Dear Staff, Parents, and friends of the Chisholm community,
At this time of immense challenge, with our floods currently occurring across NSW and Queensland, we need to pause and pray for those communities who are experiencing such hardship. I know that even at a local level, there are many families who have been personally affected by the flood damage to your homes. I would ask that if you have experienced hardship and your daughter may be affected in terms of her learning focus or wellbeing, that you contact the relevant Year Leader. Our Year Leaders work in very close partnership with staff to ensure we are across student needs and issues that relate to each year group. We are here for you at Chisholm to support you and your family, especially during times that are particularly stressful and demanding. We are always here for you to support your daughter to be able to find friendships that allow her to grow socially and emotionally, as well as support her in her learning success and wellbeing. I would like to encourage all parents and guardians to reach out and communicate with us by email or phone when needed, as a way of developing authentic partnerships together.
We also joined together in year groups to participate in our Ash Wednesday liturgies and receive the symbol of ashes on our foreheads to mark the beginning of the church season of Lent. At this time we focus on the verse from Genesis 3:19 “for you are dust and to dust you shall return”. During this time we seek to renew ourselves of our calling to be faithful to the gospel. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the 40-day period of fasting leading up to Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. It is a day of repentance and self-reflection while anticipating the joy of the resurrection. In Pope Francis’ letter he stated that ‘Lent is a favourable time for personal and community renewal, as it leads us to the paschal mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For our Lenten journey in 2022, we will do well to reflect on Saint Paul’s exhortation to the Galatians: “Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up. So then, while we have the opportunity (kairós), let us do good to all” (Gal. 6:9-10).’ Take this time to reflect on the value of giving to others who are vulnerable and needy in our local and global community. As a school community we will raise funds through homeroom based activities for Caritas which supports communities across the world who are experiencing extreme poverty and have limited resources or access to education. I am very proud of the positive response from our students as we commence our efforts in earnest to raise significant funds to assist these very needy global communities. I thank you in advance for your constant support of our catholic community outreach efforts to help others in our worldwide connected community.
We have our Open Nights next week on Monday 7 March- Wednesday 9 March 3:30-6:30pm for enrolments in 2023 and 2024. Please let your friends and family know about this wonderful opportunity to tour the college and hear from our staff and students about all the reasons why Caroline Chisholm is most definitely the school of choice for girls of Penrith and the lower Blue Mountains. Our learning and wellbeing programs, along with our extensive learning pathways enable Caroline Chisholm College to be a school of excellence in student learning success. Bookings for tours are essential and can be done through the college website or by clicking this link Open Night Tours to join one of our very popular College Tour groups held over the 3 nights listed above. For any further information regarding enrolments, please call the college on 02 4737 5500 and speak to our Enrolment Officer, Karen Chester. Year 7 2023 enrolments will be closing 28 March 2022.
During this time we extend our deepest sympathies to the Smith family (Katelyn Year 11) who tragically lost their son Lachlan recently in an accident. We continue to extend our love and support to you as a community, as you deal with the enormous loss of your son and brother. The funeral for Lachlan will be held next week and we pray that God’s strength and peace may be with you all at this most difficult time in your lives. Please keep the Smith family in your daily prayers at this time.
Eternal rest grant upon him Oh Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon him. May He Rest In Peace. Amen.
Thank you everyone for your warm welcome and support in these early stages of the school year! I look forward to seeing you at the college, in the community or at the parish church!
May God Bless you and keep you safe in the palm of his hand
Ms Tania Cairns
Principal Leader
Midday Prayer at the College
Here at Caroline Chisholm College the focus is continually centred around providing quality learning, which includes meeting the needs of the community, seeking feedback from the community and responding to the needs of the times. In response to feedback in 2021 we have been trialling a number of different formats for our community prayer each day at the College. The prayer takes the form the daily Examen, a contemplative prayer drawn from the tradition of St Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order, where individuals reflect on the current day, focusing on memories from the events of the day as a way of recognising God's Divine Presence. The steps of the prayer include:
- Recognising that every person is in the presence of God always, but in a special way during prayer and that God’s love is offered unconditionally to all of us at all times.
- Review the day with gratitude.
- Recognise the times of joy, peace and happiness which enable us to feel close to God as well as the times when you felt drained of energy, frustrated, irritated, angry, sad, sorrowful, alone, and could be understood as an experience in which you feel far away from God.
- Taking time to ask God to be with you as you work through some of the difficult times you have encountered
- Looking with hope for a new tomorrow.
The feedback from teachers and students about their prayer experience, obtained through both formal reflection and observation of community engagement during prayer so far this year, has been overwhelmingly positive. Many have recognised that the daily prayer has been personal, meaningful and linked to their daily lives.
Over the year we will engage in a variety of prayers such as The Our Father, Bless This Day, The Angelus, petition prayers, reflective prayers and The Examen, that will enable all members of the community to develop their personal relationship with God and to strengthen their faith. We will continue to consult with staff, students and parents about the experience offered at midday prayer at the College.
Ms Bernadette Murray
Leader of Religious Education
Notes sent to families this week
The following notes have been sent to families via our Compass email system and the Skoolbag App:
Flood Notice to Families
Compass letter information Parents
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