
Issue 2020 / 11


As I write this, I am looking out on a perfect Sydney Sunday. How fortunate we are.

The sense of normality which I wrote of last time, seems to pervade, whilst the underlying concern with growing clusters makes us wary of planning too far into the future. And this was very much the focus of our PHPA Committee Meeting, by zoom, last Friday.

What we decided was the need to have an open forum for families to come together and share in the way zoom allows. An email has gone out from the PHPA President Kate Parsons on behalf of the Committee and as she says, the link and meeting details will be sent out next week via Class Network Parents. Please do look out for this.

I am looking forward to sharing with you, activities and opportunities in the wellbeing and pastoral space for our students. In these times, supporting your sons and daughters has never been more important. So, I do hope you are able to join us and in addition, hear news from the PHPA.

National Science Week
It is wonderful to see our students responding to the theme for 2020 National Science Week: Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans. It is hard to miss the focus for this week both visually and through the auditory Sounds of Science blasting across our bell system to herald lunchtime… Through this week we celebrate science and technology and with the theme chosen for 2020 we are seeking to embrace the innovative technologies, capabilities and skills needed to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability of our oceans. And given that 2021 will herald the beginning of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, it is a great opportunity to explore marine science and focus on the importance of our oceans and the resultant impact on climate.

I have been delighted to support our students at inter-school sport, seeing them not only conquer their opponents, but do so with such a great sense of team and endeavour. Whether on the field or in the classroom, there are marvellous activities occurring. I am thrilled to share the great work of J4 with their ‘MIVID’ experience last Friday… a mini VIVID demonstrated the fabulous work by the girls and their pride in sharing their learning. 

Another wonderful initiative gaining momentum this year has been the work of the Sustainability Group headed up by Prefect Lachlan, with the great support of Mr Hine. Herbs, lettuce and tomatoes are finding their way to our Canteen menu and they have an excellent composting process in place; in all, it has been an outstanding project for these marvellous secondary students. Additionally, our weekly secondary Assembly segment, the Give it a Grow Award acknowledges students who are focused on this important element of our School. With members in the group coming from Years 8, 9 and 12, we are well placed to continue this work. 

Our Year 12 students are in the midst of their trials and I am sure you will be wishing them every success. The unusual set of circumstances for our HSC cohort this year has given an added level of stress and thus our approach to support each student to find the positive and successful elements through the latter part of their course has been central.

I do wonder, long in the future, when we all remember 2020 and “The Virus”, which elements of this time will resonate most? Will your children remember quite different elements to you? As I have shared, I do hope it is the wonderful sense of family and shared activities that will be key. It will also be a time when we determine what is important in life and I am guessing that you as parents will ask yourselves what you want for your children as they prepare for their futures. We can be certain that their experiences will be more complex and with a greater degree of uncertainty than the past. Given this, the way we support your children at Pittwater House and the approaches we take to wellbeing, with our small family orientation, will, I trust, give you comfort. We know your children. We seek out your support and knowledge regarding your children in order that we work in harmony. It is this I believe that gives us an edge and you, reassurance.

Your sons and daughters will never be just one of the crowd…

Addendum: Since writing this piece, the NSW Government has provided ‘A Guide to NSW School Students for Term 3’, outlining activities allowed, activities on hold for Term 3 and activities that are cancelled. Our Skoolbag advice to you on Monday shares the impact of this advice in an evolving situation. Please find a copy of the letter from myself and the Deputy Principal below.

COVID-19 Community Update - 17 August 2020

Click 'Download' to view a copy of the letter


Maths Study Centre - Years 7-12

The Maths Study Centre for Years 7-12 occurs on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Library from 3:30 – 4:20pm. 

Year 9 Community Problem Solving Team

As part of our Community Problem Solving project, we are going to be posting recipes using Indigenous ingredients to help promote their use as they are more sustainable for our land.

This weeks recipe uses River Mint and (optional) Macadamia Nuts to make delicious brownies. The indigenous ingredients gives them a twist and makes them taste extra special, so we highly recommend giving this super easy recipe a go to incorporate these ingredients!


From the Head of Junior Schools

Last week I had the good fortune of being able to participate in a webinar presented by psychologist, author and commentator, Michael Hawton, titled 'The Impact of Childhood Anxiety on Primary Schooling'. Given our current COVID-19 situation impacting on every level of society from global to local, I felt it a necessity to share a brief snippet of what I had the opportunity to learn.

An Australian Primary Principals’ report from 2019, with over 700 participants; pre pandemic and pre bushfires, reported an alarming increase in anxiety in primary school aged children, noting anxious talk – “I’m worried, I’m anxious” and anxious behaviour – unwillingness to participate. This is not a natural trait for most young children, but rather an environmental influence; something they have heard rather than something inherited. We can but imagine, since the results of that study were published, given the experiences we have been exposed to since then, what the findings might be in the current environment.

What can we do as parents and teachers to turn around this trend?

Hawton asks that we take care not to catastrophise, it is important that we don’t use language that was once reserved for the therapist; Concept Creep is a term used to describe the lowering of the threshold to describe phenomena of a clinical nature, for example using words such as anxiety, trauma, depression and bullying around a child only causes them to develop thoughts of being unsafe and fear, especially when the adult says in front of the child, “ oh he’s feeling very depressed today.” When heard enough, the child associates how they are feeling as depression, when it is possibly sadness or disappointment.

As our children’s educators, we need to develop their resilience rather than their anxiety. Hawton advises that children need adults who will help them think more accurately about problems, who will present events in proportion, who will behave in ways that are not catastrophising and use language with care, words which will not cause fear or alarm.

As the influential adults we need to balance our reactions to issues we might face. Hawton warns that we must watch for signs of anxiety in the making. With exposure to so many environmental and cultural influences and influencers, the need to help our children navigate their way is of the utmost importance

We suggest the following resources for parents who would like some advice or support.

The book, Parent–Led CBT for Child Anxiety. Helping Parents Help their Kids Cresswell, Parkinson, Thirwall, Willetts

Parent Workshop – No Scaredy Cats – Interactive webinar for parents (see flyer below).

Year 1 in Focus

Year one has enjoyed being back at School this term. Our favourite things so far have been:

  • Playing with our friends in the courtyard. We love that the activities change each week!
  • Learning about how greenhouses work in science and starting to think about how we could build our own. We are all very excited to get started on our own creations this week.
  • Year 1 coding and construction clubs
  • Our robotics incursion. We learnt how to program our robots using the iPads and were so excited when our codes worked!

Science Week

Science is alive and loved every week in the Junior School.

This week in Science Kindergarten will be discussing the question, ‘What happens when there is a storm? They will consider what storms are, where they are formed, how they are formed and safety procedures when there is a storm about. Kindergarten will then be making their own weather chart. The students will be creating their own symbols for 4 types of weather most commonly experienced in Sydney (rain, sun, wind, cloud). 

This term in Science Year 1 are learning about how greenhouses work. They have explored lots of different types of greenhouses and are getting ready to build their own.

Year 3 are looking at heating and cooling in Science this semester. They are exploring the types of heat, heat transfer and how states of matter change under different conditions.

Studying the topic Food and Fibre, the students of Year 4 are describing how living things depend on each other, and the environment to survive. Advancing technologies used in food and fibre production in Australian and traditional agriculture are being explored. The students will also design, plan and produce a product, a system or an environment to support the growth of a plant and/or animal to be used to produce food or fibre.

In Year 5 Science the students are studying the natural hazards of Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Droughts and Bushfires and their potential to cause disaster. The students are learning about the dynamic processes that cause geological and meteorological hazards and explore how scientists predict and measure them. They will study the rapid change at the Earth’s surface caused by natural events and how technology has assisted people to plan for natural disasters and minimise their effect.

Year 6 has been busy learning about electricity and circuits. We have enjoyed our inquiry investigations—tinkering with batteries, light bulbs and wires!


Congratulations to Year 6 debating team A winning their first round in the virtual debating competition against Macarthur Anglican College. Watch this space for more news on the next debate on Friday when Year 6 debating team B will debate against Bundaberg Christian College.

ECC - Year 6 Book Character Parade Reminder

Just a quick reminder that our Book Character Parade is being held next week on Wednesday 26 August starting at 9am. Students can stay in their costumes all day but please be mindful that any props or costume pieces are named, and that PE gear is sent along if required that day.

The Zoom link will be sent out via Skoolbag, CANVAS and Seesaw just prior to the event. We will be staggering the parade with ECC – Year 3 parading between 9-9:30 and Years 4-6 between 9:40-10:10 with a video interlude based on this year’s CBCA Book of the Year short-listed picture books between 9:30-9:40. 

If any of the CBCA short listed books that you see during our video interlude seem appealing, you can purchase a copy through our local book supplier, The Beachside Bookshop Plus they will deliver to school for free!

Hope to see all your friendly faces on Zoom!


Pittwater House Sport News

Click 'Download' below to view Junior and Senior School Sport News


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Following on from our note on skoolbag last week  - As we continue in this new-normal of Covid-19 uncertainty, our proposed events for Term 3 will be postponed until the time comes when life is a little less complicated. We will share news as and when we can, so please keep an eye on Skoolbag and House News for updates. 

In the meantime, to keep our Community connected, we feel that it is important to continue to have regular forums for parents to check in with the PHPA and each other.  Our Term 3 Parent Community update is scheduled for Friday 21st August, 9am via Zoom. Come along and chat with Parents from around the school and we can also look forward to hearing from our regular guest speaker, Dr Hillier, who will share some behind the scene insights on school life. 

The link and meeting details will be sent out via Class Network Parents and all Parents/Guardians are very welcome and encouraged to join. Note that you don't have to say anything on the zoom if you so wish, just call in and smile at the camera...although a prize for the most eye catching zoom background could be in order!

Best wishes,

The PHPA Team

Clothing Pool/Second Hand Uniform Shop Reminders

  • Appointments only. A reminder that the PHPA Clothing Pool (Second Hand Uniform Shop ) will continue with appointments only for the foreseeable future.  Please email to organise and a volunteer parent will meet you at the agreed time at the clothing pool. Parents with an appointment will need to go directly to and from the clothing pool without visiting other parts of the school. All visitors will be requested to use the provided hand sanitiser before entering the clothing pool.

  • Payments for sold items:  Please check you email inbox regularly for an email from the clothing pool advising if monies are due to you for any sold items.


School Uniform Shop News

Temporary Opening/Closing Time Change

The School Uniform Shop will be open on Thursday 27 August from 8am–12 noon. It will then be closed the following days: Friday 28th, Monday 31st August and Tuesday 1st September. The Uniform Shop will resume regular Opening/Closing times starting Wednesday 2nd September from 8am-4pm (lunch closure 12-12.30pm). Please refer to regular Uniform Shop Term Time Hours below. 

School Uniform Shop - Fittings and Purchases Only by Appointment - No Drop Ins

All fittings are strictly by appointment only and only one family member may accompany the student to the appointment. Please call Mrs Tess Spark on: 9972 5721 or email: to book your appointment or for further inquires. For other purchases we suggest you utilise the online order forms available here. The uniform shop manager will call or email you to let you know when the items are available for collection. This will significantly reduce the number of people in the uniform shop at any one time.

Please Note: Students in Years K-6 must have written permission eg. email, note in diary from their parent/guardian in order to purchase items from the School Uniform Shop.

Supervisors of Learner Drivers - Online Workshop

Wednesday, 26 August 2020 6:30pm to 7:45pm

You can learn all the simple steps on how to teach a learner driver at this free online workshop.

This online workshop will provide practical advice on a range of items including:

  • Changes to the Learner Driver Licensing Scheme
  • Log book apps approved by the Roads and Maritime Services
  • Completing the learner driver log book
  • Supervising learner drivers
  • Understanding the benefits and safety aspects of supervised on-road driving experience
  • Understanding the licence conditions for learners and provisional licence holder

Bookings are essential as there are limited spaces. Log in details for the zoom presentation will be emailed closer to the event.  Learner drivers are also invited to attend.

Bookings - Supervisors of Learner Drivers

Contact Information:

Northern Beaches Council – Road Safety Officer or call 8495 6804

Term Dates

Click Download