events to ensure we all have to opportunity to participate. It is often some of the highlighted moments of the day. All parents are encouraged to come prepared.

Morning Tea and Lunch will be available for purchase throughout the day. The student leaders are organising a morning tea fundraiser for a gold coin donation per plate. All families are asked to bring a plate of food in that could be used in the fundraiser. All monies raised will go towards supporting the Lions Cancer Institute. The leaders have also organised a “Guess how many snakes”, competition, with the person with the closest guess taking home the jar of lollies. Each guess will cost $1 so bring along your change and have a go. P&C will be running a sausage sizzle for lunch with water and juice available for purchase as well.

Student Leader Fundraisers

As mentioned above our student leaders are busy fundraising for the Lions Cancer Institute. All the monies they raise this term will go towards sending some sick and hospitalised children to a fun day out. The leaders are aiming to try and raise $300. Given our small community this could be a difficult task. They have been working hard to identify some fundraising events that can reach out to our whole community and not just focus on asking our small school community. So far their ideas have included:

  • Faction Carnival – Morning Tea
  • Movie and PJ day – coming later in the term
  • Easter Raffle

Easter Raffle – for the Easter raffle we are asking for a small donation of an egg or mini eggs that can be compiled together to create a first, second and third prize to be raffled off. If families could please send their donations in to the school, then we can start compiling the prizes together. Raffle tickets will be sent home with each family but also distributed amongst the community at local businesses. We will draw the raffle in the last week of school allowing plenty of time for prizes to be delivered to the winners.

    The student leaders and I would like to thank you in advance for your support.

      Triple P Workshops

      Triple P workshops for all parents will be held in the last three weeks of school. The workshop is aimed at parents with younger children; however, all parents are welcomed along. The dates of the workshop include:

      • Thursday 28th March @ 10:00am

      • Thursday 4th April @ 10:00am

        Thursday 11th April @10:00am

      The workshops will be held at the Grass Patch Hall.

      Triple P’s Power of Positive Parenting seminar can help you understand why kids act the way they do, and how your reactions and words can make a big difference. This 90-minute seminar is free for all WA parents and carers, and is packed with ideas to help you give your kids the best start in life, and get more enjoyment out of being a parent.

      Triple P’s Power of Positive Parenting seminar can help you:

      • raise happy, confident kids
      • encourage positive behaviour
      • set rules and routines that everyone follows
      • get on well with your kids and argue less
      • balance work and family with less stress

      Triple P Parenting Workshop


      March 28, 2019 10:00 AM to March 28, 2019 11:30 AM


      Grass Patch WA, Australia

      More information

      Please register your interest with the school office.

      Student Leader Report

      Hello everyone,

      Hi we’re back again and we are all very excited for our Sports Carnival coming up at the end of this week, we have been practicing really hard. We are preparing for a fun Baking Day and the food made will go to the morning tea at the Sports Carnival.

      This year we have started a program called Champion Life. It is designed to make us healthier, happier and fitter. Whilst doing the program the Senior room and Junior room are having a bit of a fun competition, to see who does the most activities.

      This year the senior class are focusing on comics for Writing, we have just started our own Comic Strips and each of us have made a unique, interesting superhero for it. The Junior room have also been doing some exciting maths and they have made themselves out of drawing and colouring in. Everyone is very excited for being a year older.

      By Chloe and Freya

      Student Bio

      Student Bio - Chloe Magagnotti

      Each newsletter we hope to feature a student bio.  We hope you enjoy getting to know our students a little better. 

      Tribes Ambassadors

      Congratulations to the following students who received the most faction tokens last week.

      Vanessa Carbone

      Charlotte Doney



      Book Fair - Catch the Reading Wave!

      A very successful Book Fair has been held this week, with students taking home some fabulous new books to get stuck into.

      From the Library

      Tales for Tails - Why reading to your pet can build children's confidence

      Reading dogs are nothing new - children sign up to read stories to therapy dogs in the safe, comfortable setting of a library across the world. These programs have been around for years, and come with a variety of fun names, designed to create interest. Studies show it could be a great way to help reluctant readers gain confidence and enjoyment in reading. 

      Why Do It?

      In 2010, the University Of California - Davis completed a study on reading dog programs, which found that readers who participated in a 10-week schedule of reading to dogs increased their confidence and reading skills, as compared to children who did not participate. (Why? Practice makes perfect, and dogs - while lowering blood pressure and cortisol levels, which cause stress - don't judge!)

      Anecdotal evidence supports this claim, with stories of children who didn’t enjoy reading becoming excited to read to their canine friends. By hosting programs that cater to reluctant readers, libraries also reach a population that otherwise would be incredibly resistant to visiting the library, and introduce them to the joys of lifelong learning, and the wealth of things the library has to offer.

      So, grab a book, your furry friend, and share a tale (or is that tail?).

      From the Community Health Nurse

      Upcoming Events

      Athletics Carnival


      March 15, 2019 8:50 AM to March 15, 2019 2:30 PM


      Salmon Gums WA, Australia

      More information

      Families are encouraged participate, to cheer on their team, and help facilitate the athletics carnival for 2019. 

      P&C Meeting


      March 27, 2019 9:30 AM to March 27, 2019 11:00 AM


      Salmon Gums WA, Australia

      School Council Meeting


      March 28, 2019 3:15 PM to March 28, 2019 5:00 PM


      Salmon Gums WA, Australia

      More information

      An agenda will be sent out prior to the meeting.



      March 29, 2019 2:00 PM to March 29, 2019 2:30 PM


      Salmon Gums WA, Australia

      More information

      Join the students as they bring to you a snapshot of what they have been working on so far.

      Interschool Carnival


      April 5, 2019 8:00 AM to April 5, 2019 2:30 PM


      Esperance WA, Australia

      More information

      Esperance Christian Primary will be hosting the Interschool Carnival this year, with the carnival to be held on Friday, 5 April. 

      ANZAC Ceremony


      April 11, 2019 10:30 AM to April 11, 2019 11:30 AM


      Salmon Gums WA, Australia

      More information

      More information to follow.