Old Bar Public School Newsletter

Term 2 Week 8 2020

Principal's Report

Congratulations and gratitude to the parents who have accepted executive positions on the Old Bar School P&C. Michelle Cherry is our new President with Larissa Cross in the Assistant President role. Stacy Gow has accepted the position of Secretary with Faith Wright assisting in the role of Correspondence Secretary. The new Treasurer is Kerry Turner and Assistant Treasurer, Janelle Bidner. Natalie Cavanagh and Lauren Stevenson will head up the fundraising committee. Thank You! This is such a wonderful way to support your children and our school. Meetings are held just twice each term and are the perfect forum to hear about what’s happening in your school and how you can be involved directly with decisions being made about your child’s education. Parents involved in the P&C are a welcoming, fun bunch! We are happy for you to bring your children if childcare is an issue. Meetings are always finished by 9pm. Our meetings are held in the library so we can fit in lots more parents! 

While circumstances have prevented us from forward planning, we are hopeful that further easing of restrictions will allow us to resume some community activities in Term 3. Although all inter-school school sport has been cancelled for the duration of Term 3, we are hoping to hold an athletics-style carnival at some point next term. We all believe that children deserve the opportunity to compete and have a fun time with their peers. This will of course depend on the availability of sporting grounds and on the level of restrictions. Mrs Hinton and her dedicated Stage 3 team are looking at options for such an event. We will keep you informed. 

NAIDOC celebrations have always been a significant activity on our school calendar and provides a forum to highlight the extent and impact of indigenous culture in our community. Today we were informed of revised dates for NAIDOC week which will now be celebrated in Term 4.  Our hardworking Aboriginal Education Committee will keep you posted. 

THANK YOU to parents who have been so vigilant in keeping children away from school when they are unwell. Our absences due to illness have decreased dramatically indicating there is less community transmission of the usual low-level coughs and colds. Teacher sick leave has also been impacted. We are a healthy bunch! Let’s keep it that way.

With just 2 weeks remaining of this term, teachers are focused on completing assessments and preparing student reports. You will receive these reports at the end of Week 2 next term. We are asking students to include some thoughts about their home learning experience. Perhaps they can do a report on parents-as-teachers? 

Have a happy week!

Deborah Scanes


Please be reminded that while at school, students are expected to wear their Old Bar school uniform. Uniforms are so important - they promote a sense of belonging for students and create a positive identity for the school community.

As the weather becomes cooler, we are noticing an increase in students wearing out-of-uniform jackets and jumpers. We have provided several options for students to stay warm in the winter - students may wear either the school jumpers available at the uniform shop or a plain navy blue jumper (without printing). Students are also still permitted to wear their green OBPS jumper as part of the uniform transition period. 

If you need to place an order for a school jumper, this can be done using flexischools.com.au or the printable form found here

If finances are a barrier, please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss some options. We would love to ensure that every child has access to a full school uniform. 

**We also have a LOT of school jumpers in lost property with no name tags. If you are missing a jumper without a name, please ask your child to look for it in lost property outside the library.  Those items with name tags have been returned to their owners. 

NAIDOC Week - New Dates

Changes to Semester 2 SRC

We have made a decision that a new SRC team will not be voted on until later in Term 3. 

Due to all of the time away from school and social distancing restrictions during Term 1 and 2, we feel that the Semester 1 SRC students have not yet had an opportunity to act in their leadership roles. We hope to provide them with some opportunities to accomplish one or two initiatives as a team early in Term 3, before passing the baton on to the Semester 2 SRC. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

We are now welcoming enrolments for Kindergarten 2021

Opportunity Classes in 2021

Applications for Year 5 entry to an opportunity class in 2021 are currently open until 5 pm on Friday 26 June 2020.

For more information, visit:


Premier's Reading Challenge Photo Competition

Community Notices

Health and Safety at School.