Gumtree Gazette

Wednesday 8 March, Week 7 Term 1 2023

Upcoming Events

This Week - Week 7 Term 1 2023

Friday 10 March 
  • Summer PSSA and School Sport - Our PSSA teams will compete against Narrabeen North Public School. This is the last game of Summer PSSA for this term. School sport will continue with softball clinics.

Next Week - Week 8 Term 1 2023

Emotional Wellbeing Week

Next week is Emotional Wellbeing Week please refer to Wellbeing News for details.

Wednesday 15 March 

  • Years 3 & 5 NAPLAN Writing - Year 3 and Year 5 will complete the NAPLAN writing assessment on Wednesday 15 March 2023.  Year 3 complete a hand written assessment and Year 5 complete the writing assessment via NAPLAN Online.

Thursday 16 March

  • Years 3 & 5 NAPLAN Reading - Year 3 and Year 5 will complete the NAPLAN Reading assessment on Thursday 16 March 2023.

Friday 17 March 

  • Years 3 & 5 NAPLAN Language Conventions - Year 3 and Year 5 will complete the NAPLAN Language Conventions assessment on Friday 17 March 2023.

Weeks 9 to 11

Week 9 Term 1 2023
  • Monday 20 March - Years 3 & 5 NAPLAN Numeracy
  • Tuesday 21 March - School Photos

Week 10 Term 1 2023

  • Tuesday 28 March - K-2 Sausage Sizzle Canteen Special
  • Wednesday 29 March - Friday 31 March - Year 6 Canberra Excursion

Week 11 Term 1 2023

  • Tuesday 4 April - 3-6 Sausage Sizzle Canteen Special
  • Thursday 6 April - K-2 Easter Hat Parade
  • Thursday 6 April - K-6 Hot Cross Bun Canteen Special

School News

Recent Communication

K – 6 Messages

  • Camp Bilgola information via Skoolbag App, Thursday 2 March

K – 2 Messages

  • Kindergarten – Kindergarten news resend via email, Thursday 2 March

3 – 6 Messages

  • Year 3 and Year 5 - NAPLAN information via email, Tuesday 7 March
  • Year 6 – Year 7 enrolment via email, Monday 6 March
  • PSSA Boys’ Cricket Teams - Field change via email, Thursday 2 March

Wellbeing News

Be Kind Day

Last Thursday we took part in Australia's national Be Kind Day.

We started the day with the simple aim of being kind - "Think kind, act kind, be kind."

On arrival at school, all students were greeted by the Year 6 Wellbeing Leaders.  Children were able to choose a kindness challenge from a lucky dip, encouraging them to spread kindness to others by simple actions including "Make someone smile" or "Give someone a compliment".  The Wellbeing Leaders also helped children to write thoughtful messages which were paid forward to other children as they arrived at school.

Teachers were thrilled to receive a surprise sweet treat delivery from the P&C and coffees from Miss Gardiner.

It was wonderful to see the whole school embracing Be Kind Day and continuing to implement our new PBL focus.

Nicky Brennan, Acting Assistant Principal - Learning Support, RFF and Wellbeing

Emotional Wellbeing Week is Next Week

Next week is Emotional Wellbeing Week on the hill.  Held every term in Week 8, Emotional Wellbeing Week is a valuable part of Bilgola’s wellbeing program.

Our current PBL focus is ‘Be Kind – Be kind to yourself and others’.  Our mindfulness affirmation is ‘I choose kindness’.

Throughout the week Emotional Wellbeing will be supported through our Smiling Mind lessons and simultaneous mindfulness across the school. Homework will also take a slightly different format. 

Our Wellbeing Leaders also have some fun activities planned for the week.

We hope you and your children can take a moment to slow down and reflect during Emotional Wellbeing Week.  And remember – in the words of Aesop - “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

Nicky Brennan, Acting Assistant Principal – Learning Support, RFF and Wellbeing


Students are embracing the new PBL.  It is wonderful to see them engaging in meaningful conversations around being Kind, Respectful and Successful.  Such a positive start to the 2023 school year."  Our current affirmation is 'I have everything I need.  I am safe. I am loved'.

Next week we will continue focusing on our new expectation of 'Being Kind'. We will look closely at the 'Be kind to yourself and others' element. Our affirmation will be 'I choose kindness'.

Be KindBe RespectfulBe Successful
  • Be kind to yourself and others

  • Be mindful of your words and actions

  • Appreciate differences

  • Be inclusive

  • Show gratitude

  • Be an upstander

  • Enable teachers to teach and allow students to learn

  • Be a good role model, be safe, cooperative and responsible 

  • Be courteous, manners matter  

  • Listen actively

  • Be aware of your impact on others 

  • Care for your school environments

  • Be ready to learn 

  • Adopt a growth mindset and actively participate in your learning

  • Do your best

  • Challenge yourself and never give up

  • Be resilient 

  • Show pride in yourself, your peers and your school

Nicky Brennan, Assistant Principal - Learning Support, RFF and Wellbeing

Sport News

Zone Swimming Carnival

Warringah Aquatic Centre was once again the scene of the Pittwater Zone swimming carnival. 26 enthusiastic Bilgola Plateau Public School competitors were ready to swim and give their very best efforts. Not even the oven like atmosphere could melt their excitement. Every competitor did our school extremely proud as they raced against some extremely talented competition. Special mentions go to Eisha Collier, Makenzie Pedersen, Skye Bensley, Milla Raymond, Ethan Veldman, Oscar Wallrock and Tilly Hobbis who all made finals for their respective race events. Congratulations to Makenzie and Eisha who will be representing our school at Regionals for the following events:

  • Girls 11 Years 50m Freestyle (Eisha, 3rd place)
  • Girls 12 Years 50m Freestyle (Makenzie, 3rd place)
  • Snr Girls Breaststroke (Makenzie, 2nd Place)

 Thank you to all the parents who came to support our school and help out with timekeeping duties. Looking forward to doing it all again next year, possibly in cooler conditions!

Guy Davies, Zone Team Manager

Student Recounts from the Pittwater Zone Swimming Carnival

It was fun and exciting to be swimming against other schools. Although it was hot, I and many others had fun. I went in four different races but my favourite race was when I got to swim in the relay. It was exciting and nerve wracking waiting for my relay race.

Rowan Sutherland, 6N.

It was fun swimming against different schools and competing against my friends from Mona Vale and Newport. I swam 50m freestyle and backstroke as well as the finals for both and also the relay. My favourite part of the carnival was the relay. Overall, Bilgola Plateau did amazing, with two students now going to Regionals.

Milla Raymond, 6N.

PSSA Sport

PSSA Sport Report Week 6 Term 1 2023

Bilgola played PSSA against Narrabeen Lakes Public School on Friday 3 March.


Junior Girls – Narrabeen defeated Bilgola 10-1

Senior Girls – Bilgola defeated Narrabeen 5-2

Junior Boys – Narrabeen defeated Bilgola 6-3

Senior Boys– Narrabeen defeated Bilgola 4-1


Junior Girls – Narrabeen defeated Bilgola 79-15

Senior Girls – Narrabeen defeated Bilgola 75-57

Junior Boys – Narrabeen defeated Bilgola 111-107

Senior Boys – Bilgola defeated Narrabeen 59-17


Girls – draw 5-5

Boys – Bilgola defeated Narrabeen 5-3

Library News

Schlastic Book Club

Book Club, edition 2, is out now.  If it is your first time ordering from Book Club, you will need to set up an account by registering at Linked Online Ordering and Payment Platform (LOOP) at

All orders are processed online and then delivered to school where they are distributed to the students to take home.  The last day for orders is Sunday 12 March.

Happy Reading.

Carolyn Farrugia, Teacher Librarian

P&C News

Uniform Shop

We have a wide range of new and preloved school uniform items available for sale.  Please feel free to drop into the uniform shop on either a Tuesday or Friday between 8.30am-10.30am. 

If you are not able to make it to the shop, or would prefer to shop online, please place orders for new uniform items via Flexischools. All items ordered online will be delivered to students in their classrooms.

We would also love to take any secondhand uniform items, that are in good condition, off your hands.  Please note however, we are only able to accept school regulation uniform items i.e., nothing bought from other stores.  Items must be in good enough condition for resale. 

All proceeds from the sale of secondhand uniform items go straight back into funding initiatives for our children at the school so your support is important and very much appreciated.

Lorna Molam, P&C President

Canteen News

Lunch Special

The sausage sizzle lunch special was hugely popular when we ran the event last year, so we have decided to bring it back again.  However, this time we will split the event into two: 

K-2 students: Tuesday 28 March 2023

3-6 students: Tuesday 6 April 2023 

Orders for the lunch specials are to be placed via Flexischools with the system closing for orders at 4.00pm on the day before each of the events.

We would love to welcome some parent/carer volunteers to help with both of these events so if you have some time on either of the days and would like to join our vibrant little team, please contact

Lorna Molam, P&C President

OOSH and Camp Bilgola News

We have implemented a new way to capture childrens' ideas and interests. All children with permanent bookings are being asked to choose a menu item, an indoor activity and an outdoor activity they would like included in our weekly menu and program.  Including childrens' voices is such an important part of programming and planning and we can already see the positive impact this small change is making.

Some highlights from this week include our ‘Be Kind Day’ activities and our World Wildlife Day project.

Camp Bilgola

Our Autumn Camp Bilgola program and booking form were sent out via the Skoolbag app on Thursday 2 March. To make a booking please ensure you complete a booking form. Bilgola families have priority booking access until Week 8. 

Jo Dalby-Ball, OOSH & Camp Bilgola Director

Community News