The past fortnight has thrown some crazy weather at us. Even though we are at the top of the mountain and very unlikely to flood, closed roads, trees down and power outages all have their impact. I would like to thank the staff for their adaptability in keeping the students engaged and happy inside during the many rainy playtimes and for keeping children safe and relaxed when afternoon pick-ups took a lot longer than usual. It is wonderful to finally see the sun shining and the oval and playground bustling again with activity.
This year, students in Years 2-6 will be taking part in the Wakakirri story-dance festival. The Aboriginal word Wakakirri means ‘to dance’. Created in 1992, Wakakirri is Australia’s largest national performing arts event for schools. The mountains small schools were successful in obtaining a Minister’s Arts for Recovery Grant to fund an artist-in-residence program which will provide a qualified teacher to support our Wakakirri entry. During Term 2, Eucalypt and Waratah classes will work together to create a story-dance which will be recorded and entered into the video event.