New Lambton Heights Infants School

Term 3 Week 1 2022 Newsletter

Kaayi Welcome to Term 3

Term 3 is always my favourite term because there are so many great events. We will kick the term off with NAIDOC Week celebrations on Friday and welcome back David Newham to our school. Half way though the term will be Book Week/Education Week and to finish it off we will be having our sports carnival. We can't wait. 

Yesterday  the teachers and I were lucky enough to attend the STEM 22 conference in the Hunter Valley. This was the first time we have actually all been able to attend off site professional learning altogether in many years. I asked each of the teachers for their highlights and the 'what next' after attending this learning. 

Mrs Baker: I really enjoyed learning a different way of structuring a maths lesson, where students are encouraged investigate and explore problems and concepts and bring back to the class their own discoveries and strategies. I loved that it was called 'making your brain sweat!' I want to make 1/2BL's brain sweat!

Miss Castle: Our session was presented by a proud Wiradjuri man, David Newham. I could listen to him all day! David is so passionate and has such  knowledge of the Aboriginal culture. He has inspired me to learn more about local Aboriginal culture so I can feel confident to include this in my teaching practice. 

Mrs Dowman: Our session was the best! It was so hands on. We got to design a toy for a real echidna from Taronga Zoo, to keep it's mind stimulated whilst in captivity. It came complete with real maggots!! It wasn't all play .. we did learn about the design thinking process and  how we can explicitly teach this. I am looking forward to teaching design thinking through developing projects on topics that have been chosen by students and have the input from community members and experts. 

Mrs Le Roux: There are so many things .. I went home and talked my husband's ear off! Something that was new for me was a different way of teaching word problems in maths. We were told about looking at the last sentence first as that is where the problem is. The whole process of how you get the answer in mathematics is just as important as the answer. 

Mrs Jenkins: I had a great time with Mrs Dowman learning about the design thinking process. I am really excited to be introducing some of this to Stage 1 and Kindergarten during RFF and library time. We were told about a an interesting project starting this term, involving Taronga Zoo and I can't wait to work on this with Stage 1 classes. 

Mrs Hughes: I participated in the Aboriginal culture session with Miss Castle and I agree that David is an amazing storyteller. He really emphasised the importance of connections and storytelling and how we can teach our students across the curriculum (not just STEM) by using traditional stories. He also emphasised the importance of giving the students lots of different pathways to connect to the story, whether it be through song/ dance, science or art. One of the key not speakers spoke about nature play and this made me realise we have so much more we can do in this space. I thought it connected really well to David's session too as he explained to us all the importance of the land to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. I keep looking at the amazing space we have in our school and would like explore this more through nature play and embedding Aboriginal culture. 

As you can see we are all feeling very inspired and the day was a great way to kick off learning in Term 3. 

Before I sign off for this week, I have some happy/sad news. Mr Michael Schwetz will be moving on from NLHIS this term. He has accepted an offer of an Assistant Principal position in Queanbeyan. Michael has been such an amazing support to the students and teachers. He have asked Mr Schwetz to call back in so the kids can say goodbye. We will miss him greatly, but know he will be an asset to his new school. 

Lisa Hughes


At New Lambton Heights Infants School we acknowledge that we teach, learn and play together on the traditional country of the Awabakal people, who are the custodians of this land. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.

What's On at The Heights?

Library BorrowingEvery Thursday - Return Books Wednesdays
Snack Canteen Every Friday Lunch 2

Every Friday 2:35pm. Parents and carers welcome. 

Staff Development DayMonday 18th July 2022. Office staff only at school. 
Students Return for Term 3Tuesday 19th July 2022
NAIDOC Week Celebration Friday 22nd July 2022
August P&C General MeetingWednesday 3rd August 7pm - online and in person. 
School PhotosMonday 8th August 2022
Book Week Parade/Education Week CelebrationTuesday 23rd August 2022
Fathers' Day BBQTuesday 30th August 2022

NAIDOC Week Celebration

This Friday we will have our NAIDOC celebrations. We are lucky enough to be welcoming David Newham in to support our NAIDOC Day. Children will not be required to wear uniform on this day. Instead, I encourage them to wear a NAIDOC shirt or a shirt that represents Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander colours – black, red, yellow, blue, green. Alternatively, they can wear their sports shirt.

The day will begin with a smoking ceremony and short assembly where David will talk about the purpose behind a smoking ceremony and the importance of NAIDOC. We would like to invite families in to be a part of this. If you would like to join, the assembly will commence at approximately 9:30am. After the assembly, the children will participate in different activities. This part of the day will be for students only.

Throughout the week, children will be engaging in discussions, stories and activities to help them understand and learn about Aboriginal histories and culture. We encourage you to continue this dialogue with them at home.

NAIDOC Day will finish at 1:10pm, after which we will have our make up session of Dance to be fit. Snack canteen will still be available to students but will run during recess on this day. We will be having our normal Friday afternoon assembly at 2:35pm this Friday.

Thank you,

Miss Castle

Enrol for Kinder 2023

If you or someone you know is interested in enrolling your child in 2023 or would like to make an appointment to visit the school, please contact Kerry in the office or Mrs Hughes. We have vacancies for local and non local applications. 

We will be sending home information this week about Kindergarten transition dates. 

P&C Update

Welcome back to Term 3! Wow half way! 

At the end of last term, we ran a very successful fundraising effort for the Mark Hughes Foundation. I would just like to say a massive thank you to our little school community that helped make it possible. Every little helping hand that is offered is so appreciated from the P&C as we are such a small group, all the help really makes the difference. We had baking donations, helpers on the day, set up, selling and pack up, signs that were made etc. All of the little things that take time and effort. It may not seem like much, but without the help and support of you the parents we really can't manage to run the little activities that we do. So massive thanks to you!! We were able to raise $626 in monies from the Beanies collection, Jelly bean guesses and baking sold on the day. We are so grateful to be able to have put forward those donations to the MHF! Go us!!We will be having our next meeting available face to face and on zoom the first Wednesday of August. Watch out for our agenda and invite in the coming weeks. We would love for anyone to attend.We will be needing helpers for our Father's Day activity which will come up fast so if that sounds like you, a little bit of craft please get in touch. You can also get involved via the sign-up links below.We are really struggling to fulfill some spots on the P&C in general currently, so please take a look on signup and see if there is something that you can help with. Many hands make light work and remember we are all time poor, working, young families, extracurricular activities, we get it! But without you we cannot continue to function well as a community support for our little school. Please take a look and get in touch. It can be just one day of help or a commitment to a few different things we are open and flexible to be able to help you to help us! 

Cheers from you're friendly school P&C members.

Zara Houlker, Tiff Nelson and Vicki Maltby


Join us in the resource room or online. 

Topic: NLHIS P&C August Meeting

Time: Aug 3, 2022 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 628 0485 3162

Passcode: 361577

We will also be having an extra ordinary meeting for fundraising - organisation of Fathers' day BBQ. This will be in at the start of Term 3, so keep your eye out on Skoolbag if you would like to be involved. 

Want to join the P&C? 

Sign up here:

Want to help? It's as easy as signing up!!

If you can help out with any of the jobs below, please click the link to sign up. 

  • Term 3 and 4 Canteen Manager and volunteers, sign up here:

  • Uniform Shop Assistant, sign up here:

  • Friday gardening. No experience necessary, sign up here:

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open for parents to come in on Mondays from 9am. It is situated in the top part of the OOSH room (next to the stage). Alternatively, you can order and pay online:

Beanies For Brain Cancer

P&C Membership Form


Term 2 Week 10 Merit Awards

Gold Award Winners

Blue Principal's Award

High Tea With Hughesey!

NLHIS is on Facebook!

We now have a school Facebook page for you to share with your friends and family. In addition to our website, the main purpose of this page is to connect to our wider community and to showcase our beautiful school. 

Search Facebook for 'New Lambton Heights Infants School' or click on this link.

We will continue to send this eNewsletter on Skoolbag and link on our website  as our main weekly communication of school events and notices each week. 

Skoolbag is also used to send out via push notifications and email information and permission notes and messages to our parents/carers. Parents can also contact the school re absences via Skoolbag. 

Seesaw will be used by class teachers to share learning or special class events. Teachers may also directly communicate with individual or groups of parents through Seesaw.