Term 4 Week 10

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience


Welcome to the Kurrajong North Public School Newsletter. 

Our vision is to provide equitable opportunities for all students to enable them to become engaged and self-driven life-long learners, to value the opinions and belief of others, to show respect and to develop the core values which will enable them to be productive, responsible and respectful citizens.

Principal's Message

This is the very first newsletter to be created through SkoolBag. As such, we are encouraging any feedback from the community as to the look and functionality of the new format. One of the benefits of this type of newsletter is that it will be published as a web page. This means that when viewed on any device you will not have to pinch and zoom to read the text as you would have had to with PDF documents. We hope that it is more user friendly for the community, however if you have any problems, please let us know so that we can make any necessary improvements. 

I would like to wish the entire school community a happy and safe holiday. It has been a huge year for the school in 2018 and I know students and staff are ready for a well-earned rest. We hope that all families have the chance to spend some quality time together over the next five weeks and recharge the batteries, ready for another amazing year of learning and growth at Kurrajong North Public School. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Matt Carter :-) 

School Holiday Dates

2018 is officially over!

Last day for students - Wednesday 19 December 2018 

Teachers officially finish up on Thursday 20 December 2018.

2019 - Important dates for the beginning of the year

Students (Years 1 - 6) return - Wednesday 30 January 2019

Best Start Kindergarten - Wednesday 30 January 2019

Kindergarten begin - Friday 1 February 2019

Class Structure 2019

Dear Parents,

The year is quickly coming to a close and with 2019 just around the corner we wanted to inform the community of the class structure for 2019.

We will have 4 classes in 2019 with our numbers dropping slightly due to a large Year 6 group moving off to high school and a small kindergarten intake. The classes have been listed below, as well as the teacher taking each class.

K/1 – Miss Burgess

2/3 – Mr McFadden

4 – Mrs Robinson

5/6 – Miss Stephenson

These classes are subject to change if student numbers go up or down dramatically in the first few weeks of Term 1, however we do not anticipate this occurring. If you do know of anyone intending on enrolling at the school in 2019, could you please let us know to allow for planning. 

School Uniform 2019

An email was distributed two weeks ago asking for feedback from the community about a proposed new school uniform. To date we have received nothing but positive feedback from the community. We are now sourcing suppliers to provide a uniform to the school community which is cost effective without compromising on the quality of the clothing. 

Early next term we will have a list of items that will be available, as well as a price list. We anticipate that new uniforms will be available at some stage in Term 1, however it is unlikely to be ready for the start of the year. There is still a large amount of current stock available for the current uniform and we would like to sell as much of this stock as we can before introducing the new uniform. We will be offering selected items from current stock at a discounted rate next year, so if you want to grab a bargain that might be a great opportunity. 

As mentioned previously, there will be a phase in period for purchasing the new school uniform. The new uniform will be phased in slowly and prices will be kept as low as possible, particularly in the initial phase of implementation. 

Thank you to the P&C and parent community for supporting this change. We are looking forward to a new, modern uniform in 2019. 

Girilambone Public School - Thank You Letter

Earlier in the year Mrs Robinson organised for the community to raise funds for a small country school who were badly affected by the drought. The Girilambone Public School community had been affected by the lack of rain and we were able to raise $500 for them to spend supporting their community through this difficult time.

The letter below outlines their thanks and what they have done with the money. 

Thank you every one for your support and thanks to Mrs Robinson for your organisation. We are very proud that we have been able to support another public school community in their time of need. Thanks to everyone who was involved.

A great effort KNPS!

Presentation Assembly

Thank you to all those who attended the assembly last week at Panthers - North Richmond. It was fantastic spending the night with the students and families, celebrating all of the achievements for 2018. 

We have created a survey as we would love to hear what you thought of the night. If you have any comments or suggestions, please complete the survey and let us know. We want to ensure that we celebrate the achievement of all students in the most appropriate manner and your feedback is vital in allowing us to do that. 

You can complete the survey at :

Playground Shade Sail

Last week we had the shade sail completed over the play equipment in the playground. The shade sail is quite large and offers a lot of shade for the students, meaning that students will be able to use the equipment throughout the hot weather and when they have forgotten their hats. It looks great and provides heaps of shade and the kids love it. 

Thank you to the P&C and all those who have donated money to support the P&C. This project was paid for in full by the P&C and we appreciate the support offered to the students and staff at KNPS. 

We have included a photo for you, however make sure you take a look next time you are up at the school. It looks much better up close!

Weekly Assembly - Term 4 Week 9

Last week we celebrated our last school assembly for the year. It was a bitter sweet moment for Brooke and Jessica, as it was their last as school leaders for 2018. Unfortunately we are unable to add all of the photos of award winners here in this newsletter, however we have listed them below. We have also put the photos up on Facebook so families can all share in the achievements of the students. 

Well done to the following students: 

KindergartenLailah, Cameron, Zoe
1/2Tylah, Blake, Sophia
2/3Jackson, Jack, Sam, Austin, Oliver, Eva
3/4Brayden, Ben, Oliver, Matilda, Daniel, Nyssa
5/6Jaden, Iona, Jack
Library / ScienceDiyanah
Principal's AwardJack B
Captain's AwardMr Mcfadden, Mr Carter
Class of the Fortnight3/4G
Sports Captain AwardsJemma, Zoe, James

Congratulations to all award winners!

A Farewell Message to Year 6

Congratulations Year 6. You have finally finished 7 years or primary school and are starting the next chapter of your life journey. We are all incredibly proud of your achievements over these last 7 years and we know that what you have learnt over this time will prepare you for high school and life beyond. 

All that we ask of you is that you are true to yourself in all situations over the next few years. There will be many decisions to be made and we are very confident that each and every one of you will make the right ones, as you are all sensible and intelligent and have already made us and your families very proud. 

We hope that you all have a fantastic holiday and enjoy the lead up to starting high school. We are very sad that you are leaving, but incredibly confident that you will all achieve amazing things. Just make sure that you come back and visit to tell us all about it. 

Good bye and good luck, Year 6!