St Patrick's School

Mansfield Park


Dear Parents/Caregivers

Every year on 26 May, National Sorry Day remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as ‘The Stolen Generations’. This leads into Reconciliation Week. This year, the National Reconciliation Week (NRW) theme is Be Brave. Make Change. We are challenged to

·         Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation

·         Make Change for the benefit of all Australians, change starts in your daily life – where you live, work, play, and socialise.


Finally, with restrictions lifted, we were able to once again hold school assemblies and class Masses. Celebrating our faith with the parishioners during a class Mass is a very important part of our Catholic Identity and belonging to the Croydon Park Parish. School assemblies allow us to gather as a whole school community and share our learning. Assemblies are held fortnightly (in even weeks) on a Tuesday at 1:30pm. Each class has the opportunity to host an assembly, providing students with the opportunity for public speaking. Parents are now welcome to join us.

In the last newsletter, I wrote about the importance of students wearing the correct school uniform. Thank you to all the parents who took note and are following the uniform policy. There was a more detailed list with colour photos added onto skoolbag as a reference for parents. Children who are wearing incorrect items will be issued with a notice informing parents of the infringement.

Please remember that this Friday 10th June is a Pupil Free Day. Parents have been informed of this date through many avenues including skoolbag, SMS texts and posters around the school. The day will provide us with the opportunity to complete our learning in Restorative Practices. Restorative Practice is a whole school teaching and learning approach that encourages behaviour that is supportive and respectful. It puts the onus on individuals to be truly accountable for their behaviour and to repair any harm caused to others as a result of their actions. I will be providing more information to parents over the coming newsletter.

As we enter the winter months, it is important to keep your child at home if they are not well. By sending them to school, they are spreading their germs to other students and staff. Staff who are not well are also asked to remain at home. Staff illness has increased this term and we work hard to ensure as little disruption to the teaching and learning program as possible.

St Patrick’s will once again be offering students the opportunity to participate in the ICAS English and Maths Assessments. ICAS assessments are optional and have an additional cost to parents. These will be held in Term 3. More information to follow.

In all things love

Barbara Ahern & Anne Marie Platten

Leadership Team


Knitting at St Patrick’s

Ms Huong has been volunteering her time at lunch and before school teaching students who are interested in learning how to knit. The students involved have been enthusiastic about making scarfs and other items.

Ms Huong is starting to run out of wool and we are hoping some families might have some wool at home that they no longer need and can donate to the school. If you have some, could you please send it into school? Ms Huong and the students will really appreciate your donations.             

 A big thank you to Ms Huong for providing this opportunity for our students.

God Bess,

Anne-Marie Platten




School Fees 2022

 A friendly reminder to those families, who do not have a direct debit set up, that Term 1 fees were due the last day of Term 1 the 14/4/22. If your fees are still outstanding please pay as soon as possible thank you.    

 We offer direct debit, BPay, EFTPOS and also direct deductions from Centrelink payments to cater to the changing financial needs of our families at St Patrick’s School. When the direct debit payment option is selected your school fee payment is calculated over the full school year right up until the 31st of December 2022. This means smaller payments are required, making this method the most affordable way to budget for your commitment. Please come into the office or ring me on 83034500 if one of these options would better suit your financial requirements.  

School Card 2022 is now applied for online if you haven’t already applied for this year please arrange as soon as possible. Instructions on how to do this are available at the front office. School Card must be applied for each year.

If at any time you are having trouble meeting your school fee commitment, or have any queries, please contact me on 83034500 to discuss this matter.


Christine Lavender

Finance Officer


To all families who pay their school fees by Bpay St Patrick’s School Biller Code has changed and it is now 299461. Your reference number has remained the same.  If you have set up your own regular Bpay payment please amend this immediately.

If you have any questions in regards to this change please ring me on 83034500.


Christine Lavender

Finance Officer

Please be aware that COVID symptoms include one or more of the symptoms below. If your child is unwell please keep them home and follow SA Health guidelines.


Ambulance cover

The school has ambulance cover for students who have accidents here at school or while on a school organised event.  However, this cover does not include students with a pre-existing condition such as asthma and anaphylaxis or reactions to allergies.


We will ring an ambulance if we need support in administering first aid,  however in the case of students with pre-existing conditions the  parents will be charged by Ambulance SA for their service.           

This can cost upward of $900 so we strongly encourage you to take out ambulance cover, particularly if your child has a pre-existing health condition.