Pigeon Post

2020 Volume 2 Issue 2

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Eddie Woo welcomes us back to face-to-face-learning on Monday 11 May at 8:45am!

To catch Eddie Woo's livestream on Monday, click ?


Cherrybrook Technology High School, in Sydney's north-west, is the largest secondary school in New South Wales. Eddie Woo is head teacher of, yes, you guessed it, mathematics!

A former student at the top academic selective school in NSW, James Ruse Agricultural High School, Eddie completed his Higher School Certificate in 2003, scoring an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of more than 98.

Rather than pursue a career path more synonymous with an ATAR of top 2% in the state, Eddie chose education. The rest, as they say, is history...or should I say, MATHEMATICS!

For Eddie, it is all about giving back to a system that gave him so much.

"I was raised in public education, I received a world-class education in principle for free, and so what I'm doing is just paying it forward," he said.

#EducationAmbassador #SuperstarMathematician #PublicEducationRocks

Face-to-Face Learning Day Roster

FROM ALL OF US - We Can't Wait Until Next Week!

'Three more sleeps Kindy until all Gumnuts can play and learn happily together!'

Mrs Lauren Goodridge - K Gumnut & Assistant Principal

'Hi K Jasmine, I am so excited to see your big bright smiles next week. We have new investigation stations ready to go and lots of exciting activities to do!'

Miss Louise Jennett - K Jasmine 

'I can't wait for Tuesday, May 12th, when K Kale students can burst into our classroom, happy and ready to learn. I have set up new investigation stations, such as: treasure map making, weaving, letter writing and watercolour painting! I hope they are as excited about them as I am. I have found teaching online extremely challenging and look forward to watching my students progress and develop a great love of learning!'

Ms Brigit Karstrom - K Kale

'Hi to all my Bananas!! 1/2B is going to be back together on Tuesday! I can’t wait to see you all and hear about your holidays and what you’ve been doing the past weeks. Of course I’ve been reading your writing but I like stories told first hand. Come ready to learn, share and tell our class something really fabulous! See you soon, Bananas!'

Ms Lauren Burke - 1/2 Banana Palms

'Hi everyone! Wow I can’t believe how quickly this has gone. I’ve missed you all so much. I hope you’ve missed me too! You’ve all worked so hard from home and I’m so excited to see you on Thursday. I can’t wait to see all of my beautiful cacti!'? ? ?

Ms Amelia Cooper - 1/2 Cactaceae

'Hello Balmain and 1/2L! I can’t believe it has been nearly 3 months since I have seen most of your faces. What a crazy ride it has been! I hope you have all kept well and I am really looking forward to seeing you all again soon. I am super excited to be in my Lavender room and with the 1/2L students, giving learning a really good go.' :)

Ms Brodie Lennox - 1/2 Lavender

'Hi students! I bet you can't wait to see everyone's familiar faces again next week. We can't wait to see yours, too!'

Ms Jana Moisa - 1/2 Mangrove

'Some of us simply don’t cope well in isolation. Can’t wait to see you all. Don’t worry, I’ll wear my very best tin foil hat when I see you all next week...'

Mr Sean Baumann - 3/4 Bamboo

'3/4M, I miss you all so so much! I am so proud of how well you have adapted to online learning. See you virtually on Monday!'

Miss Katie Martin - 3/4 Magnolia

'Hi Balmain, I can't wait to see you all next week! It has been so long, the reunion will be sweet. Kids will see their friends, be kind and play, And the teachers will all gasp and say: My goodness, they've remembered the Balmain Way!'

Miss Rose Reedy - 3/4 Rainforest

'The past month has taught all of us many valuable lessons. It’s taught us to be grateful for normalcy, for our school, for our learning space, for our community, for our families, for our freedom; the list truly goes on! Though it’s been a challenge for all of us, witnessing our school community ‘come together’ online has made us stronger and more united than ever before. I’m grateful for being part of this community, and am proud of how the school - especially my class, 5/4M - has adapted and put forward their learning and development online. Everyone should be proud of themselves; parents too! We all deserve a medal. I am so looking forward to seeing my class, face-to-face, and supporting them in their classroom! Yippee!'

Miss Emily Matthews - 5/4 Marigold

'Hey Balmain, Can’t wait for things to go back to normal and to see you all at school. School just isn’t the same without you all here. See you soon.'

Mr David Carlton - 5/6 Cherry Blossom

'Dear 5/6 Frangipani, I’m filled with excitement at the thought of our class being back together again! I have missed our laughs and fun times. I want you to know that I can see how strong you have all been during this time, and for that, I am so proud. See you all SOON!'

Miss Nancy Ferguson - 5/6 Frangipani

'Dear 5/6 Willow, YOU ARE SUPERSTARS! I've been so impressed with the way that you have jumped online and completed your learning in such a unique way. Resilience and perseverance are dispositions that your teachers can't instil in you overnight. They are two things that you naturally develop overtime. It is safe to say, just from this online learning experience, that you have shown that you can persevere and you are well and truly resilient. This experience has made you stronger and ready for anything! I've missed you so much and I cannot wait to see you soon. I've made some changes to the classroom space (typical Miss Weston) and I can't wait to show you. See you soon!'

Miss Sarah Weston - 5/6 Willow & Assistant Principal

'Dear 5/6 Yautia, I’m looking forward to seeing you at school on Thursday. I’ve been very impressed at how well you have all adjusted to the remote learning experience. Did you know that while I talk to you via Google Classroom, I’m usually accompanied by my cat, Peg? If only he could come to school with us on Thursday too... ? See you soon!'

Ms Annabel Yau - 5/6 Yautia & Assistant Principal
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Ms Margaret Whelan - Librarian

'Looking forward to getting to know each of you as we slowly come back to face-to-face learning! Can't wait to hear some noise in the school and see your lovely faces!'

Ms Kim Barcenilla - STEAM

'Been working on safe social distancing, Balmain, so you can come to music with confidence. Can't wait to see you all.'

Ms Penny Biggins - Music Specialist Teacher

'Hello! Welcome back! I...can not wait to create again with you, Balmain Public...making and appreciating without my students is the brightest and boldest flames extinguished.'

' I can't wait to see next week the smiles on your faces and for you to fill our classrooms with chatter, learning, fun and laughter.'

Ms Judith Shumack - Learning & Support Teacher

'All of you have been asked to cope with extraordinary changes. It’s been tough. Good on you all for your ability to adapt to the challenge. It’ll be great that you can come back on your rostered days to reconnect with your own teachers and classmates. Welcome back to Balmain PS.'

Ms Christine Burke - School Counsellor

'Hi Balmain! We can't wait to see your beautiful smiling faces again! We are looking forward to helping you all with your learning.'

Miss Angie & Miss Erykah - School Learning & Support Officers (SLSOs)

'Hi BPS, I can't wait to see all of you really soon! Miss seeing your smiling faces, your kindness and compassion towards each other and listening to all your amazing, creative ideas. Can't wait to see you all back at school!'

Miss Ally - School Learning & Support Officer (SLSO)

'Hi everyone, can't wait to see you all next week. Looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces at the office.'

Mrs Jenni Mackinder - School Administration Manager

'Looking forward to seeing your happy smiling faces at school next week.'

Mrs Michelle Doring - School Administration Officer

'Looking forward to all the students returning back to school next week. Miss you all!'

Ms Stella Minutillo - School Administration Officer

'It just hasn't been the same in the school office without you all. I miss the happy chatter, smiling faces and your boundless energy. Can't wait to see you all again soon.'

Ms Lynne Gilchrist - School Administration Officer

'Welcome back to all the children!'

Mr Richard Kwan - General Assistant

'To all the students at Balmain, I have missed each and every one of you and I am so impressed with your efforts to learn from home during this time. I am so excited to see you again and learn together. Have a great weekend and see you next week!'

Miss Angela Curry - Casual Teacher

'We have been waiting for this moment, for what seems forever! I'm soooooo looking forward to popping in to say 'hi!' in real life! YAY!!!!!'

Mrs Maria Lambos - Principal


Managed return to school guidelines

Advice to families can be accessed on the DoE website. Click below on 'Download' for 'Managed Return to School Guidelines' pdf, which explains all phases 0 - 4. 



Sunday 10 May - Mothers' Day

Breakfast in Bed ideas...


PHASE 1: Monday 11 May onwards - Gradual return to school

From DoE website:

Phase 1 - Students at school at least one day per week

  • Schools have discretion for establishing which group attends on which day, with a preference to group siblings/families together
  • Families who need to send their child to school every day may continue to do so and no child will be turned away
  • Classes are split across different spaces and break times can be staggered
  • No excursions or inter-school activities
  • Continued enhanced cleaning and hygiene supply arrangements

You can now
  • Send your child/children to school one day a week
  • You are encouraged to keep your child at home for the rest of the week wherever possible
  • Check with your school to see which day of the week your child/children should attend
  • Use the school canteen and uniform shop where appropriate hygiene measures are in place

You must continue to
  • Follow your school’s advice regarding changes to drop off and pick up, including staying in your car when dropping off and picking up your child/children if safe to do so
  • Maintain social distancing by avoiding gathering outside of school gates
  • Make sure your child/children have access to lunch and snacks, noting some canteens may not be operating at this stage
  • Support your child/children to continue learning at home on remote learning days
  • Communicate with your school via email and phone wherever possible
  • Follow health advice and keep your child/children at home if they are unwell

Individual classes rostered to return to school for face-to-face learning - 1 day per week & Remote learning via Google Classroom - 4 days per week

  • Google Classroom will continue to be used, delivering one unit of work to all students for 4 days per week


PHASE 2: date to be confirmed when advised from DoE

From DoE website:

Phase 2 - Students at school at least two days per week

  • Schools have discretion for establishing which group attends on which days, with a preference to group siblings/families together
  • Families who need to send their child to school every day may continue to do so and no child will be turned away
  • Classes are split across different spaces and break times can be staggered
  • No excursions or inter-school activities
  • Continued enhanced cleaning and hygiene supply arrangements

You can now
  • Send your child/children to school two days a week
  • You are encouraged to keep your child at home for the rest of the week wherever possible
  • Check with your school to see which two days of the week your child/children should attend
  • Use the school canteen and uniform shop where appropriate hygiene measures are in place

You must continue to
  • Follow your school’s advice regarding changes to drop off and pick up, including staying in your car when dropping off and picking up your child/children if safe to do so
  • Maintain social distancing by avoiding gathering outside of school gates
  • Make sure your child/children have access to lunch and snacks, noting some canteens may not be operating at this stage
  • Support your child/children to continue learning at home on remote learning days
  • Communicate with your school via email and phone wherever possible
  • Follow health advice and keep your child/children at home if they are unwell


School Uniforms

Order uniform items here

For any size exchanges, please:

1. Email the uniform stall with the details of the exchange, at: balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com

2. Return the items to be exchanged to the school office, clearly marked with Student name, Class and EXCHANGE

3. Replacement items will be packed and re-delivered to the office

Orders will continue to be packed and delivered for collection each week, until we are able to reopen the stall.

Thank you!



K GumnutPatrick Yworking creatively during investigations to make a fox picture!
K JasmineJames Lhis diligent work in literacy and creating a variety of very funny rhyming sentences!
K KaleJasper Gbeing an online learning rockstar and giving 100% effort in all activities! Well done!
1/2 Banana PalmLennon Lconsistently completing all his online learning tasks to the best of his ability, in a timely manner
1/2 CactaceaeYunxi L Rher enthusiastic approach to learning, both online and at school
1/2 LavenderNaomi O'Bbeing engaged and working hard during online learning
1/2 MangroveMillie Owriting an impressive recount about her holidays with great time connective words and correct recount structure
3/4 BambooHugo H-Sbeing a humble, responsible and motivated learner during challenging times
3/4 MagnoliaFelisha Kbeing an active, kind and supportive peer whilst navigating online learning!
3/4 RainforestMarco Mhis incredible writing piece this week. He weaved together structure, tone and similes to create a beautiful sizzling start
5/4 MarigoldAlesha S-Dher fantastic effort and commitment to her learning on Google Classroom
5/6 Cherry BlossomGreta Ractively participating in online discussions and always looking to improve her work
5/6 FrangipaniLucas Yhis persistence and level 4 effort
5/6 WillowElliott Lan improved approach to online learning using Google Classroom
5/6 YautiaHenry Wtaking on teacher feedback, when editing his 'What Matters?' writing piece

YOU CAN DO IT! awards - Organisation

K GumnutGriffin S-Wputting things away and re-setting his learning space without being asked!
K JasmineCara Sshowing continued care for our classroom space by resetting and reorganising our investigative learning tables
K KaleJaren Zproducing well thought out and organised design briefs for investigations
1/2 Banana PalmKai McBhis continual hard work in being organised for his online learning everyday
1/2 CactaceaeHarvey Tstaying organised, motivated and writing the neatest recount ever!
1/2 LavenderZoe Pworking hard to create a very interesting and lovely poem about ice-cream
1/2 MangroveEvie Rher positive start to the term and immersing herself in her online learning
3/4 BambooLauren Balways logging in on time and being organised to start her day
3/4 MagnoliaZacharie Salways completing set tasks through online learning. Great organisation, Zac!
3/4 RainforestCharlotte Hher 'can-do' attitude toward online learning. Well done, Charlotte!
5/4 MarigoldTeo Xhis participation and effort within the online learning experience
5/6 Cherry BlossomLaila Cher solution-focused attitude in organising her Google Day Book
5/6 FrangipaniLogan Pbeing an organised learner with her day book and submission of work
5/6 WillowMatej Ptaking initiative in finalising his F2L work and for working as part of a team
5/6 YautiaLiam This engagement and contributions to our Google Classroom discussions


'Thanks for all that you do'

- Mum of Aurora R KK

'I just wanted to say thank you to you and your amazing teacher for everything you have done for us and our kids. Your ongoing support and enthusiasm has helped us get through such a challenging time.'

- Mum of Alec McE KJ

'...And thanks for all the amazing work you and the rest of the BPS team is doing for all our kids to keep them learning in these strange times. We are very lucky to have such great teachers.'

- Mum of Thomas 1/2B & Vivienne 3/4R L

'...the teachers have been doing a fabulous job keeping it all going'

- Mum of Thomas 3/4r & Sarah 5/6F H

'you are all doing an awesome job in the circumstances'

- Dad of Oliver P 1/2L 

'The google classroom is working amazingly well...you should be proud of the work your teachers (and you) have done to set this up – its very effective...Balmain Public are doing great'

- Mum of Lauren 3/4B & William 5/4M B

'We are excited to see you and other teachers again! Thank you for being connecting us so well through the tough time. All teachers are truly amazing. Millie loves interacting with Miss Cooper virtually.'

- Mum of Millie W 1/2C

'Your staff have been excellent and it’s no secret on the BALMAIN Peninsula and beyond that BALMAIN PS’s organisation through this time is comprehensive and well beyond most school’s set up (private’s included.....) congratulations - it’s times like this when true leadership shines. So congratulations to you.'

- Dad of Esme KG, Silke 3/4R & Rose 5/6F McC

Aurora R KK has lots of fun...

Stargazing for Imogen H 5/6W

After completing an English comprehension task with the subject, stargazing, we headed out yesterday evening to try and spot Orion.

This is Imogen pointing up to Orion. We could make out some, but not all, of the constellation - due to a combination of light pollution, cloud cover, and a full moon.

Learning is 'en pointe' (on point) for Lydia C L 5/6Y...

It's STEAM time for Nathan T KK

Thomas 3/4R, Sarah 5/6F and Rachael share some pics from home...

Alec McE KJ completes his STEAM task...

Brandon D KK and Annita Z 3/4B are busy in the kitchen

What Ethan R KG and Zara R 3/4M have been up to...

Cleopatra McP 3/4R and Jude McP 5/4M get some fresh air...

Max O 3/4B takes his learning outside!

Panya S 1/2L is busy at home...

'Costa Georgiadis' Livestream Inspo...Esme McC KG

Another gardener in our midst...Lydia C L 5/6Y

Lydia so much enjoyed hearing Costa yesterday. She started a gardening program in the holidays, growing sunflowers from seed. Here's how much they have grown already!

She is also growing brussels sprouts, kale and lettuce from seedlings. 

Happy Friday from Millie W 1/2C


NSW Education Live

We've been inviting our students inside at 8:45am on a daily basis, since Term 2 has started, to livestream with a variety of handpicked personalities!


In case you missed our Instagram story on Thursday...

Did you miss Thursday's livestream?

Access it ?


In fact, you can access ALL the livestreams ?

  • 29/4/20 - Guy Sebastian - Singer/Songwriter - discusses lessons learnt in a career in the music industry
  • 30/4/20 - Matt Preston, Manu Feildel & Gary Mehigan - TV foodies - teach a quick and easy cooking class
  • 1/5/20 - Alan Tongue - NRL legend - shares a lesson on respect that he learnt on and off the field
  • 4/5/20 - Mel Silva - Managing director of Google Australia and New Zealand - shares how she thinks about innovation
  • 5/5/20 - Cressida Cowell - 'How to Train your Dragon' author and illustrator - shares her tips on bringing characters to life
  • 6/5/20 - Gracie Otto - filmmaker and actress - discusses her creative process and her time as a NSW public school student
  • 7/5/20 - Costa Georgiadis - 'Gardening Australia' host - shares his tips on gardening around the home
  • 8/5/20 - Ollie Florent - Sydney Swans player - get off the couch and get moving in your backyard
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Spotlight on...


K Kale are rocking learning from home! We have been counting, measuring, investigating, learning our sounds and beginning to read! As a teacher, I am very proud of all my student and how focused they have been towards their learning during these uncertain times!

Well done, K Kale students (and parents), for keeping the love of learning alive!

Here is what K Kale have to say about it all:

Charlotte says...

‘What have you missed?

Just everything! I have really missed Ms Karstrom, my friends, my buddy and just everything!

 What has been fabulous about learning at home?

I can have cuddles whenever I want

I can pop in to see Dad working

It’s not a rush to get to school

What’s not been fabulous about learning at home?

There’s no playground

Mum isn’t as good as Ms Karstrom!

What was your favourite google classroom lesson?

My favourite lesson was the Sydney map lesson

I also liked making cookies as an investigation, that was very weird but fun

Things we’ve learnt as a home learning team

Green Eggs and Ham uses only 50 different words

Hermit crabs form a conga line when upgrading to a bigger shell

You can rap CVC words and sing about almost everything!’ 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


Term 2 Ethics Update

Does your child do Ethics? Even though there will be no face-to-face Ethics classes at Balmain during Term 2, you can access special Ethics content, developed specifically for children learning remotely from home, via the Primary Ethics website, using this link:


Called Bites, these lessons replace traditional ethics classes for term 2, as volunteer ethics teachers won't be running classes at all this term, due to COVID-19. These lessons have been created at the suggestion of the Department of Education. 

Overview of Bites  

The Bites can be completed independently by children, or with the assistance of a parent or carer. Their siblings might like to join in, too. 

There are 10 Bites each for children in Years K-2 and 3-6, and one will be uploaded each week for the duration of Term 2. 

The material has been adapted from the curriculum to suit a range of ages within the stage grouping, which may better suit sibling arrangements and the home environment.

Each bite is available in a multimedia (audio or audio visual) and PDF format.

Sydney Living Museums

Sydney Living Museums

This weekend we’re delighted to launch the new online exhibition A Thousand Words, a collaboration between Sydney Living Museums and NSW State Archives.

A Thousand Words presents 100 of the most compelling photographic images from the rich collections of Sydney Living Museums and NSW State Archives, taken between the 1880s and the 1980s. Unlike a standard exhibition, the images are presented without traditional curatorial interpretation. Instead, the public are invited to contribute responses across social media.

Visit the online exhibition to view audience responses to the first 20 images, explore wonderful creative works from artists and writers, and add your own responses!

Every month until October we'll be releasing 20 new photos, along with their audience responses and the 'official story' behind each image, so be sure to return for updates.

Contact us

Celebrating 160 years of quality public education in 2020!