- Summer PSSA and School Sport - Our PSSA teams will compete against Narrabeen North Public School. This is the last game of Summer PSSA for this term. School sport will continue with softball clinics.
Our current PBL focus is ‘Be Kind – Be kind to yourself and others’. Our mindfulness affirmation is ‘I choose kindness’.
Throughout the week Emotional Wellbeing will be supported through our Smiling Mind lessons and simultaneous mindfulness across the school. Homework will also take a slightly different format.
Our Wellbeing Leaders also have some fun activities planned for the week.
We hope you and your children can take a moment to slow down and reflect during Emotional Wellbeing Week. And remember – in the words of Aesop - “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
Nicky Brennan, Acting Assistant Principal – Learning Support, RFF and Wellbeing