The term is certainly flying by, and our school is such a fantastic place to be. All classrooms are busy, productive and are real learning centres. Every morning I am greeted by smiles, and happy chats, as I catch up with so many wonderful kids. It is exciting to be a part of such an enthusiastic school.
Armed with bags and gloves, all students were involved in our Clean Up Australia Day. There was a gold coin donation for dressing in green so that Holbrook Public could help support Clean Up Australia to create a cleaner environment for everyone.
Friday was an exciting day for us all – we were finally able to meet together, in our hall, for an assembly, as cohort mixing is now possible. Congratulations to Year 4/5 for conducting the assembly so capably. It was a real celebration of achievements, and for many of our younger students, it was the first time they had attended an assembly of this nature.
While visitors are now allowed back on school sites regardless of their vaccination status, we ask that all visitors follow our usual sign-in and sign-out process and observe COVID-smart measures such as continued good hand hygiene practices.
With the easing of restrictions, teachers can now offer our students a broader range of experiences. Recorder practise is now up and running, with dance and choir beginning soon. Chess and debating are also something that we are looking forward to reintroducing. Remember to encourage your kids to be a part of the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
Holbrook Public School continues to excel on the sporting field. We have many representatives taking part in a wide range of activities. We have a large squad of swimmers representing our school in Leeton at Riverina level. A huge thank you to Margot Pitzen for coaching our swimmers. Margot has been called our ‘secret weapon’! Teams are also preparing for AFL, rugby, netball and cricket. The cross country is fast approaching, with kids already training and preparing themselves for this event.
You will have noticed the fence being dismantled around the school ground. This construction has not interrupted how we learn and play at all. The fence is a requirement of the Department, and the contractors are aware of trying, as much as possible, to maintain the aesthetic of our school. Safety is a top priority.
Thanks to our very hardworking P&C, who are busy planning an Outdoor Cinema Evening. Much preparation is already underway, and there will be information to follow over the coming weeks. The construction of new playground equipment for Years 3-6 will commence soon. These dedicated parents have spent many hours preparing for this to begin on 21 March.
Finally, Miss Lavis is taking some hard-earned Long Service Leave to travel to, of all places, Antarctica. (No, Miss Hemphill, you cannot have penguins as school pets!). She will return for the last week of Term 1. We will miss Chrissy immensely, as she organises such a vast number of school activities. I will miss her expertise using the computer, but I’m sure she will not miss my demanding that she fix something I have messed up! Enjoy your break, Chrissy.
Kate Wedgwood
Acting Principal