Broken Hill North Public School

Newsletter No. 23 - 8 August 2022

What's On

What’s on?                                  

Week 4

Mon 8 Aug                Puberty Blues session – Stage 3

                                    NO Staff meeting

Tue 9 Aug                 Body Wise session – 3-4 S

Wed 10 Aug              Variety Bash Breakfast

                                    Review meetings for K-6 W

Thur 11 Aug               Police visit re Cyber issues – Stage 3

                                    Live Life Well session – 3-4 S

Fri 12 Aug                  Assembly at 9am hosted by 3-4 K

                                    Review meetings for Early Intervention


Week 5

Mon 15 Aug               Staff meeting – CPR & Anaphylaxis training

Tue 16 Aug                Review meetings for K-6 D & K-6 R

                                    P&C Meeting at 6.30pm in Community Centre

Thur 18 Aug              Police visit re Cyber issues – Stage 3

                                    Live Life Well session – Stage 2

Fri 19 Aug                  Assembly at 9am hosted by 5-6 VW

                                    Review meetings for 3-6 L

Principal's Report

Wow! What a week – it was so great to see our kids representing our school at the Choral Festival and Athletics Carnival. It was nice to be reminded what our job is all about – so proud to be in blue and white! Add to that the large number of students who had a crack at the Spelling Bee on Thursday. My thanks and gratitude to all who supported the week. You are gems!

Really important that enrolment for our 2023 Kindergarten students gets sorted sooner than later so we can prepare our transition plans for next term. Let’s not leave this to the last minute. If you have siblings already at school this should be the easiest thing you do this week. Come in and grab the forms and get the ball rolling. Should you need assistance with the paperwork we’re more than willing to help out. 

Broken Hill Athletics Carnival

Spelling Bee

School Assemblies

Whilst I appreciate families may still be wary about coming into the school, we’d like to welcome parents of the classes hosting Friday’s assemblies to come along and share in the experience. Also, parents of students being acknowledged for achieving a level are more than welcome as well. Unfortunately, we are not able to re-introduce our morning tea gatherings after the assembly as yet. Fingers crossed that may be on the cards sooner than later. It was great to see a few more faces at last week’s assembly. This week is 3/4K’s turn to host.


Variety Bash Breakfast

The big event has landed - Wednesday 10 August from 6am we will be serving breakfast to 220-250 bashers before they head off on their next leg to Bourke. Kathy Yates will be our chief organiser and has already been busy seeking donations and asking for assistance. The morning culminates with a performance for our kids by Super Hubert at 9am in the hall.



Each week I will endeavour to propose aspects of mindsets and challenge you to take it into consideration in your role as parents / carers. 

Fixed Mindset

Blame myself or, to protect my ego blame someone else

Change to

Growth Mindset

There is no blame – I just want to know how to do it better next time.

Which mindset is most likely to result in learning?  Change the words, change the mindset!

                                                                                        Attendance Snapshot  

                                                                                              Term 3 Week 3

                                                                                           Target 91% - 76.9%

K FK MK-6 DK-6 RK-6 W1 H1-2 H


2 B3-4 K3-4 S3-6 L4-5 M5-6 G5-6 W

Ouch! - still a long to go  – Make very day count!

Classes of The Week

Raise Responsibility Class Points ( > 90% ) – K F, K M, 1 H, 1-2 H, 2 B, 3-4 K, 3-4 S, 5-6 VW, K-6 R, K-6 D, K-6 W & 3-6 L


100% Green students – K M, 1-2 H, 2 B, 5-6 VW, K-6 D, K- 6 R & K-6 W

Attendance – K-6 D


100% attendees – 127 students attended every day for this week.

Levels Awards

The following students achieved Silver Level and will be presented with their certificate at this Friday’s school assembly. Congratulations and thanks for setting the example at our school.


Elisha Bishop

K-6 RJai Colmer

K-6 WLilly-Mai Edge
3-4 SCarter Norris
3-6 L

Henry Linnett

4-5 MBodhi Roser, Evie Durrant, Kaeden Bugmy-Judd

The following students achieved Bronze Level and will be presented with their certificate at this Friday’s school assembly.
1 HCleo Parker
K-6 DPhoenix Parker
3-4 STheresa Johnson


This weeks Legend is Lacey Ticehurst from 5-6 VW.  Lacey is an incredible role model to her peers in the classroom and playground. She is a friendly, helpful, supportive, motivating student who makes each day brighter with her smile and positive energy. You are a legend!!!


This weeks Superstar is Lilly-Mai Edge from K-6 W. Lilly-Mai for being an enthusiastic and engaged learner who always brightens everyone's day.


Class Awards
K M Shakaila Etrich Graham
K-6 RLevi Chapman-Brady
1 HAubrey Merritt-Ridge, Ayrton Bryant, Ashton Bugeja 
1-2 HPaigen Arnold, Ace Reid, Adrianna Holm, Ashton Reardon, Grace Cooper
2 BLucy Aeschlimann, Pheonix Meadows
3-4 KChris Kerwin, Kayden Bugeja, Nahla Everuss

How will you make today count?

Term 3 Planner

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Broken Hill North Public School

Our school prides itself on providing all students with a broad education and the ability to achieve.