Macedon Primary School Newsletter

9 December 2020

School Values: Respect, Responsibility, Creativity, Integrity, Teamwork

Principal's Report

Hello everyone,

Activities Week

It was so lovely to see the students out and about around Macedon last week.  The hikes in the local area, numerous activities in Middle Gully and the Cable Street pine plantation allowed us to get our student outside and having fun in the local bush setting.  We’re so lucky to live in this environment and have these amazing experience literally at our front gate.  Thank you to all of the teachers who completed all of the planning and paperwork that goes into these kinds of activities.

Interschool Sports – Mt Macedon PS

As a part of our activities week we invited the grade five and six students from Mt Macedon PS down to our school to join in with orienteering on Wednesday morning.  Mt Macedon then stayed for the afternoon to play some interschool sport against our students.  It was a lovely afternoon and it was so nice for our students to get a chance to play sport for their school.  The relationship between our schools is a strong one and we were lucky to be able to meet up before the end of the year.

2021 Class Lists

The 2021 classes are now finalised and we will be holding a “meet the teacher” session for all students on Wednesday 16 December.  In this session the student will be grouped in their 2021 classes and will spend the morning getting to know their new teacher.  The students will also be sent home with a class list at the end of the day so you will have the information before the end of the year.


The teachers are putting the final touches on the reports this week ready for distribution next week.  This year we did our best to deliver our teaching and learning program under trying conditions.  As you will know we adjusted our usual program to reflect the recent periods of remote and flexible delivery.  As a direct result of the adjusted program we will be providing a simplified written report for the parents and carers of each student for Semester 2, focusing on what progress has been made and what has been achieved by each child. 

Reports will include:

·         a personal comment on student participation and engagement in the learning program offered;

·         a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum we taught in English and Mathematics

·         student achievement information in the form of a progression point

·         progress shown from the last time these curriculum areas were reported on; this is represented by a line between the previous dot and the current dot (prep student will not have a dot from the previous report)

We are not reporting on all the other curriculum areas in this reporting cycle due to insufficient evidence.

Matt Forrest


Pictured: A photo of the grade 6's drawing with their Foundation buddies.

Please no candy canes

We ask that children do not attach candy canes to Christmas Cards. The school has a Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Policy that states that students not bring food to school that are high in sugar. Please keep the sugar treats to the weekends.

Important Dates

11 December - Year 6 Billycart Decorate It Day

16 December - Meet the teacher 'step up'

16 December - Year 6 Graduation & Dinner

17 December - Year 6 Billycart Race Day 1:30pm

18 December - Last Day of term 4 - 1:30pm finish

Notes sent home

- Raffle tickets

- Year 6 Billy cart notice

- Year 6 Graduation

- Year 5 Expression of Interest Forms for 2021 Year 6 Jackets

Please note, forms can be found on the school's website under 'parents tab'

From the Office

Lost lock and keys

We have lost a padlock with some keys attached near the sports shed. If anyone knows the whereabouts of these items, can you please contact the office.

Outstanding fees

We encourage all families, particularly those leaving Macedon Primary at the end of the year to settle any outstanding accounts. Please contact the office if you have any queries regarding your account.

No lunch orders on last day

Please note, as the students will be dismissed at 1:30pm on the last day, there will be no lunch orders.

Stay safe and well,

Julie  and Emma

Gingerbread House Raffle

Tickets are due back by Wednesday 16th December

Please support our PFA Christmas Raffle.  After what has been a difficult year, the PFA are hoping to go out on a high with their annual fundraiser. Thank you to Daphne Porter for making 3 magnificent Gingerbread Houses, which will be raffled at the final assembly on Friday 18th of December.

Tickets are $2 each, a book of tickets was sent home last week.

Extra tickets are available at the office. All proceeds go to Macedon Primary PFA for the students of Macedon Primary.

Student Achievement Awards

Sunsmart Reminder

***School hats are available for sale at Beleza in Gisborne***

Although it may still be cold, Victoria’s UV levels are on the rise so please check the daily local sun protection times to see when you need to be SunSmart.  The sun protection times are a forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology for the time of day UV levels are forecast to reach 3 or higher in your location. At these levels, sun protection (hat, clothing, sunscreen, shade and, if practical, sunglasses) is recommended for all skin types

When outdoors, whether that be for the two hours of permitted exercise in metropolitan Melbourne or if you’re lucky enough to be allowed outside for longer, to  check the sun protection times and use sun protection accordingly. For more information for families please check out

Middle Gully Update

Great news! Parent volunteers are now allowed at Middle Gully subject to public gathering limits. Please make sure you sign in at the office and have a current Working With Children check that has been sighted previously by the office.

10/12 - Week 10 – Both 5/6 classes

Library News

We were excited to purchase some new 'mushroom' stools for the library. The money raised from the Scholastic book club enabled us to buy these beautiful stools and some wonderful books for the children to enjoy. Scholastic book club will return to normal in 2021, thank you for all your support this year!

Outside School Hours Care

***Please note After School Hours Care will commence at 1:30pm on 18 December (the last day of school) and close at 5:30pm***

Our rates are: $15.00 for Before School Care (7:00am - 8:45am) and $22.00 for After School Care (3:30pm - 6:30pm). All you need to do is call the school 5426 1518 or email to book.  If the unexpected happens and a casual booking is required within 24 hours, please contact the school via phone, we cannot accept walk-ins after school.  Please note that enrolment forms need to be completed at least one business day before the first session of care.

Please pay through the school via Direct Deposit, using the following details (not BPay):

Account name: Macedon Primary School

BSB: 063-840

Account: 1003 4330

Vicki, Helen, Karen & Marie.

OSHC Enrolment update forms

If your child is going to attend OSHC next year, an update form needs to be completed. Paper copies are available at the office or your can download the from below.

Uniform Shop News

Ranges Music Network

The Ranges Music Network will be bringing some Christmas cheer to the school yard at lunch on Thursday Dec 17 with a Christmas Recording Session!  All students are welcome to join in some holiday favorite songs like Jingle Bells, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town and Frosty The Snowman.  We'll quickly rehearse things and then do a live recording session with a 3 piece band -- and send home some recordings that the whole family can enjoy over the holiday season!  We can't wait to have some fun and have a few laughs with you before the end of term.


Community News

Summer Reading Challenge

Goldfields Library are pleased to announce this year's Summer Reading Challenge. 'Hang Out and Read this Summer'

The challenge opens on Monday 14 December 2020 and runs right through to Friday 22 January 2021.

The Summer Reading Challenge aims to encourage school aged children to read for pleasure over the long Summer break, enjoy stories in many forms. and to continue developing great reading skills learnt at school.

This year's challenging is also open to families with pre-school aged children so that young families can enter the challenge and enjoy stories together.

Challengers will be in the running to win great prizes including book vouchers, book sets and Lego sets. Sign up at any of our libraries (including agencies) or download a Challenger Booklet here

For more information contact or phone 5449 2700

Macedon Ranges Orienteering Summer Series

Wednesday 25th November at 6.30-7.00pm  at Ash Wednesday Park Smith St Macedon sees the start of the annual Macedon Ranges Summer Orienteering Series. This is a popular introduction to navigation sports for the family and for fitter people looking to add interest to their regular walk or training run. The events take up to an hour (all in daylight) and use a map of each local town. One can participate individually or in a group in short, medium or long courses. Power walkers have the added interest of a score course, in which control points are of different values,

Adults $5 Children $3 

Beginners course and coaching available

Dates and locations for the pre Christmas events are:

Wed 4th Dec 82 Stewarts Lane Sunbury

Wed. 11th Dec. Riddells Creek lions park Main St Riddells Creek

Wed. 16th Dec. Barry Doyle Rotunda  Piper St    Kyneton

Macedon Primary School

Macedon Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional owners of the country upon which we learn and work. We recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.