
Issue 2020 / 2


This second edition of HouseNews for Term 1 would normally share the joys and experiences of Camp life for students in Years 7, 8 and 9. Alas, it was not to be with the Year 9 Camp postponed till May, and at a different location, and the Camps for Years 7 and 8 postponed due to wild weather and challenging forecasts for the week past. We are yet to determine an alternate date and location and will share these as soon as they are known. The weather also caused the postponement of the Swimming Carnival for Years 3 to 6, until Tuesday 25 February. We were however able to continue with the Year 11 Study Camp at Narrabeen although with amendments to the activity schedule!. Set against this though, is our good fortune in experiencing limited damage to our Campus when so many schools were forced to close for a day or more. Blessings indeed.

The Year 11 students are off on their marathon 7 terms of work preparing themselves for the requirements of an HSC study routine and the necessary mindset and study schedule to allow for all their courses require. I was disappointed not to see all students at the Year 11 Information Night on Wednesday, and a greater number of parents; we take great pride in the presentation of a balanced agenda at this event, ensuring that students and parents are well briefed. These 7 terms of study are a marathon run at sprint pace; being aware of what is required and how to support your HSC student is important as we work in team with you all.

We are very much into the pace and style of our academic year. Students will have seen all their teachers by now, will have knowledge of subject expectations, assessments and homework schedules. The Information Evenings addressed many issues and I encourage you to contact key personnel if you are in doubt or should your son or daughter be unsure or concerned about any aspect of their schooling. Details of these Staff members are easily accessed online from our School Directory

New Staff Members

It is time too to continue the introductions to the Pittwater House family, of our new Staff Members. Last time I introduced Mr Heath, our new Head of the Grammar School. This week, it is my delight to share some thoughts from:

Mr Joe Blackwell, our Co-ordinator of Design and Technology and STEM

Ms Nicole McInerney, our Co-ordinator of Music

Ms Megan Das, teacher of English and Dr Audrey Copeland, teacher of Science.

Each of these members of Staff continue to have induction briefings to support the expectations and experiences of our teaching Staff.

Click the Download button to view their profiles.


Our Bus Drivers

At the end of last week, on a hot and humid Friday afternoon, I came across our wonderful band of Pittwater House Bus Drivers preparing for their afternoon bus run. These gentlemen provide an outstanding service on our School buses, proudly collecting your children and delivering them home each day. Their service is yet another part of the focus on the health and wellbeing of our students. I thank each of our drivers and I trust that each student upon alighting the bus, acknowledges and thanks our drivers too. 

Actura Case Space School

At the Secondary Assembly last week, 5 students from G12 shared a little of their experiences at Space School in Houston last December. They were humble in their presentation for they really did not focus adequately on the honour bestowed on three: Lachlan, Duncan and Max who with two students from Western Australia and New Zealand, won the Gold Medal for their research project. Their competition: 300 students from 60 school groups from Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. Sincerest congratulations to each of these worthy recipients and I know the group of 5 (Lachlan, Duncan, Max, Callum and Ross), together with Science and Physics teacher, and G8 Co-ordinator, Mr Hamerton, gained enormously from all the experiences on this two-week adventure. I shall allow these students to sum up the wonderful opportunity they had.

During the Summer Holiday break, five students in Year 12, Ross, Max, Duncan, Lachlan and Callum , participated in the Actura Case Space School, a space-based STEM challenge/experience in Houston, Texas.  While in the USA, we participated in an array of different activities that allowed for us to experience some of the challenges faced by engineers and astronauts during space travel. 

During the first week, we spent most of our time at the Houston Space Centre where we participated in a program called Space University. Here we were given various design challenges including rocket building, thermal and cryogenic shielding design, Mars Habitat design and the programming and design of Mars Rovers. These activities allowed us to develop our understanding and knowledge of space exploration.

The second week had more of a focus on Challenge X and this was a design competition to help solve the problem of space junk.  Space junk are pieces of matter which orbit the earth including decommissioned satellites, abandoned launch stages, micrometeorites and various debris. This debris orbits the earth at speeds of 28,100 kilometres per hour and as a result poses significant risks to operating satellites, rockets and space stations. In teams, we had to create a company that would present to NASA their project proposal to how they could help, including a conceptual design to receive a grant. We were split into two groups: Ross and Callum in team gold, and Duncan, Max and Lachie in team blue with students from other schools from New Zealand and Western Australia respectively.

The competition took place in 3 stages and in the competition five teams made up a group, two groups made up a case and four cases comprised all those involved in the competition.  It was an elimination type competition and as a result, to make it to the final a team would have to win in their group, case and then across the entire competition.  Team Blue achieved first place in Challenge X and in doing so their pitch beat that of 300 other students.  Our design differed from our competitors as we solved the problem using the concepts of physics which we learnt in our last term of 2019. Many groups utilised nets or tethers but we opted for a non-contact method using magnets and Lenz’s Law.

Overall, we all had a great time applying our knowledge and working together through the STEM challenges, as well as experiencing Houston and its culture and we would like to thank Mr Hamerton for his support and the sacrificing of part of his summer break.

Lachlan (G12)


At the AGM of the PHPA held last Friday, we were able to reflect on the great work emanating from this small and supremely hard-working Committee. Headed up by Kate Parsons and Connie Pople, these wonderful parents have only the future successes for Pittwater House students at heart. 2019 was another year of activities enjoyed by so many in our community and my sincere thanks are extended to these folk with the Treasurer’s role in the hands of Asia Punter, Shannon Harcourt heading up Volunteers and Petrina Rousel heading up the Network structure. Also stepping down from the PHPA is Joe Jones who instigated a new role for Dads. It was time too to thank Connie Pople for all she has given to the PHPA; Connie is moving into a different role, as she becomes a Director on our School’s Board of Governors. Connie is not going far… she is merely wearing another hat… sincerest thanks Connie for your ongoing work in supporting our School.

My best wishes to you all for the weeks ahead.

What's On - Events and Excursions



Maths Study Centre

Maths Study Centre will be held in the Library from 3.30 to 4.20pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Visual Arts and Photography and Digital Media Excursion

Elective Visual Arts and Photography and Digital Media elective students visited the Museum of Contemporary Art for the first ‘Art After Hours’ excursions. Students viewed  Cornelia Parker’s work which featured over 40 artworks from across the artist’s career, including large-scale installations, embroideries, works on paper, video works, and a selection of small-scale sculptures and objects. These students were fortunate to be able to have an educator led experience to enrich their visit and speak about the breadth of this pivotal artists work. The ‘After Hours’ experiences puts the students at a real advantage by having exposure to the art works, Educators and the Gallery almost to ourselves.


From the Head of Junior Schools

Here we are in Week 4 already and routines are beginning to gel. At this stage in the term your child’s class teacher would have made accommodations for your most vital 1:1 meeting to discuss your child’s goals for Term 1. If you have not made arrangements for this meeting please make certain to follow up with your child’s teacher.

In an effort to reduce the rubbish that results at recess and lunch through food packaging we are requesting the students to consider a waste free lunch box. Many of the lunch boxes available have divisions to accommodate different types of food in the one container without wrapping. Even if you can manage a waste free Wednesday, it would make an enormous difference. This, along with a refillable water bottle (all clearly named) will go a long way to reducing the rubbish at school, and the flow on effect, for our local waterways. Our playground drains wash directly to Dee Why Lagoon. Building an environmental conscience at this age, will surely be a huge benefit for the global citizens of the future. Please support your children with this project.

The playground outside the ECC has become a popular place to play and for parents to congregate after school. It is lovely to see this extended social interaction. If you are planning to meet here and stay beyond the 10 minute parking time allowance would you please park off site. Your extended time in the car park means that other parents are not able to find a car park to collect their ECC and Kindergarten children. Children playing here must always keep their shoes on.

It has been noted that some parents without children in the ECC or Kindergarten are still parking in these dedicated car spaces. If this refers to you, please refrain, as your actions are not in the spirit of Our School. I would also remind parents to be mindful of opening their car doors on to the neighbouring vehicle. Children pushing the doors from the inside of the vehicle alight, can do so with vigour, not realising the impact on the car parked beside them. Some parents have reported damage to their vehicles from parking in the car park.

The Years 3 to 6 Swimming Carnival will now be held on Tuesday 25 February. I look forward to seeing many of you at this wonderful event Please be reminded that you cannot park and stay in the car park until after 8:45am. The car spaces are for ECC parents, Kindergarten parents and 10minutes spaces for the shop or errands that will take less than 10 minutes in total. All vehicles parked must be moved by 2:45pm.  The HICES Swimming Team will be announced shortly. This event will be held on Monday 9 March at SOPAC

Our Co-curricular Clubs are up and running successfully. There is still plenty of room in the Chess Club and Drama Club. 

Our Drama Classes are outsourced to Helen O'Grady Drama Academy - Northern Beaches. The classes run on a Tuesday morning from 7:30am until 8:15am, in the Sports Centre. To enrol your child in these classes you need to contact:


New to the Library

Following up with the success of her book 'Teacher' author Gabbie Stroud has written 'Dear Parents'. This book is described as a ‘call to arms for all parents to understand their role as their children’s lifelong teachers.’

Both are available in the library and you can borrow through your child’s account.  (Be quick there’s a wait list for 'Teacher'!)

PHPA (Pittwater House Parents Association)


PHPA Upcoming Event Dates:

  • Mothers’ Day Gift Bazaar: Week of May 4th
  • Mothers’ Day Lunch : Thursday 7 May at 11am
  • Fathers’ Day Breakfast : Friday 4 September at 7am
  • Christmas Markets: Saturday 28 November at 4pm

Please also watch out for Comedy Night and Golf Day…two more fun events for Semester 2 – dates to be advised shortly.

PHPA Parent/Carer Community Update Meetings:
For 2020, the PHPA would like to invite all Parents/Carers who would like to be involved in PHPA activities to come along to a fun and informative session, focused on building the Pittwater House Parent/Carer Community.

The meetings will be hosted by Dr Hillier and the PHPA Committee in Week 5 of each term. Venue and Agenda information will be shared closer to each date.

  • Term 1 Update: Friday 28 February at 9am
  • Term 2 Update : Friday 29 May at  9am
  • Term 3 Update :  Friday 21 August at 9am
  • Term 4 Update : Friday 27 November at 9am


Gifted and Talented

As a new member of staff, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Victoria James and I have taken on the role of Co-ordinator of Gifted and Talented from K-12. My background is in Personalised Learning and my role is to ensure that our gifted and high achieving students are consistently being challenged across our school both inside and outside of the curriculum.

There are some exciting opportunities coming up in Term 1 for selected students to participate in one day events in a variety of different fields of expertise.

There is an opportunity on the 27th March for a small group of students in Year 10 to attend a ‘United Nations Workshop’ at the University of New South Wales. This is an incredible opportunity to discuss and try to resolve real world issues affecting our global community with like-minded peers. Students will further enhance their skills in diplomacy, negotiation and public speaking.

The ‘ACS Big Day’ is a full day workshop on the 19th March at the University of Technology Sydney. This is for a small group of students in Years 9-10 who are interested in careers in technology. Guest speakers at this event will be from companies such as Adobe, Microsoft and the Westpac Group. 

Teachers will be asked to nominate students who they feel would benefit most from these events, however, if you have any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate to email me at:

In addition to this, there is a fantastic course on offer at the University of New South Wales in High School Computing (HS1917) which is open for students in years 10-12 to complete at the same time as their HSC. The course runs from April-September and school tutorials are held on Wednesdays from 4-6pm and the UNSW Mega-tutorials are held on Wednesdays from 4.30-6.30pm. You don’t need any prior experience – this short course is developed for high school students who have an interest in computer science, engineering and robotics.

If you are interested in finding out more information about this course then please contact me as soon as possible.

Lost Dog Saved by Kind English Teacher

To Notify the School of Student Absences
Please download and use the Skoolbag app or Log in to the Edumate Portal or email:

Edumate and Skoolbag Basic Training Sessions

If you are interested in some basic training in Edumate and/or Skoolbag, please call School Admin on: 9981 4400 or email: to book a half hour appointment between 7.30am and 3pm.

Term Dates

Click Download