Somersby Snippets

Term 1 Week 8, 16 March 2022


The past fortnight has thrown some crazy weather at us. Even though we are at the top of the mountain and very unlikely to flood, closed roads, trees down and power outages all have their impact. I would like to thank the staff for their adaptability in keeping the students engaged and happy inside during the many rainy playtimes and for keeping children safe and relaxed when afternoon pick-ups took a lot longer than usual. It is wonderful to finally see the sun shining and the oval and playground bustling again with activity.  

Assembly changes

On Friday 4th March we held our first assembly of the year to make the most of the change to visitor restrictions in schools. It was so lovely to be able to come together with students, parents and staff to celebrate the learning happening at our school. Kindergarten did a remarkable job of sitting still and listening to all of the reports and award presentations. Even the technical issues resulting in an ‘a cappella’ version of the National Anthem didn’t detract from the momentous occasion.   

Next term we plan to trial a new approach to assemblies. We will hold an assembly every two weeks on Friday mornings in the hall. We hope the earlier time and the increased regularity might give families a greater opportunity to come along. Each class will have one assembly in the term where they will give a class report on the great things happening in their classroom.

The final assembly for this term will be held on Friday 1st April at 12:30pm.


This year, students in Years 2-6 will be taking part in the Wakakirri story-dance festival. The Aboriginal word Wakakirri means ‘to dance’. Created in 1992, Wakakirri is Australia’s largest national performing arts event for schools. The mountains small schools were successful in obtaining a Minister’s Arts for Recovery Grant to fund an artist-in-residence program which will provide a qualified teacher to support our Wakakirri entry. During Term 2, Eucalypt and Waratah classes will work together to create a story-dance which will be recorded and entered into the video event.  

Stage 3 Canberra – change of dates

Thank you to all of the Stage 3 students who have returned their Canberra expression of interest and deposit. This allows us to confirm numbers and final costings before the end of term. The dates of the excursion have since changed due to availability of tours.

The new dates for the Canberra excursion are 20 – 22 June 2022.  

Harmony Day – Everyone belongs

The harmony week theme of ‘everyone belongs’ resonates with our school values. We have a welcoming culture and next week will celebrate inclusivity, respect and a sense of belonging for all. On Monday, students are asked wear orange, the colour traditionally associated with Harmony Day as it signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. Students may also choose to wear a traditional costume from a country of their family’s origin. On the day, younger and older students will work together in lessons to build cultural understanding.

Cross Country

When the weather allows, students will begin building endurance for the upcoming cross-country carnivals. Parents are welcome to attend our school cross country on Friday 8 April. Students may wear a T-shirt of their sports’ house colour if they choose 

A separate note will be sent home with details for the combined small schools’ cross country next term. It’s another opportunity to get participation house points, build fitness and develop an appreciation for a healthy, active lifestyle.  

Swimming Achievements

In the previous newsletter we wished Airlie, Orlando, Emily and Roxy the best of luck for the Brisbane Water swimming carnival. Today this team are competing in the Sydney North carnival in the small schools’ relay event. We know they will give it their absolute best efforts and cannot wait to hear about their experience.

News just came in, our awesome swimming relay team swam really well in their division and are now going for a win in the states swimming carnival in April!

Year 7, 2023 STEM selective program

Applications are now open for Year 6 students to apply for Wyong High School’s Year 7 STEM Selective Program. A taster day for interested Year 6 students will be held on Wednesday 30 March from 9am-2pm in the IT Centre at Wyong High School. The STEM Selective Taster Day will be run by talented STEM/IT teachers and selected STEM students to help develop skills and knowledge required for the STEM/IT Selective Program. Applications for the selective program will close on Friday 6 May. More information can be found in the information pack, which is available from the office.



This year we are offering family sessions of the Interrelate program for students in Years 3 to 6. The sessions will be hosted at Wyong Creek Public School in collaboration with other Central Coast small schools.  Two sessions will be held on Thursday 5th May.

Where did I come from?       Years 3 and 4             6pm to 7pm. 

Preparing for puberty            Years 5 and 6            7:15pm to 8:15pm. 

These programs will be $36 per family. This is the flat price whether you attend both or one session. To reserve your place please contact Wyong Public School on 4352 1583.

COVID Update

While many restrictions have eased, staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. If symptoms occur at any time, your child should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test. If the test is negative and symptoms continue, children should stay at home and take another RAT the next day or have a PCR test. If the results are still negative they should remain home until they are well or another diagnosis is confirmed such as hay fever.


We have a small number of saliva rapid antigen testing kits available at school. If you require any of these, please email the school and a kit will be sent home with your child in the following days. 


It has been great to see a number of new families attending P&C this year. Our P&C are a truly special bunch with very big plans for the year ahead. I wish to congratulate the new P&C executive and committee members and thank those outgoing for their leadership and continual support of Somersby Public School and providing the best opportunities for our students. 

High-Five strategy

Our current PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus is on using the high-five strategy. High Five is a set of steps to support students in resolving the social conflicts that occasionally occur in the playground, classroom or the world beyond school. The high-five strategy aims to build self-esteem and social skills by empowering students with the skills to deal with problems in a systematic, constructive way. We are teaching students each of the following steps:

  • Ignore
  • Talk Friendly
  • Walk Away
  • Talk Firmly
  • Report

If a problem occurs at school, our staff are always there to help students work through each step. 

PMI Music

What a massive response we’ve had to our in-school music lessons! The first lessons took place last week in the hall and will continue each Thursday. Our school has a long history of music and band and we are very glad to be re-commencing..

Have another great fortnight of learning at our great public school.

Kirsten Blake


Key Dates

            Term 1 2022

16 MarchSydney North Swimming Carnival
18 MarchNetball program K-6
21 MarchHarmony Day
24 MarchCultural Celebrations Jilliby PS
1 AprilAssembly
6 AprilSchool Photos
8 AprilSPS Cross Country
8 AprilEaster Raffle drawn
27 AprilANZAC assembly


Contact Information

Today we are sending home the current contact information we have on file for all families.  If there has been a change to any of your details could you please update the form and return it to school.  Thank you.

Health Care Information

Thank you to everyone who has provided their updated health care information.

Asthma: If there has been a change to your child’s Asthma Management Plan could you please collect a new template form from the office and have your doctor update and sign the plan at  your child’s next appointment.

If your child requires medication for a short-term health condition while they are at school (e.g. antibiotics, etc) the medication should be brought directly to the office by a parent or carer. There is a form; Request for administering prescribed medication to a student for parents to complete so we have all the information needed to help manage your child’s condition. Thank you for helping us to keep your child safe and healthy while in our care. 

Due this week:

Friday 18th March                 E.O.I. forms for placement in Year 7, 2023

Thursday 17th March            Lunch orders for Small Schools’ Cultural Day

                                                *Lunch orders are being collected by Jilliby PS early Friday morning

The Year 6 students at Jilliby PS will be running a tuckshop during recess time at the Cultural Day.  Our students can bring money to purchase the following items:  Bag of chips (various flavours) 50c, Zooper Dooper ice blocks $1.00 


Busy,busy, busy. That is what we are.

The canteen has been running for 2 weeks now and it certainly seems everyone is enjoying Friday lunches!! Thanks for the support.

Last week we held our AGM. It was great to have a couple new faces there. All positions were filled which is great as everyone gets to have some input. The committee is as follows:


N. Ward

Vice Pres 1

K. Woods

Vice Pres 2

H. Taylor


M. Sammut

Secretary 1

H. Taylor


H. Danks- Brown


M. McCrone


C. Towne

Fundraising 1

K. Hirons

Fundraising 2

J. Johnson

Country Fair

M. Sammut


M. Stewart

Easter Raffle

Donations are now being accepted for the Easter raffle. For each donation, the student will receive a Somersbee ticket to go into the weekly somersbee draw. Raffle tickets will be sent home today also so please check your childs bag. There are plenty of tickets available from the office should you require more. Please don't hesitate!!!

Trivia Night

Yes we are planning to hold a Trivia night. At this point it will be August 27th at Mangrove Mountain Memorial Club. There is lots of organising to do so if this something you are good at, or would like to be involved in purely for the social aspect, come along to the club next Tuesday evening, 22nd March @ 6pm for some dinner and discussions and planning. Otherwise, please see myself at school or email the P&C on   
