St Mary's Bulletin

Term 4 - Week 1 (16 October, 2020)

From the Principal

Dear St Mary's School Community

Welcome Back

It was wonderful to welcome everyone back on Tuesday.  It seems that everyone had a relaxing break and the children all had great stories to share of their holiday adventures!  We are looking forward to another busy and rewarding term!

Canonisation of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop

Today is the 10-year anniversary of the canonisation of Saint Mary of the Cross, Australia’s first Saint.  Mary MacKillop was an ordinary woman with an extraordinary dream and a big heart.  Her dream was to give the poorest families and most neglected children access to education and safe shelter by opening schools. Mary set up the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (the Josephites). This was the first religious order to be founded by an Australian, and a woman at that. She and the Sisters of St Joseph went wherever the need was greatest. They gave up everything to live and teach amongst the people they served.  In the face of trials, Mary persistently stood by her convictions – while also modelling forgiveness, insisting no ill be spoken of those who wronged her. She showed us how to be courageous in serving others and said, “Never see a need without doing something about it.”  The dedication and determination of Mary and the Sisters helped significantly shape the access for all to education in Australia today.  The Sisters of St Joseph are responsible for founding St Mary’s School over 90 years ago.

T/20 Blast Cricket Cup

Today we held our annual Cricket T-20 Blast Cup at the Merredin Rec Center against Merredin College. It was a fantastic day with the weather being cooler. The children displayed great team work and co-operation. Many thanks to the parent helpers and staff who contributed to make the day a success. The results of the day will be published in next week's Newsletter.

Bus Area

The school is working with the bus contractors to ensure a safer drop off process in the mornings.  You may have noticed that there has been a yellow square marked on the footpath at the front of the school – busses will only be permitted to drop off within that space, making it safer for the children who come to school using the bus service.  Updated bus information was sent home to bus families this week.

Canteen Survey

Thank you to those families that have taken the time to respond to the Canteen Survey.  The link to this quick survey was sent to all families last Friday, 10 October via Skoolbag.  The survey will be closed on Monday and the feedback of all families is valued.

Book Club

Issue 7 of Book Club has been sent home with students this week. Orders are due in by Friday 23rd October.

Book Club

Issue 7 of Book Club has been sent home with students this week with lots of Christmas ideas. Orders are due in by Friday 23rd October.

Containers for Change

We have received a grant for the Containers for Change.  We have purchased a trailer and three bins which is located at the Drop off and Drive area.  

Not all containers are eligible.  Here’s a way to remember which ones you can return:

Aluminium is a win.  Glass and plastic are always in.

Steel and paper are good to go.  But milk and wine bottles are a no.

We will be recycling: Aluminium Cans - Glass - Other/ Miscellaneous

The other drop off point is at 3 Benson Avenue.  Please remember to quote Saint Mary’s Primary and the code number if dropping off on a Saturday.  Then our school receives the benefits! Please look at if you would like more information.

Thank you to Mrs Sonya McCormack for all her hard work and efforts to register our school for Containers for Change.  St Mary's School has a strong sustainability program and this is another facet of that program.  

P&F Meeting

The final P&F meeting for 2020 will be held on Monday, 16 October in the Library at 7.30pm.  Please come along to support the P&F.

God Bless and have a lovely weekend with your families, 

Ms Adriana Coniglio


Let us Pray

Mary MacKillop

join us in our gratitude on this 10th anniversary of your canonisation.

Be with us in this time of crisis in our world as we gather fresh courage around us for working in God’s healing mission.

Keep us participating as a people of the Gospel engaging with our neighbours for the good of all and serving with Christ in our common home.

Holy Spirit strengthen us.
