Wambi's Wavebreaker

Term 1 Week 5 - 22 February 2023

For your diary..........

Thursday, 23 February
  • School Photo Day
Wednesday, 1 March
  • P&C Appreciation Day
Friday, 3 March
  • Tuggerah Lakes Zone Swimming Carnival
Tuesday, 7 March
  • Cross Country Carnival - Years 2-6

Principal Message

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe it is already Week 5 and we are almost half way through Term 1. I have enjoyed the opportunity to meet and get to know many of our new and existing parents better through our events such as Swimming Carnival and P&C Meetings as well as meeting parents before and after school. Next week, we commence our weekly assemblies and invite you to attend if available.

  • Assemblies

Next Monday we host our first assembly. The assemblies alternate each week between K-2 and 3-6. Next week the assembly is a Years 3 - 6 assembly. Parents are most welcome to attend the assembly which commences at 12:20pm in the school hall.

There is no need for guests to pre-register to attend the event.  We look forward to celebrating together with you.

  • Week 4 Videos

There are a couple of new short videos that capture last week’s parent/ teacher sessions and our Swimming Carnival which we hope you enjoy. They are also available to view on both Facebook and our YouTube channel.

Parent Feedback

We have two short surveys which we encourage you to complete. We value your opinions and the information is analysed and assists the school in future planning.

#1 Parent Information Sessions Feedback - we invite parents who attended the sessions in Week 5 to provide feedback.

#2 Partnerships in Learning - exploring opportunities for engagement with your child’s school.



Thank you to our P&C for the kind donation of funds at Monday night’s meeting to enable the purchase of rewards (stickers and stamps) for teaching staff use. This will greatly benefit all our students K-6, support them in their learning and provide equity of access.

School Photos

Click click!...we look forward to our special photo day tomorrow and have a backup plan ready should it be wet in order to keep students safe and dry 😊.

Have a great week,

Paul Miller


Our Friendly Mascot Sirrell (SRL) took advantage of the cooler weather today and visited the students in K6 Purple and K6 Blue 😊

Deputy Principal Message

Dear Wamberal families

Thank you to all our families who have attended our Kindergarten welcome barbecue and stage information evenings. It has been a great opportunity for parents and carers to meet their child’s teacher and staff in relaxed settings. We are looking forward to more opportunities of partnering with families in their children’s learning journey throughout the year. 

Positive Behaviour for Learning

At Wamberal Public School, we are safe, respectful learners. This week, all students have been learning about being safe, respectful learners before school and teachers are rewarding students with SRLs for demonstrating the school’s expectations of safe, respectful learner behaviour.

Discussion questions include:

·         Why is it important to be in an adult’s care before 9:00am?

·         When is there a teacher on duty at school?

·         Where should we put our bags each morning?

·         Why is it important to go to my assembly area when the bell rings?

·         How do we line up before we go into class?

PBL Rewards Menus: Working Towards Your Goals

At the end of each term our students are acknowledged for their positive behaviours by participating in activities in the PBL Rewards Day. Students choose activities from the PBL Rewards Day Menu, which has been developed using student feedback about the types of rewards students would like offered. The Term 1 PBL Rewards Menus are displayed in classrooms, and copies are available on our school website.  Thank you to our wonderful P&C for their ongoing support and sponsorship of rewards each term.

Student Representative Council (SRC) News

SRC elections for Semester 1 have been held over the last week, with students electing their class representatives. The SRC is a group of students elected by their fellow students to represent all students in the school. Our SRC students work democratically to represent the student body in school decision making and organise ways for students to participate in school. At Wamberal PS each class from Kindergarten to Year 6 elects a SRC member to represent them each semester. More information about the SRC can be found here on our school website.

Attendance Matters: Our Shared Responsibility

Regular attendance at school is essential to assist students to maximise their potential.

Schools in partnership with parents are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students.

All NSW public schools have a target to improve student attendance and increase the proportion of students attending >90% of the time. Research shows that students with less than 90% attendance may be at educational risk.

Currently our school has 81.4% of students attending >90% of the time.

Parents can support in promoting student attendance by

Selective High School Year 7 2024

Entry to Year 7 2024 applications closed on 16 November 2022. The Year 7 2024 Selective High School Placement Test will be held on 4 May 2023. The test will be a paper based test.

Key dates are available here.

Opportunity Classes Year 5

Information for parents and carers about opportunity classes and the application process can be found here.

Applications for Year 5 entry to an opportunity class in 2024 will open on 30 March 2023. More details will be communicated closer to the application open period.

Have You Visited the Department of Education’s Parent and Carer Site?

There is a wealth of information on supporting your child’s learning and some great resources such as The Everyday Maths Hub.

Have a wonderful week.

Jane Rees

Deputy Prinicpal

Library News

Reading provides many benefits and supports a wide range of skills

Research shows that students who read for pleasure or curiosity benefit in many ways — through relaxation and the development of language, general knowledge, cognitive, personal and social skills, as well as the capacity to concentrate, think about, analyse, question and understand their world (including mathematical and scientific problems).

Library Monitors

Year 6 students are welcome to apply to serve as Library Monitors — this role provides opportunities to help others through various “housekeeping” jobs as well as reading to younger students and various special activities throughout the year. Application forms are available from the Library.

Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Book Club’s ISSUE 1 orders will be delivered as they arrive over the coming week. 

Skoolbag app

Please see the Skoolbag app for important Library updates. Feel free to contact me through the school office if I can help in any way.

Happy reading,

Nell Knight    👱‍♀️📚

Teacher Librarian

Currently (re-)reading All the Ways to be Smart by Davina Bell. This is a joyful book which reminds us to value the individual strengths and unique talents of all our students (and of everyone!)  — a perfect read to start the school year. It celebrates diversity, creativity, kindness and a range of strengths and talents.  Age: early childhood through upper primary and beyond.

WPS P&C News

Wamberal Public School P&C AGM Notice

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Monday 20 March 2023 and we encourage parents and carers to help form our committee and sub committees.

Our committees could never operate without the dedication and hard work from our wonderful volunteers.  

The P&C consists of the following committee and subcommittee members:

P&C Committee: President, Vice President 1, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary, Secretary - Correspondence and membership, Executive Committee.

Sub Committee: Canteen Conveyor, Uniform Shop, Fundraising (more assistance the better), Performing Arts, Road Safety, School Beautification (grants).

If you want to help make a difference and help out or suggest some fresh ideas, please contact us on the below details or directly on our website to find membership forms


Wamberal Public School P&C Community (P&C) is the core connection between the school and the parents/carers of students attending the school.

The aim of the P&C is to address needs of the school community in conjunction with the school. We believe that students have a right to be safe and happy at school and have the right to expect courtesy, fairness, respect and excellence in teaching.

We support our school and are committed to parents and carers being partners in the education process. We represent the voice of parents through monthly meetings and open communication.

We invite all parents and carers to keep in touch and become involved in the community. You can join a committee, attend P&C meetings, volunteer in the canteen, help out with a project or fundraising event, or simply stay up to date by reading the latest news.

P&C Communications:

The P&C communicates mainly via the school newsletter, Facebook and email. Our details are: 

P&C Meetings: 

  • When: 3rd Monday of each month – We do not meet during school holidays. 

  • Time: 7pm to 8.30pm (approx).  General meetings are held in the library, and/or via Zoom. Details are available in the school newsletter and on the P&C Facebook page. 

How much you volunteer is entirely up to you – once a week, once a fortnight, once a month, or even once a term!  Every little bit helps.

Canteen Thanks

The canteen team would like to thank all the kindy kids and teachers who assisted with last Wednesday's Kindy come and try the canteen day while most of the school was at the swimming carnival. Many cute faces were pulled at the canteen team, with many students wanting to try a slushie, ice blocks or chocolate mousse. The canteen team love doing these kind of days throughout the year and thank the parents for all their support.

Other News

Free Foot and Leg Check

The University of Newcastle Podiatry Clinic at Wyong hospital is offering children aged 0-17 free lower limb assessments. Children will be assessed by final year students, supervised by a podiatrist. Children and their families can receive advice on footwear, flat feet, and normal development, and receive treatment of foot warts, foot and leg pain, walking problems, and night-time ‘growing pains’.

When:  Mondays from 2.45 to 4.30pm from 27 Feb to 22 May 2023

To make a booking, or for more information, call 4394 7280