BIDWILL Public School Newsletter

Term 4, Week 3


Dear Parents/Caregivers

As we settle well and truly into Term 4, you will no doubt be hearing of the wonderful work that is being done in all classrooms.  Last week was World Teachers Day and as a staff we celebrated our role as teachers.  We all discussed how fortunate we are to work in a special place, Bidwill Public School.

We have teachers working in the pre-school, support classes and K-6 who come to school on a daily basis to make a positive difference to the lives of your children.

Last week I was also fortunate to celebrate my 34th year of teaching. It was and continues to be a very rewarding and fulfilling career. 

Our P&C is holding a School Photographer fundraiser day on Sunday 10th of November in the school grounds.  For a small sitting fee of $15, each family receive a professional photographer sitting and a 20x30cm framed family portrait. Please see the school office for a booking form.

Year 7 entry into selective high school in 2021 (2019 Year 5 Students)

Applications for students wishing to apply for entry into a selective high school in 2021 will open on 8th October and close on 11th November 2019.

Students in Year 5 will this week receive information about this application process. Please note that the information they receive is NOT the application. It is just an intention to apply letter which will need to be returned to your child’s Year 5 teacher.

Parents will need to follow the link on the application letter and make sure they apply by the 11th November as no late applications will be accepted.

The selective high school placement test will be held on 12th March 2020.

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2020

We are still taking Kindergarten enrolments for 2020. Your child is eligible to attend school if they are turning 5 by 31st July 2020. You can visit our school office Monday - Friday between the hours 8.30am - 2.00pm. You must provide the following documents:

Original Birth Certificate / Passport of the child.

Proof of address - either current council rates notice / water or electricity notice / lease.

Immunisation History Statement (this is available from Medicare)

If both parents of the child are born overseas you will also need to provide an Australian Passport of the child or proof of Australian Citizenship of one parent (the parent must have become an Australian Citizen before the child was born) or provide Visa documents confirming residency.

Yours in Education

Janine Macky


Applying for Year 7 entry into a selective high school

Thinking of applying for a government selective high school for Year 7 in 2021?  Applications for Year 7 entry to a selective high school are completed and submitted online. The link to the form is available from 8 October 2019 until 10pm on 11 November 2019 for entry in 2021. 

For more details visit the website here.



5th     Author Visit  - Tim Harris Stage 2 and 3

            Dunheaved High School Transition

6th     Chase your dreams

7th    Excursion - Stage 1 - Sydney Symphony, Seymour Centre Orchestra

8th    Orientation session - Support Unit students

13th    Author visit - Amelia McInerney

14th     Excursion - Stage 2 - Taronga Zoo

            Kindy Orientation 9.15am

15th    Orientation session - Support Unit students

21st    Kindy Orientation 9.15am

22nd  Colour Run 11.30am

27th    Year 6's Bidwill FUN DAY

29th    Speeches for Leadership - Year 5


4th     Excursion - Year 6 to Manly

5th     Kindy Orientation

11th   Presentation Assembly

12th   Preschool Graduation

13th   Year 6 Graduation Assembly

            Year 6 Farewell

16th     Celebration Assembly

18th     Last Day of Term 4

Kindergarten Orientation

Starting school is a significant event in the life of children and their families. Strong relationships and information sharing between families, early childhood settings and schools help support a child's successful transition to school. Find out all that we have to offer your child in 2020 at our Kindergarten Orientation days commencing on the 14th November, 2019. Meet our friendly teachers and staff, and visit our learning and play areas. 

The following resources may be helpful in getting your child ready to start school.

Getting ready for primary school – a booklet with tips and checklists to help parents prepare their child for Kindergarten.

Daisy's First Day – a children's book about Daisy the koala on her first day at primary school.

A Special Place – a children's book showing what it's like to go to school.

Preschool Orientation

The idea of preschool can be a bit daunting for many parents. You may feel like your little one is growing up too fast. Don’t worry! Preschool is a time when your child will have lots of fun with children their own age. We look forward to welcoming new and existing families to our Bidwill Preschool community. Find out all that we have to offer your child in 2020 at our Preschool Orientation days starting on the 14th November 2019. Meet our friendly teachers and staff, and visit our learning and play areas. 

Stage 3 Excursion - Western Sydney University

Stage 3 students attended the First Foot Forward program at Western Sydney University. The day provided an insight into the world of higher education and how tertiary education may be an option for their future.

Students were involved in various workshops throughout the day including Coding, Nursing and Design.

View our Gallery for more photos from the day.

Stage 1 Walking Excursion - The Oak House

Last week Year 1 and Year 2 students ventured to one of the oldest buildings in our local area.

At the Oak House, current care-taker Sir Trevor took the children on a tour of the house and spoke about the many interesting artefacts that the students noticed inside, including furniture that was over 100 years old!

While groups explored the house, the other children were sitting outside under the shade of the big beautiful trees, playing outdoor games from the past, including clapping games, and drop the handkerchief.

As the weather was a little warmer today, we headed back to school and cooled off with a game of trivia about the history of the local area. Students were able to share so much about what they know, including how old the house was, and what year it was built.

The Stage 1 students represented Bidwill Public School proudly and were safe, respectful learners throughout the whole day.

A special thank you to Ms Duggal for her organisation of the event, and of course Sir Trevor and Lisabeth for welcoming us into their home.

View our Gallery for more photos from the day.

Public Speaking Competition

On Wednesday 30th September Zoe, Cailtyn, Summer and Bianca competed at the Mt Druitt Minchinbury Public Speaking Competition at Shalvey Public School against 14 other schools in the district. Congratulations girls on you fantastic effort representing our school.

100% Attendance Award Term 3

During term 3 the following children recorded 100% attendance, they have received a $50 school credit to be used towards excursions, uniforms or school based learning activities. Regular attendance at school is essential for students to achieve their educational best and increase their career and life opportunities.       

Osamudiamen A 
Caden B
Hannah B
Tamati B
Minjarli B
Elizabeth B-J
Jayla B
Kaiden B
Kiarah B-O
Christopher C
Lucas C
Hazel-Grace C
Deakin C
Tiana D
Christian F
April G-K
Ethan G-K
Matilda G
Memphis H
Summer H
Dakodha H
Destiny H
Lenorah J
Losaline J
Daniel K
Delon K
Haveesh KSale L
Midac L
Junior L
Liam L
Andi L
Leaniva L
Iti M
Iosua M

Perize M

Bianca M
Ulrik O
Khaled O
Emahliyah P
Tahlyndah P
Sinamoni P
Logan R
Indiana r
Chanel S
Corey S
Maria S-N
Taliyah T
Jerome T
Jeremiah V
Alyle W
Marshall W





Stage 1 has continued their learning of Past and Present by comparing games played now and then. They are amazed at how games have changed, however a lot of students still enjoy the original version of the games.

2M have been learning about toys and games from the past and how they have changed. They enjoyed comparing the 'Past' game of skittles with a modern version using Dash the Robot.

Stage 3 have been learning about the Murray Darling River System using the VR headsets. Later this term they will be designing their own Virtual Tour of the river so they can share what they have learnt with others.

STEM Gallery

Colour Run

School Travel - Term 4 2019

2020 school travel applications now open

To assist with any enquiries you may receive regarding student travel applications, we have provided some information below. 

Applications for student travel in 2020 opened on Friday, 11 October 2019. Students progressing to year 3 and year 7 no longer need to re-apply if they:

- are continuing at the same school

- are residing at the same address

- have not been sent an expiry notification from Transport for NSW. 

Where a student meets the new distance eligibility, the system will automatically update their entitlement. If they do not meet the new eligibility, they will receive an expiry notification via email. Students who have an entitlement approved under a medical condition which is due to expire will receive a notification advising them to re-apply. Term Bus Pass holders will receive a notification to re-apply. If students need to update their information or re-apply, they should go online to 

Applications need to be submitted before 31 December 2019 to ensure student entitlements are updated and their current entitlement/card is not cancelled. If their application is submitted after 31 December 2019, the system will automatically cancel an entitlement/card and a new one will need to be issued. Students in the Opal network applying for a SSTS or Term Bus Pass entitlement for the first time will receive their card at their nominated postal address. Cards will be mailed out from January 2020.

Scholastic Book Club Catalogue #7 (Nov 2019)

Scholastic Book Club Catalogue #7 orders - catalogues were sent home recently and orders will be due into the office or ordered online through Loop by end of Week 6 (Friday 22nd November, 2019).

For decades, Scholastic has been proudly bringing adventure and the unrivaled enjoyment of reading to multiple generations of Australian families via Book Club. Each Issue contains specially curated, age-appropriate titles that have been carefully selected by a team of booklovers.

Browse issue #7 here

Stage 1 Music Excursion - Sydney Symphony

Stage 1 and Class 2/3P will be attending an excursion to watch the Sydney Symphony at the Seymour Centre in Chippendale. The excursion will be held on the 7th of November, 2019. Students will be catching a bus to and from the venue. Students will need to be at school at 8.30am for role call and pre excursion procedures. The buses will be leaving promptly at 9.00am.

A note was sent home again recently, please return this to the office with a cost of $10 so your child does not miss out!