TOKSAVE - Term 4 Week 6, 2022

Lihir International School and School to Mine Campus

Principal: Mr Gregory Neville

Deputy Principal LIS: Ms Catherine Langusch

Deputy Principal STM: Mr Kevin Collins

From the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

Rugby League Clinics and Gala Day

As part of the school's comprehensive extra-curricular program, Friday 11th, Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th November, we are having a guest coach, former NLR player Marcus Bai, come to the school to hold Rugby League clinics for students from Prep to Year 9. Marcus Bai will coach the Rugby League students on the Friday with all classes having a session on either the following Monday or Tuesday. Students from the high school and upper primary will have the opportunity to participate in a Gala Day with other schools from around the island. The Gala Day will be held on Saturday, the 12th November. 

Further information on the school's comprehensive sport and extracurricular program for 2023 will be shared with parents in coming weeks.

Golden Orchid Ball

A big thanks to the P&W and the Ball sub-committee for the many hours that went into preparing for a very successful 2022 Golden Orchid Ball. The night was full of colour with great food, music and fun had by all. Thanks to Mr McKeiver for his auctioneer skills! Thanks also to all the parents and community who came along to enjoy the night and support our Parents and Wantoks Committee.

2023 Classes

I am currently organising classes for the 2023 school year. If you know your child / children will not be attending Lihir International School in 2023, and you have not yet informed me, please let me know as soon as possible, so that year level numbers and class organisation can be finalised. 2023 classes will be announced in week 9.

Awards Night

In the last week of this term, on Wednesday the 30th of November, the school will host its Awards Night. The evening will consist of various awards for each class and feature class concert items. Further information regarding the Awards Night will be disseminated in coming weeks.

Library Books Return

There will be no more library book borrowing from the beginning of Week 8. Students are requested to return all borrowed books to the library.

Mrs Daimol needs to audit all resources and have them on the shelves ready for borrowing next year.

School Resources Return

During the course of the year, some students have borrowed resources, such as dictionaries and calculators, to use at home for their homework activities.

These must now be returned to the school for student use next year.

We also request that all home readers to be returned to classrooms by the end of Week 8.

Please make an appointment to see the principal if you have any concerns or queries.


Mr Greg Neville

The school's web address has changed. You will find the school's website at

Thank you to Ms Dovaston and the Prep class on their assembly about texts!

Term 4 Parent Calendar


LIS Golden Orchid Ball Committee

What 'A Night in the Pacific'! Rain & shine the night went ahead!

On behalf of the LIS Golden Orchid Ball Committee 2022, Emma Grubb, Kate Daniels, Neomi Sawicki, Joanna Ling and myself we would like to thank everyone who attended the Ball & Art show on Saturday night. It was a night of pacific and dancing tunes (thanks Insomnia & Henry & Ronnie’s Pacifica band), dinner and prizes.

We have to thank so many people especially first up the ball committee who put in so much energy and effort to create an event such as this, all of our sponsors and businesses who purchased sponsored tables, Mark & Metchel O’Keefe and the joinery team, NCS, Lorna, our LIS kids putting so much effort into their class art pieces and all who assisted us to ensure our night was a success.

I’m sorry if I haven’t mentioned everyone. We couldn’t have done it without you! Special mention has to go to Louisa Likia who painted the most beautiful backdrops for one of our photo booths. It was wonderful to see such a great turn out, everyone in their amazing attire and our beautiful Lihir community come together again!

Kind Regards

Annie McKeiver

Term 4 Week 5 Principal Award Winners

Key dates and weekly events

Wednesday: Homework class - year 5/6 from 3.10-4.00pm with Ms Langusch

Thursday: STEM Club - year 4/5/6 from 3.10-4.00 with Ms Langusch

Saturday Morning Tee-ball Fun!

2022 Term Dates for Students

Term 1: 31st  January – 31st March 

Term 2: 19th April – 16th June 

Term 3: 11th July – 15th September 

Term 4: 3rd October – 1st December 

From the Deputy Principal (LIS)

Student-led Conferences

Thank you to the parents who attended the very valuable Student-led Conferences on Wednesday afternoon and evening. From all reports, students had a wonderful time sharing their learning with their parents. 

PAT Testing

PAT testing will continue over the next week as students complete their tests in English and Mathematics.

A reminder to parents that these tests are conducted in many schools in Australia as well as international schools and are used to track both individual student and year level learning progress. These tests are not used for student reporting but give teachers evidenced-based data about a student’s learning at a given point of time.

Staff analyse data from these tests in order to identify future learning needs.

These tests are facilitated through the ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or your child’s teacher.

Kind regards,

Ms Cathy Langusch 

Year 5/6 NCS MESS Excursion

From the Deputy Principal (STM)

We are in the process of shortlisting Work Ready Program Candidates for the next program which will commence next January. In the coming weeks, we will interview those shortlisted and make final selections so trainees can be onboarded and ready for the next program which will take place at the end of January 2023.

We wish our Bachelor Primary Teacher Upgrade teachers, who are currently completing their final assessments, all the best. We are also in consultation with DWU to prepare for next years BEd Upgrade Program and also the Master of Educational Leadership Program.

Our FODE students and Elementary Teachers from across Lihir continue to work on their distance education with the support of our STMC Staff.

Please note the Kisim Save Library is open for use by all Newcrest Employees and Townsite Residents. Please email to book a time to come. 


Mr Kevin Collins

VIP Champion!

SRC Frostie Friday! Thank you to the Student Council for organising our ice-cream Friday. Great way to end the week!

Rugby League Gala Day