Welcome to our final newsletter for 2022!
It feels as though the year has zoomed by as Christmas is just around the corner. As I mentioned at the Year 6 Graduation last Thursday the year started as a Sprint and has kept up at that pace it seems to us all. It has been a very busy last few weeks at Alawa as students were gearing up for our Presentation Assembly and other end of year events. We celebrated some great achievements and progress at our 2 graduation ceremonies over the past two weeks. Congratulations to all our Year 6 students who graduated last week as well as our Preschoolers who are looking forward to moving to Transition after the holiday break. Yesterday we had our annual awards assembly. Our final Honour Awards for the year will be handed out today after lunch.
We wrap up the year with a quick assembly and farewell to our Year 6’s around 2:15pm Thursday 15th December. Check out the NT news Thursday 15th - it may just have a special Alawa feature!
Student progress reports were sent home yesterday via email [Tuesday 13th December]. Please remember when viewing your child’s report that a C grading is year level expectation. The Red data folders were provided to children to bring home yesterday so parents / carers could look at their assessments and reflections in conjunction with their reports.
Students in Years 3-6 are accessing their reports online at school today.
Christmas Activities & Celebrations
A reminder to all families that as we move into the final week of the school year, many classes will be completing activities relating to Christmas. I am aware and appreciate that not all families celebrate this event. If you have any concerns or if you would like more information about what each class might be doing please contact your child’s teacher.
Class lists
Draft class lists were available from yesterday afternoon on the outside window of the front office. All care and consideration has gone into the formulation of the lists. Our team considers academic levels, peer groups and emotional and behavioural needs.
If you have concerns about your child’s class placement please make an appointment to discuss this through the front office with either Mrs Donohue or myself. Please keep in mind these are draft, changes may need to be made based on further enrolments.
This week we say farewell and thanks for your time and effort as part of our team at Alawa to some very long term families as well as a few staff.
Will you be back at school on Tuesday 31st January?
If your family will be late returning to school after the holidays PLEASE contact the front office and advise us as this DOES effect our staffing allocation and staffing budget.
Please travel safely if you are heading away on holidays and enjoy your special family time.
I am looking forward to seeing many of you in the New Year!
Sandy Cartwright [Principal of the Best School in the Multiverse]