Issue 4 Thursday 31 March 2022


Some Important Dates in Term 1

GC Pie Drive Due Date For OrdersFriday 1 April
Parent InterviewsMonday 4 April, Tuesday 5 April & Wednesday 6 April
Pie Drive Order Collection DayWednesday 13 April
GC Colour Run FundraiserThursday 14 April
Early Dismissal at 2:10pm for last day of TermThursday 14 April

From the Principal


Monday 4th April – 3.45pm - 5.30pm

Tuesday 5th April – 3.45pm - 7.15pm

Wednesday 6th April – 3.45pm - 5.30pm

Please make sure you have made a booking to talk to your children’s teachers about their learning progress.

Website for bookings:

Event code: bn2wy

We were initially offering both in-person and phone interviews. However, to keep all members of our community safe, we have decided to change all interviews to phone call only. In view of the increasing number of daily COVID cases within the wider community, we made this decision at our Staff Meeting on Tuesday.

If you booked an in-person interview, your interview time will remain the same. You should have received an email notifying you of the change. The phone number you will be called on is the number you provided when making your booking.  All our teachers are looking forward to being able to discuss your child's progress with you.


With the easing of restrictions, there are some slight changes to how we operate.

Things that have NOT changed:

· Wear masks

· Maintain 1.5m distance

· Drop-off and pick-up children at the gate

· Keep children home, if unwell

ð Get a PCR test, if exhibiting any symptoms, even very mild ones

· Encourage your child(ren) to wear masks (if in Years 3-6)

Things that have changed:

If you or a member of your household tests positive for COVID, your child now only needs to be in quarantine for 7 days. (Previously this was 14 days, if you could not quarantine separately.)

Consult the SA Health website for more details:

NOTE: If your child tests positive for COVID, please notify the Front Office, as soon as you can. If your child is a community contact or a household contact, please also notify us ASAP.


Every fortnight, we publish our newsletter and it is always lovely to see the photos of our students: receiving awards, doing their learning, engaged with extra-curricular activities. Unfortunately, you will notice that some of the children’s photos have their faces obscured. These are the children for whom we have not yet received photo permissions. If this applies to your child/ren, can you please ensure that you return your permissions form as soon as you possibly can? This form was sent out to all families via Skoolbag and included at least 10 different ‘permissions’, including:

· Photo permissions

· Access to our PCW (Nettie)

· Permission to go on short local walking excursions.

Your support in addressing this as soon as you possibly can is greatly appreciated.


Don’t forget to try and do some fundraising for our school by getting sponsorship for the Colour Run!

The Colour Run will take place on the last day of this term and all children can participate, regardless of whether they have been able to raise any funds. After lunch, every class will have a turn doing the colour run and obstacle course on the oval.

Children should wear a white T-shirt. Parents should bring towels for the journey home!

Gail Holland



Remain in your car and move off after your child has left or entered the car.  These are very busy times of the day and we ask for your cooperation so that our students and the school community  can safely come and go from school each day.  Please remember to drive slowly and with caution and help to keep all of our students safe.





Assembly Awards

Week 8 Class Awards

Week 9 Class Awards

School Procedures - Reminders

School Supervision - Yard Duty:

Yard Duty begins at 8.30am each morning.  Please ensure children arrive after this time. Staff will be on duty until 3.30pm each afternoon. Please arrange to collect your children at 3:10pm each afternoon and contact the school if you are going to be late. 

If you are having difficulty with these times consider using the Before/After School Care, Happy Haven,  who are operating from Nuriootpa Primary School. Phone 81555444 to book or for more information.

Late arrivals and early departures:

If your child is late to school (ie: arrives after 8.50am), they will need to sign-in at the Front Office and take a yellow 'Late Arrival' card to their class teacher.  If you pick them up early for an appointment, you will need to sign-out your child at the Front Office and take a pink 'Early Departure' card to the class teacher.

Please make sure you have given a reason to office staff before taking a card as all late arrivals and early departures are entered at the Front Office.

Student Exemptions:

If you are going on a family holiday during school time please inform your child’s class teacher and complete an Exemption Form at the Front Office.  All family holidays must be approved by the Principal and  applications should be forwarded to school at least 2 weeks before you travel.

Front Office Hours:

8:30am - 4:00pm (open term time only)

Staff in the Front Office:

*Monday  -         Gail 

Tuesday  -         Liz (am) & Gail 

Wednesday  -   Mari & Gail

*Thursday  -        Mari

*Friday  -             Mari

Uniform Purchasing:

Uniforms can be purchased on Monday - Wednesday and not outside of these times. EFT and credit card preferred method of payment.  

Materials & Services Fees 2022:

Fees are now due.  Please pay via EFT.

Consent & Permissions Form (on the skoolbag app only) & Student Update Form: 

There are still some families who have not yet returned these forms.

It is very important that the school has current information for students and contact information for parents, etc.  Please return the Student Update Form even if you do not have any changes to report.

If you are having difficulty with the skoolbag eform please contact Mari in the Front Office for assistance.

Year 3/4 Class Report

Week 9, Term 1.

We have been very busy so far in the year 3/4 class this term!

We have been working on getting to know characters in stories and learning how authors develop characters' personalities, using particular language to describe their traits and behavior. The students created wonderful illustrations showing their understanding of the message the author was trying to convey in different events through the story “Mad Magpie” by Gregg Driese.

During Numeracy, we have been focusing on developing our number knowledge, composing (building) and decomposing (breaking apart) numbers. The students have used lots of MAB’s to explore and build numbers and think about the importance of the place value of digits in numbers.

During Science with Mrs Ellis, the students have been exploring the properties of materials used in manufacturing. They worked in groups to create a new shoe, which was lost in a Mr. Bean video! They look great!

Mrs Thomas

Let's See What's Happening in the Year 3/4 Class

Student Health - reminder

It is recommended that healthcare plans and medication agreement forms be reviewed every 12 months.

This year we are asking you to update your child's healthcare plan & medication at the beginning of the school year so that your child is covered for the whole year.

Updating plans & medication at the beginning of each year  will be more convenient for parents, will ensure that your child is supported appropriately for their medical condition and will reduce administration time for staff.

Asthma Care, Allergic Reaction plans and a Medication Agreement form is available on the Skoolbag App for parents to access and take to your doctor or you can ask at the Front Office.    

Nettie's Natter

Newsletter March 31st

Hi from sunny, though chilly, Robe,

Why am I in Robe, you may be asking. Well, Richi and I are spending time with our son, his wife, her beautiful parents and our grandson. Covid has kept our daughter in law's parents from coming to Australia for two years and this is extra special because they met their grandson for the first time. So, we are having ‘quality’ time together.

Two things are so important in our lives. Family and spending time with them. The world certainly is a different place from when I was a kid and life seemed less hectic and frantic. Now everyone seems to be in a hurry, working, racing everywhere, trying to get a dozen things done in five minutes! There are more health issues, more stress, more chaos. So, sometimes we forget about the most important things, like family!

Taking time out to listen to our children. Listen to them read. Listen to their problems. Listen to their dreams and hopes. Taking time to be with our parents. Listen to their problems. Listen to their dreams and hopes. Sharing memories, making memories, being together.

Time is precious and time is short. What time we have, we need to use wisely and generously with those we love and those who need us.

Of course, there may be distance between some of our family. Distance physically and maybe even emotionally but we can still remember them, communicate with them, share some quality time thinking about them.

This opportunity that Richi and I have this week is precious and we are going to enjoy every minute of it together as family.

So, until our next natter, take care, take time, enjoy your family.


Nettie J

Greenock Primary School Calendar Term 1, 2022

Parent Noticeboard