Woolooware Public School Newsletter

June 2022

Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Well, winter has certainly hit us with a bang!  It has been nice to have a bit drier weather and able to get outside more often, despite the cooler temperatures!  Students should now be in winter school uniform.  We are encouraging all students to wear their Woolooware uniform with pride and ask for your support in this.  Please make sure all clothing items are clearly labelled with your child’s name and encourage him/her to look in lost property for any missing items.  We are seeing a number of non-uniform items creeping in and are reminding children to only wear school jumpers, jackets, shoes etc. 

Over the past week and continuing into next week, we are focusing on using manners.  It has been pleasing to see so many of our students remembering to speak to others politely and respectfully.  Why not have a conversation with your child/ren regarding what they’ve learnt about the importance of using good manners? 

Variation of Term Dates – Please mark your calendar!

As a school community, we have decided to alter the date of the Term 3 School Development Day (scheduled for Monday 18 July) in order to access available professional learning for staff.  Please note the following:

  • Term 3 will now commence for students and staff on Monday 18 July.
  • The pupil-free day has been moved to Monday 19 December, meaning that students will now finish for the year on Friday 16 December.

All staff and the community members present at the last P&C meeting have agreed to this change and the decision has been endorsed by the Director for Educational Leadership.

Sports Uniform

Thank you for the feedback submitted regarding the proposed changes to the school sports uniform.  We are currently working with suppliers and hope to have the new uniform ready to roll out for the commencement of 2023.


In the coming weeks you will receive your child/ren’s Semester 1 report.  This is a snapshot of your child’s learning at this point in time as well as an opportunity to look at goals for the remainder of the year.  We encourage you to look at these with your child and talk about their learning goals for the remainder of the year.

Education Week/Book Week – Save the Date!

Next term we will be celebrating both Education Week and Book Week with one extravaganza in Week 4 (this is mid-way between the two official weeks on the scholastic calendar). We have planned an Open Day and Book Character Parade for Tuesday 9 August commencing at 12.30pm.  There will be more information sent out on this early next term, but pop the date in your diary now.

2023 Enrolments

It seems a long way off, but we are now at the point where we are starting to plan for next year.  Please get in touch with us if you have a child starting school in 2023 and you are considering enrolling at Woolooware.  It helps us if we can have all ‘local’ (within the WPS catchment area) enrolments completed by the end of this term so we can assess whether or not we will be able to offer any positions to non-local applicants.

P&C News

We had a great turn out at our P&C Meeting last week and it was wonderful to see a number of new people join us.  Our new committee is doing a fantastic job and we have had a couple of very successful events recently.  The Mothers’ Day stall was a wonderful opportunity for our students to spoil someone special and we are verry grateful to the team for putting this together.  The election day barbeque was a resounding success and the team had to go out twice to get additional supplies.  We now have an established ‘BBQ Team’ who are very keen and always looking for additional support, if you are interested in joining, get in touch.

The next P&C meeting will be onsite in Week 9 – Monday 20 June, 7pm in the staffroom.


Our Training Band and Performing Band students are now well and truly into the groove of tutorials and rehearsals each Thursday! Their punctuality and attendance (even with this week's FREEZING conditions!) has been tremendous, and all students are showing fabulous growth and enthusiasm. The feedback from their tutors has been excellent and their teachers are very proud of their achievements so far. 

With Band Camp for Performing Band scheduled for early next term (notes will be distributed very soon!) and opportunities for some small ensembles to be showcased on Open Day, we have lovely events to look forward to. Well done to our participants and their families for all their hard work- and keep it up!

We are also very proud of two of our students, Liviya and Jacinta, who attended the Southern Sydney Symphonic Winds band camp at The Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Tops recently.  This is a collaboration of talented students from schools across southeast Sydney and a very prestigious opportunity for our students to be included in.  Well done girls!

Jason Ezzy


PLEASE NOTE: The contents of this message are intended for families of students at Woolooware Public School. Unauthorised sharing of this message is not permitted

Term 2 Curriculum Grids

School Crossing News


School Crossing - CASUAL


What's on?

Download the Skoolbag app to stay updated with school events and excursions. Our school notifications are sent out through skoolbag regularly. Make sure you have notifications turned on so that you don't miss anything. 

Click on the events option at the bottom of the screen to view events and excursions.

Dates do change from time to time so check regularly to make sure you have the most up to date information. 

Please note that most school excursions and permission notes are sent home with students, emailed to families and available on our website under "SCHOOL NOTES AND FORMS" link here for your convenience.


Parent Calendar Term 2


Parent Calendar Term 3


Parent Calendar Term 4


Student Representative Council News


Please be advised that the SRC meet every fortnight on Monday mornings at 9.15am in Kinder Blue classroom.

Term 2 meetings:

Monday 16 May (week 4)
Monday 30 May (week 6)
Monday 13 June (week 8)
Monday 27 June (week 10)

Parents and Citizens Association News

We'd love your feedback...

P&C Membership form


Uniform Shop News

The uniform shop is open THURSDAYS!


Parents and carers may attend the uniform shop on site from 9am-10am (approx.) to purchase uniform items. 

Our uniform shop is located on the far left end of the blue classrooms along the verandah. 


If you still wish to order your uniform through the office please email your completed form to woolooware-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au (pdf preferred - no photos). Please put 'UNIFORM ORDER - family name' in the subject field. Uniform fees will be emailed to families with an online payment link. Uniforms will only go home with students once they are paid for. 

Sending your order through by 3.30pm Wednesdays will be the cut off each week for orders to be processed on Thursdays. Late orders will be carried over to the following week. 


Our uniforms are also stocked at Claudine Schoolwear at Caringbah and their prices and opening times can be found on their website.

Families with overdue uniform fees are asked to please pay for your uniforms ASAP.

Thank you. Order form below

Uniform Order


Team Kids News (formerly WOSHC)

WPS Apps and Websites for Information, Communication and Payments

School Bytes Online Payment 'How to Guide'

Follow the link to view a pdf guide of how to use the School Bytes Parent Online Payment (POP) system
Please follow the link above to view the Woolooware Public School Website where you will find information on enrolment procedures, school events, forms and notes, live streams and much more. 

Canteen News

Flexi Schools for Canteen Orders - ORDER BY 9AM

Permission Notes and Forms

Canteen Volunteer


WPS Information Handbook


Scholastic Book Club Online Ordering