Mount Kanwary Public School Newsletter

Term 2 Week 4 2022

Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers

Assistant Principal- Curriculum and Instruction

I am happy to announce that Mrs Danielle Fisher has been permanently appointed one day per week to our school as Assistant Principal- Curriculum and Instruction.

This position is to continue to build teaching and learning in literacy and numeracy, our focus for this semester is comprehension.

Welcome to the team Mrs Fisher!!

Banksias Classroom

The Banksias classroom upgrade has begun and is expected to be completed by the end of term 2.

Students and staff are super excited to see our new learning space!!

COVID-19 Update

From the beginning of Term 2, students and staff who are identified as close contacts will be able to attend school at the principal’s discretion with the following risk mitigations in place:

  • Parents/carers and staff must notify the school if they or their child is a close contact and intends to attend school or work

  • Students and staff should conduct a daily rapid antigen test (RAT) and receive a negative result each morning before attending school for 5 subsequent school days

  • Staff and high school students identified as close contacts must wear a mask in all indoor settings when at school

  • Primary school students identified as close contacts are recommended to wear a mask in all indoor settings when at school

  • Close contacts are not allowed to attend overnight excursions for 7 days from identification as a contact.

    Unwell at school

    Any student or staff member who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to go home and stay there until they can complete a RAT or PCR test.If symptoms continue, they should stay at home and take another RAT in 24 hours or have a PCR test.

    • If the second RAT or initial PCR test result is negative, the student or staff member can return to school.
    • In NSW, positive COVID-19 cases are provided a Medical Clearance Notice after 7 days and allowed to leave self-isolation as long as they do not have COVID-19 symptoms.

    Small School Athletics Carnival

    Our SS Athletics carnival at the beginning of term was a huge success, with Mrs Trappel reporting that there was high student participation in all events and excellent behaviour.

    Well done Mount Kanwary, for representing our school with pride!!

    I am also happy to announce that the following students were successful in progressing to zone:

    • Imijon- junior shot-put
    • Riley K- 9 years 100m

    Congratulations to both of these students, we will send further details when we have been notified, the event will be held in term 3.

    Dolly's Dream Colour Explosion Fundraiser

    Do It For Dolly Day is a day dedicated to bringing the community together, spreading kindness and uniting in taking a stand against bullying.

    Every year in May thousands of community members come together to commemorate Dolly, participate in fundraising activities to help support the important anti-bullying work and share the Dolly’s Dream message to be kind and speak even if your voice shakes.

    Do It For Dolly Day is on Friday 20 May 2022 and we’re calling on you to help make Dolly’s own dream of a kinder and safer world for Australia’s kids and communities a reality.

    The school is combining with Glen William Public School to hold a colour explosion Fun Run to raise funds for Dolly's Dream. 

    If you are fundraising with cash use the sponsorship form in the booklet for the Colour Explosion sent home at the end of Term 1, please return the form and money to school by this Thursday, with your prize selection (back page). Students were sent a parent/carer letter in T1, detailing all the information about the event.

    To create an online fundraising page, visit're so excited about the Colour-Run this Friday (20/5/22) at Glen William Public School.

    Please remember:

    • all students are to wear a white shirt on the day that they are happy to have covered in colour
    • students arrive at Glen William PS 9:30 and report to Mrs Trappel and Mrs Cameron
    • STEM activities from 9:30-10:45am
    • Colour-run from 10:45am (approx)
    • Lunch- after Colour-Run
    • Finish- 1pm (approx) parents/carers to collect from Glen William PS
    • transport to and from the event is by private transport

    Cross Country

    Students participated in a school-based Cross-Country event in place of sport on Friday 6th May. All students did their best to complete the 2km distance and had a lot of fun collecting their stamp at the end of each lap!!

    Have a wonderful week!

    Katrina Cameron


    Mount Kanwary Events!

    Snack Canteen

    Our Snack canteen will be operating every Friday for recess.

    Students can to purchase: small packet chips, paddle pops or flavoured milk.  All money raised will go towards  our school end of year gift.

    Up Coming Events


    17 May to

    20 May

    NAPLAN- Numeracy and catch-up testsNil
    19 MayColour Run Sponsorship finalised online or to the Office-
    20 MayColour Run- Glen William PSFundraiser
    24 MayColour-Run- prize ordering opens online-
    31 MayColour-Run- online prize ordering closes -
    3 JuneHealthy Harold- school visit$12
    13 JuneQueens Birthday- school closed-
    17 JuneSS Touch Football knockoutTBA
    24 JuneHot Food canteenTBA
    30 JuneStudent Reports- homeNil

    Tweet Awards

    Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. The framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.

    Congratulations to the following students for receiving their Yellow Feathers:

    • Imijon
    • Riley K
    • Robert
    • Amethyst

    Mount Kanwary PS core vales of Respect, Responsibility and Personal Best are explicitly taught in classroom lessons in term one.

    Positive behaviour is rewarded in the all school settings including the classroom, playground, library and office with a number of strategies, including TWEET tokens which are displayed in class. When students collect 10 tokens they will receive a feather on their TWEET mascot and receive a certificate. To receive the final gold feather students must collect 15 tokens. 

    At the final year presentation day students who have achieved their gold feather will also be presented with their year badge, each year receives a different coloured badge.

    PBL Certificates

    2023 New Enrolments

    If you have, or know a family who has, a child/children seeking enrolment in 2023, please let them know to contact the school on 4987 2596 or email

    Our school is one of the few that is still able to offer 'non-local' (Out of Zone' applications, so please spread the word about this inclusive school!!

    Mount Kanwary PS Contact

    Mount Kanwary Public School is a small school with immense pride in the quality of educational opportunities offered to students.