Plattsburg Public School Newsletter

August 2020, Term 3 Week 4

Principal's Message

We have a new Education Support Dog that has joined our Huckleberry class. His name is Winston and belongs to our new teacher, Miss Kelly. Winston is a huge hit with students and staff alike. He makes himself comfortable wherever he goes and took one look at the soft chairs in my office and decided that was a nice spot for a nap.

Thank you to all our parents and carers for supplying students with mounds of recyclable goodies to make their sculptures. They were all so amazing and inventive.

I want to welcome Sarah Kelly back to our school. Sarah is our Aboriginal Education Officer and previously made some enormous contributions to cultural programs in the school. I know we have some exciting things to look forward to. I really must sing the praises of our Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal boys who have taken up the didgeridoo. They are seriously impressive. I am working on filming them to share on our Facebook and web page. Our senior students have set a high standard in their playing and our little fellas are wanting to emulate them. If anyone can help us to source some didg blanks I'd love to hear from you.

Our school is over 150 years old. It has stood through multiple world crises. Our community has, over the course of history, weathered all that those crises threw at them. The uncertainty and anxiety that we may be feeling during this time in history is not unique to us. We don't have a history of giving up but of pulling together. We have a saying here at school - we are Plattsburg, we are one. Remember you are part of that one.

Latest COVID-19 Information

Latest COVID-19 Information from the Department of Education and NSW Health for parents can be found at:

Illness and COVID-19 Tests

Thank you to parents and carers on their vigilance in keeping children home when sick. While we continue to promote positive school attendance, we must continue to keep students home when sick. Our parents and community have been doing this and we appreciate it in keeping our school community safe from illness.

The advice from NSW Health is that for any symptoms people, including children, should be COVID tested. If your child has any symptoms please have them tested. Once tested please do not return to school until the results are negative and symptoms have finished.

Important Dates

Tuesday, 8th September 2020

School Photos

Tuesday 27th October 2020  

Kindergarten 2021 Information Session 4 p.m - 5 p.m

Wednesday, 4th November 2020 

Kindergarten Orientation 2 p.m - 3 p.m

Monday, 9th November to Friday 20th November 2020

School Swimming Scheme for Year 2 Students

Tuesday, 17th November 2020  

Kindergarten Orientation 9:30 a.m - 10:45 a.m

Wednesday, 18th November 2020  

Kindergarten Orientation 9:30 a.m - 10:45 a.m

Tuesday, 8th September 2020  

School Photos

Check-in assessment for Year 3 and 5

Students in Years 3 and 5 will participate in a new reading and numeracy check-in assessment in Term 3, 2020. The Check-in assessment is a NSW Department of Education online reading and numeracy assessment available to support schools to assess and monitor Year 3 and 5 student learning following the period of learning from home. The Check-in assessments can supplement existing school practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy and to help teachers tailor their teaching more specifically to student needs. The assessment will be scheduled for our Year 5 students from 17 August to 4 September 2020.The assessment will be scheduled for our Year 3 students from 21 September to 23 October 2020.Students with disability will receive the same level of support during the assessment that they would normally receive in the classroom. 

Department of Education App

Calling all parents and carers: Have you downloaded the School Updates app yet? ? Opt in to receive notifications about the operational status of our school (e.g. temporary closures).Find out more and download via

Also, don't forget to have your say by 31 August! ?️

We want to hear from all NSW parents about their before and after school care needs in light of COVID-19:

School Photos

School photos will be taken on: Tuesday 8th September 2020.

All students will be given an envelope with their name, package options and payment details closer to the date. Students must bring their photo envelope ON PHOTO DAY. Please do not send it to school before photo day. Students will need to be in FULL school uniform. Uniforms can be ordered at

SIBLING ENVELOPES will be available shortly. They each have a unique shoot key for online ordering. Ordering can be completed online ( au) or by payment on the day. Please ensure your child’s details are correct on the envelope (i.e. spelling). On completion of an online order, the website will display an order reference code which should be written on the back of the envelope, in the box provided. Each child is still required to bring their envelope on photo day. Orders can be placed online up to one week after photo day. 

Head Lice Alert

We have had a number of cases of head lice within the school and are asking that you please do your part to support our school community in preventing the spread of this infestation. Please check your child’s hair this weekend for nits/lice and if you find any nits or lice commence treatment immediately.

To see nits (eggs) and lice in your child’s hair:

• Use a strong light so you can see the nits on the hairs or lice on the scalp

• Use a comb to separate small amounts of hair

• Check the whole head paying particular attention to the area behind the ears and back of the head

• It is essential to REMOVE ALL EGGS by pinching them with your fingernail and pulling them completely off the hair shaft

• Using a hair straightener will also help to kill the eggs.

Treating head lice does not need to be expensive. Treatment with a medicated shampoo is recommended for the first two treatments but the most effective treatment recommended by James Cook University and Westmead Hospital is the “conditioner and comb” treatment, which involves combing conditioner through an infestation and dunking all lice and eggs in hot water to kill them. Store-bought head lice shampoos or white conditioner must be applied to all parts of the hair, ideally with the same precision with which a hairdresser applies colour to hair, doing it in sections and applying it close to the scalp. No head lice product or insecticide currently kills all eggs, but is likely to kill the live lice. The problem is that eggs hatch at various stages of the life cycle and re-infestatlon occurs If retreatment is not performed. Manual removal of all eggs Is the only effective treatment. A complete regime to remove head-lice consists of two to four treatments a week. The first treatment kills the climbers, and the second kills the juvenile lice hatched from the eggs over the intervening week. In all head-lice cases, a second treatment is needed as no head lice treatment kills 100% of the eggs. You must retreat on day 7 with the same head-lice treatment product used previously. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Kindergarten 2021

Planning is well underway for next year’s Kindergarten! Please remind family and friends to contact the School regarding any students who will be enrolling in Kindergarten next year. Enquiries should be directed to the School Office where enrolment forms are available. 

Road Safety Around Schools

We were recently contacted by the Traffic Services Coordinator for Newcastle City Police District in relation to road safety around schools. In recent weeks police have made a number of patrols of schools across the Newcastle City Local Government Area (LGA) and noted some concerning behaviour in relation to parking, and the manner in which parents are picking up and dropping off students.

Whilst they are aware that some schools currently have modified processes in place to address concerns around COVID-19, some of the behaviours recently witnessed are of concern. Common practices include:

  • Parking in No Parking (Kiss & Ride) zones for as long as possible – basically a first in best dressed situation
  • Parking in bus zones
  • Queueing in actives lanes of traffic causing congestion
  • Queueing across children’s crossings
  • Parking on footpaths, nature strips and centre median strips of roads
  • Standing on the opposite side of a road and signalling their children to cross roads unassisted – children as young as 5 years old have been witnessed doing this.

Below is a list of fines and demerit points associated with school zone offences.

Fines and Demerit Points

Pre paid Father's Day stall credit. Gifts will be priced at $5 and $10. Students will receive a stall credit voucher to use to purchase gifts from the stall. Please complete one form per child.

Stage 3 Sphero Challenge

Stage 3 this week were tasked with making an obstacle course for the Sphero robot. It had to be challenging but not impossible as they had to show Miss Rebecca their track could be completed. They did a wonderful job, got very creative and had a lot of fun doing it. 

Book Week Celebrations

Thank you to everyone who dressed up and paraded their wonderful costumes to celebrate book week.  We were blown away by the number of submissions for our annual Junk Sculpture and enjoyed seeing all the different curious creatures our students created. A full gallery of photos taken of the parade can be found on our school's website. 

Below is the list of the Junk Sculpture Winners. Congratulations!

Sophie Taylor, Imogen Sankey, Riley Stainsfield , April Bauer, Zoe Guthrie, Frank Gowdy, Astrid Wallace, Ava Williams, Kody Ritchie, Adam Dawson, Mackay Pritchard, Roary Bentley, Rosette Simba, Carter Smith, Harrison Kiley and Tom Page. 

Congratulations to our Colouring Competition Winners

Damien Cook is a well-known Rabbitohs, NSW and Australian NRL player. He has given Plattsburg Public School a great two minute talk on keeping positive. 

Current Notes

Father's Day Gift Order Form

NCCD Factsheet

Homework Online Opt In

Year 6 Transition Timeline for Year 7 2021