Christ the King North Rocks Newsletter

2020, Term 3 Week 10: Friday 25th September, 2020.

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

As Term 3 draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge our staff, student and parent community for their flexibility, patience and resilience during these uncertain times. The school has functioned and performed well during the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions and this has been due to a supportive school community and a dedicated and committed staff. 

The end to our longest face to face term for 2020 is here, and I think we can all agree that it has been wonderful to have the students back to face to face learning for ten continuous weeks. 

Well done to our students who have engaged so positively with their learning this term. Students are demonstrating efficient skills in communicating their learning, collaborating, using the genius of the group to expand their thinking, and being creative in the how and what they do to show their learning to an audience and critically think about what they have learned and its relevance to the world today. 

When we return to school for Term 4 we will continue to be guided by Government Health Advice and Catholic Education Department of Parramatta guidelines. Any changes in school restrictions will be communicated to you by Skoolbag, email and facebook. We are committed to keeping our school community as safe as possible and continue to implement COVID safe practices. 

Have a safe, happy and restful holiday. 

Bernadette Walsh

(Acting Principal)

The Footprints Prayer

One night I had a dream…

I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord, and

Across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; One belonged to me, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of my life flashed before us, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that many times along the path of my life, There was only one set of footprints.

I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest

and saddest times in my life

This really bothered me, and I questioned the Lord about it.

“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,

You would walk with me all the way;

But I have noticed that during the

most troublesome times in my life,

There is only one set of footprints.

I don’t understand why in times when I

needed you the most, you should leave me.

The Lord replied, “My precious, precious

child. I love you, and I would never,

never leave you during your times of

trial and suffering.

When you saw only one set of footprints,

It was then that I carried you.

Upcoming Events

Term 4, Week 1

Monday 12th October

  • Sports Program: All Students in Sports uniform
  • Cool Kids Music Club begins 3.00-4.30pm 

Tuesday 13th October

  • Uniform Shop 8.00am-12.30pm - via appointment only.
  • PE: Year 6, Kindergarten

Wednesday 14th October

  • PE: Year 2, Year 5, Year 4 [Group 1]  
  • Chess begins 3.00-4.00pm

Thursday 15th October

  • PE: Year 3, Year 1, Year 4 [Group 2] 

Friday 16th October

  • Performance Band and group lessons throughout the day

Term 4, Week 2

Monday 19th October

  • Sports Program: All Students in Sports Uniform
  • Cool Kids Music 3.00-4.30pm

Tuesday 20th October

  • Uniform Shop 8.00am-12.00pm - via appointment only.
  • PE: Year 6, Kindergarten
  • Kindergarten 2021 Parent Information Night (Zoom Meeting 7pm)

Wednesday 21st October

  • PE: Year 2, Year 5, Year 4 [Group 1]
  • Chess 3.00-4.00pm 

Thursday 22nd October

  • PE: Year 3, Year 1, Year 4 [Group 2]

Friday 23rd October

  • Performance Band and group lessons throughout the day.

Term dates for 2020

Term 4      Monday,      12th October     to        Wednesday 16th December


Thursday 17th December

Friday 18th December

Other School News

What's Happening in Year 4

In Religion, Year 4 have been learning about the Saints.

We have learnt about the common characteristics of these people and how we can try to be like them.

We have looked at many examples of people in the world today, who act like Saints.People like doctors, nurses, charity workers, volunteers and fire fighters.All of these people help and care for others and are very selfless. 

As part of our art lessons, we tried to show how these people are everyday heroes.In our art you can see the perfect role model, Jesus. You will also see people like Shane Fitzsimmons (NSW RFS), nurses, doctors and soldiers.

Click here for the photo gallery.

What's Happening in Year 6

Throughout term three Year 6 have been learning about measurement and how to find the relationships between different angles. During week 10 Year 6 used their knowledge of angles to create their own origami. 

Captain's Chat

This term has been our first 10 weeks back in school without being interrupted by Covid-19. It has been a much more educational and contributional experience to our learning, than the past two terms. This term we have been able to have our school photos as well as also being a part of many different fun projects. Year 5 have been using Minecraft education for geography to create a city. Year 3 have been discovering different cultural celebrations that their family takes part in. Year 6 have had a really fun origami experience during math, and there are also some different catholic sacraments occurring this year as well with year 3's participating in Reconciliation.

We have still cancelled assemblies for now since COVID-19 has been restricting us from doing many different things. Next term if we are lucky enough, we can go back to doing some of the things that make our school one community. For example, going to church and different types of assemblies. This term as a community, we have adapted to the situations and problems that are thrown at us, and we are looking forward to all the opportunities that show themselves during our last term of 2020.

Sincerely Laura and Jack

Update: Draft New Curriculum for Religious Education

Thank you for your interest in learning more about our new approach to Religious Education. As every parent would expect, this will be age appropriate for children and young people. Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta is looking forward to sharing an updated version of our Draft New Curriculum with parents and carers in early October. Further details are available on the school website.

A video update about the Draft New Curriculum las also been shared on the CEDP Facebook page. Please click here to view the video.

Student Data Validation Form

As part of our annual system and legal requirements, Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta (CEDP) is asking families to ensure all relevant contact and student information is up to date and accurate for the purposes of communication and providing relevant support to students.

On Monday 19th October, households will receive an email or SMS from CEDP with a link and login details to the Student Date Validation (SDV) form.

Once you have logged in you will be able to verify existing information from the school database and update if necessary. The process should not take more than 15 minutes and will need to be completed by 5.00pm on Friday 6th November.

If you have any questions about the Student Data Validation form, please contact our Community Liaison Team on 9840 5796.

School Fees

2021 School Fees and Changes to the Family Levy. We wish to advise that your school fees statement may look a little different next year.  You will notice that the Resource Fee has increased however there is no longer a Family Levy as the Family Levy and Resource Fee have merged.  In the majority of cases this has little or no impact.  For families with 3 or more students there will be a slight increase in the combination of these fees. 

Parramatta Diocese has decided that for 2021 there will be NO increase in Diocesan Tuition Fees or the Building Levy with diocesan fees being charged as per 2020 schedule.  Therefore you will find that the total school fees increase (if any at all) is well within the bounds of normal annual increases. 

Please contact the School Office on 8846 2700 should you require any further information.

Thank you.

Susan Ritchie

Senior Finance.

Library News

Internet Safety over the Holidays

The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is an excellent, authoritative site to help you and your children navigate the internet. Visit the Parent page to get useful information and tips on keeping your children safe online. 


As term 3 draws to a close TSA wishes to congratulate the amazing student musicians who have been 'keeping the music alive' at school during these crazy times.

Whilst we have not had the chance to showcase your wonderful talents on the stage, we want you all to know that you have blown us away with your resilience and creativity. You should be very proud!

A massive thankyou must also go to your teachers, parents and the whole school community who have helped support you through these times.

We look forward to seeing you all next term!

Steven Lavis and all our staff

Parish News

Masks are now highly recommended to be worn at all Masses

NSW Health, supported by the Premier of NSW is highly recommending everyone in NSW to wear masks in any situation with the potential for COVID-19 transmission.

Therefore it is officially recommended all worshippers in the Diocese of Parramatta wear a mask to Mass. This would be as people arrive on parish grounds, during Mass or the service and afterwards as they leave. During Communion, the mask may be removed, but it should be in place at all other times.

We understand the inconvenience that masks may pose, but the health of our parishioners and the wider community is our highest concern.  We sincerely thank you for understanding, and for playing your part in keeping our community safe.

Weekend Masses

This weekend, we will be allowed to have a maximum of 120 persons attending each Mass.


Parishioners attending all weekday Masses are required to complete their details on the registration form provided in the church foyer.

Wednesday to Saturday Mass at 9:00 am (note Friday Mass starts at 9:15 am)


Saturday         5:30 pm Vigil

Sunday            8:00 am & 10:00 am

Do I need to make a reservation for weekend Mass? Yes

There is a limit of 100 people at each Mass. excluding the celebrant and assistants. All Masses are regularly evaluated and updated accordingly. We have designated the Sunday 8am Mass for Seniors of our Parish but of course anyone may attend. It is still a government requirement to register all attendees to assist in contact tracing should it be required. Therefore the Eventbrite website from this weekend, will allow 100 parishioners to register to attend their chosen Mass.

 All reservations are to be made before Friday 5:30pm.

Volunteers are required for the Readings and to assist in operating the music PowerPoint. Please email the parish office: or phone 9871 8710 after reserving a place at your selected Mass.

Thank you for your assistance.


Please follow the instructions when making your booking. You need to separately book each person in your family and bring your ticket or mobile phone with your e-ticket to Mass. Please contact the parish office on 9871.8710 or via email: should you encounter any technical issues registering. Thank you. 

We wish you a Blessed week ahead.

Stay strong and safe,

Fr Ian McGinnity

Parish Office Information, Parish Mass Times, Reconciliation and Rosary

Parish office hours are Mondays - Fridays 9am - 4pm.

Our current contact details are phone: 9871 8710 and email:


Wednesday to Saturday Mass at 9:00 am

(note Friday Mass starts at 9:15 am)  


Saturday         5:30 pm Vigil

Sunday            8:00 am & 10:00 am


Saturday after Mass (9:30am - 10am) or by appointment

Community News

School Notes

Parent Volunteers at CTK should visit the Parent Involvement page and complete the ‘Volunteer Form’ to be able to assist in any capacity as a volunteer within the school.
Parent Volunteers at CTK should visit the Parent Involvement page and complete the ‘Child Protection Training Module’ to be able to assist in any capacity as a volunteer within the school.
Click on title, go to Administration, print and complete the ‘Application for Extended Leave’ form to apply for student leave other than illness