
Issue 2020 / 3


Not so long ago, phones were neither mobile nor smart…

I too often watch in sadness, families sitting near me at my local coffee shop each weekend… with eyes only for their phones, scanning, checking, messaging… and not engaging in conversation as a family or as a parent and child. Yes, technology is making our lives more convenient, yet something is lost if families and friends sit around the dinner table, or go out to be social, presumably together, yet are focused almost entirely on their phones.

Not so long ago, if anyone had painted a scenario of people going about their everyday lives glued to their smartphones, checking their social media feeds, constantly posting, swiping and tweeting, it would have been surreal. The art of conversation is vital in families just as it is at school and I trust that for you as parents, treasured moments with your children are not lost to the ubiquitous piece of equipment carried around in our pockets. I read recently of a father who had lost one of his children… and whose remaining child was urging her father for “just five more minutes playing together outside…”. What this father did, despite his need to return to important chores, was to grant his daughter her wish of 5 more minutes… realising how precious this time was with her and how he would never regain that time with his lost child. The tragic times experienced by families or the lives cut short through illness or domestic violence have been an horrific reminder to us all in recent weeks. I am pleading with you all to take whatever time you can to be with your children, to talk with them, to share their hopes and dreams, and hear out their fears and challenges, to hug them and love them, and tell them so.

The twenty or so years you have with your children, will never feel enough, yet I am sure you will continue to ask yourself so many questions:

  • Did I teach them the right lessons?
  • Did I read them enough books as a child?
  • Did I spend enough time playing with them?
  • How many school parties did I make them miss?
  • Do they really know how much I love them?
  • What could I have done better as a parent?

This brings me to the significant change we have made on campus this term. For we are now almost half a term into our new mobile phone policy. I am delighted to report that there have been relatively few phones confiscated and that the students are engaging in activities and conversation as we hoped would happen at recess and lunchtime. We saw this too at the wonderful swimming carnivals which saw such a high level of engagement amongst the students.

Yes, the art of communication is one to be cherished and gently navigated, both in the home and in social settings; it is a part of the shared roles, you and we at school, share. You have told us that you are delighted with this new policy and I shall be interested to hear how you are seeing this play out at home? Maybe you can extend the expectations we have at School, to your expectations at home?

Devices do not belong in children’s bedrooms nor at the table. And your lead, as parents, on this issue, is critical.

the first half of term...
Congratulations to the students for the way they have embraced the opportunities and activities of the first half of term. The House Captains and Student Leaders are to be commended for their work at the swimming carnivals and an array of feel good moments from so many students, such as Lachie W sharing his musical talent with the secondary school, Henry and Pip leading the Junior School Assembly, Lachie F selecting students weekly for the Give it a Grow Award and Matthew selecting a student for the Give it a Go Award. Our School is about these precious times; united and acknowledging the good works from so many. 

Please encourage your child in the week ahead to be the best version of themselves.

I look forward to communicating with you, as always.

… and now, to continue our series of introductions by our new members of Staff

I am pleased to introduce:

Mr Ben Roberts to the Science Department and Mr Scott Hegarty to the PDHPE Department.

Ms Crystal Mason to the K-2 Discovery Hub in the Junior School and Ms Jenny Cook to our Learning Support team.

Mr Ben Roberts, Science
I grew up by the beach in the lovely southwest WA where I studied chemical engineering.

In 2015 I had a rock climbing accident which resulted in my right leg being 3 cm shorter.

During my recovering I did extensive mental health and disability support work, including assisting the Australian Paralympic disabled badminton team.

I completed my teaching degree and began science teaching in my home town of Bunbury.

I completed two years chemistry and science teaching in the Northern Territory before deciding on a sea change to The Pittwater House Schools.

Mr Scott Hegarty, PDHPE
I am Scott Hegarty, a new staff member in the PDHPE faculty and yes, I love sport. My favourite is Football (Soccer), both to play and support. I have played Soccer since I was 5, most recently being a part of the Dee Why Premier League team for the previous 5 seasons. I enjoy playing a round of golf and I also play Touch Football twice a week.

Teaching has always been my dream job, I enjoy motivating students to achieve their personal best in the classroom and challenge students in a variety of sports and active activities outdoors.

I am in my fifth year of teaching. I was a PDHPE teacher at Ku-ring-gai High School from 2016 to 2019 and in that time I was a Year Adviser for three years. 

I am looking forward to bringing my knowledge, personal and professional experience of well being, sport and PDHPE to Pittwater House.

Mrs Crystal Mason, K-2 Discovery Hub 

Throughout my teaching career, I have worked in both private and public schools across Sydney and most recently, internationally at an independent school in Barcelona. The opportunity to teach and live in Spain was a dream come true for me and I gained so much from the experience.   

As well as being a dedicated classroom teacher, I have also been a leader in a variety of roles including Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Literacy Coordinator and the Aboriginal Education Policy Planning Committee Leader. With a passion for student wellbeing, in 2017 I also completed my children’s yoga teacher training and have since taught yoga to students in my classes as well as my colleagues’ classes. 

Albeit short, my time at Pittwater House so far has been wonderful with both staff and parents welcoming me warmly. I look forward to meeting more of you as the year goes on. I also look forward to being involved in the running of the new K-2 Discovery Hub. 

Ms Jenny Cook, Learning Support 
I have come to join the Learning Enhancement Team at Pittwater House from Moriah College, in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. I am a passionate Learning Support Teacher and have been fortunate to work in a variety of special Education, Behaviour and Mainstream, Public and Independent schools in both Sydney and the UK, over the past 25 Years.

I feel so lucky to have a career which I love and to live on the beautiful Northern Beaches of Sydney with my two children and my dog Freddy.

I look forward to working with the dedicated and friendly Learning Enhancement Team at Pittwater House and I am excited to meet the students with whom I will be working.

PHAA and the Head Prefects

The President of the Alumni Association, Mr Anthony Buckton (Class of 1985) shared breakfast with our Head Prefects Alex and Gracie, and me, last week. Having an understanding of the opportunities of membership of the PHAA and engaging with Alumni in their HSC year, supports our notion of continuing association with our School. Alex and Gracie, like Head Prefects before them, remain a crucial element linking the present to the past. 

PHPA Meeting

With 2020 comes a new structure for the PHPA. Opening up the organisation to you all as parents, to participate to a wider extent than has been occurring will, I trust, enable you to gain a further insight to your children’s School and schooling. Additionally, we hope that you will benefit from coming to know a wide cross section of parents in all areas of our School. Bringing together Network parents whose role is so important to our sense of family and community, together with Volunteer parents will allow for ongoing support of PHPA activities throughout the year. Thank you to the parents who attended our meeting last week. We hope to see even more at the next meeting!

What's On - Events and Excursions



Cadet News

Last week, Dr Hillier and Capt. McClean met with the Commanding officer of 2nd NSW Cadet Brigade, Colonel Tara Bucknall.  As a result of these discussions, we can now offer the opportunity of being part of the Cadet Unit to all Year 7 students who wish to join the Unit. These students will participate in a structured, modified program that will allow them to experience the majority of the training being offered to other cadets who are already enrolled in the Unit. This modified program will include the Bivouac in April and the Annual Camp in September. Any student who would like to join the program can collect the enrolment form from: here  or from Reception.

Cadet Camp
The Date for the first Cadet Camp of 2020 is Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th April.

Join Cadets
All students in Years 7-12 are welcome to join the cadet unit. Students in Year 7 and those under the age of 13 in 2020, will be offered a modified program. 

Maths Study Centre

Maths Study Centre will be held in the Library from 3.30 to 4.20pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Year 11 Chemistry Excursion

Mrs FIlmalter’s and Mr Roberts’ Year 11s have completed an exciting and inquisitive excursion to ANSTO nuclear facility.

Students performed experiments to test the radio activity of fluorescent glass, fertiliser, welding rods and a radium watch. A bright orange coloured fiestaware plate gave off dangerous amounts of radioactivity!

Students observed the incredible Open Pool Australian Light Water Research Reactor, where the subatomic particles, neutrons are created.

The highly radioactive uranium 235 is used and the workers are only protected by pure water.

Students learned the 3 main uses of local nuclear isotopes; medicine, silicon doping and nuclear research.

They received a first hand look at the procedures for producing a new medical isotope, lutetium 177, which is currently only in clinical trials for curing prostate cancer cells.

From the Co-ordinator of Music

On Wednesday 19 February, Elective Music students from Years 8-12, traveled to the Sydney Town Hall to witness the Sydney Symphony Orchestra perform.

The students were treated to a glorious Wagner piece to begin with followed by the highly controversial ‘Rite of Spring’ by Stravinsky.

It was wonderful for all the students to hear the music they have studied in class in a world class venue.

We look forward to the next concert in July where they will get to watch Australia’s own Simone Young in action as the conductor.

Year 10 P.A.R.T.Y Program Excursion

In Week 3 a group of Year 10 students went to Liverpool Hospital to engage in the highly valuable P.A.R.T.Y (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth) Program. The program is an in-hospital injury awareness and prevention day where students learnt about the vivid reality of risk-related injury and consequences. Students engaged in talks by hospital emergency nurses, police, trauma survivors and experienced an eye-opening walk-through the ICU and a simulation of an Emergency Unit case. Students said they would highly recommend this program to others as although it was confronting at times it was very valuable and eye-opening. 


From the Head of Junior Schools

What is Gratitude? 

Many of us express gratitude by saying “thank you” to someone who has helped us or given us a gift. From a scientific perspective, however, gratitude is not just an action: it is also a positive emotion that serves a biological purpose.

Emmons explains gratitude deeper. He (and his co-author Robin Stern) say that:

gratitude has a dual meaning: a worldly one and a transcendent one. In its worldly sense, gratitude is a feeling that occurs in interpersonal exchanges when one person acknowledges receiving a valuable benefit from another. Gratitude is a cognitive-affective state that is typically associated with the perception that one has received a personal benefit that was not intentionally sought after, deserved, or earned but rather because of the good intentions of another person” (Emmons and Stern, 2013).

And so it is, that we say a massive thank you, from both our hearts and minds, from the K-2 Discovery Hub students and the ECC children, to Mrs Karin Krabbe-Rook, mother of Phileine (C7), for her generous donation from her business Exquira. Karin also donated some high-quality design kit products to a variety of organisations, including the Ronald McDonald House. These wonderful products stimulate imaginary play and gross motor skill development.

This coming week parents of Year 5 students are invited to attend the OEG information afternoon in M111 from 3:40pm, in preparation for their camp in Week 10. The meeting will be officiated by Mr Matthew Tranter, the Client Relations Manager for OEG.

Students who qualified at our Junior School swimming carnival will represent Pittwater House at the HICES Swimming Carnival at SOPAC on Monday 9 March. We wish them all the very best in their races.

As part of their unit of work on sustainable practice, Year 4 visited the Eco Centre at Kimbriki Tip in Week 4. The students experienced first hand the impact of waste on the world and learned about simple yet thoughtful ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. Hopefully we will see their passion for their work reflected around the School with their encouragement. In support of their work, there are now bottle, can and carton recycle bins in the Junior School playground. Students will be encouraged to sort their lunch waste into general and recyclable bins.

From the Co-ordinator of PDHPE K-6

Years 3-6 Swimming Carnival
On Tuesday 25 February our Junior School Swimmers gave it their all at our annual Swim Carnival. The weather was glorious, the atmosphere electric and the supporters encouraging in what was a most exceptional day of Swimming. It was great to see so many people dressed up in the House colours and the constant chanting of support was heard throughout the school.

A HUGE congratulations goes to Sadie for breaking two long standing records in the 100m Freestyle and 50m Breast Stroke.

After all the laps were finished and results recorded Butterworth won the day with 1033 points, Orrock were 2nd with 996 points and Morgan 3rd with 979 points.

The top two swimmers of each race and age division go on to HICES. For every stroke except freestyle the ages are 10 and under, 11 years and 12+ years. Congratulations to the following athletes who will be representing Pittwater House at our HICES carnival at SOPAC on Monday 9 March: Connor, Matthew, Annie, Mae, Heath, Max, Millicent, Matisse, Jack, Blake, Sadie, Ellaline, Alex, Kyran, Grace, Finlay, Toby, Timothy, Georgia,  Antigone, Blake, Max, Charlie, Kaya, Grace, James, Sonia, Hazel, Melanie and Hannah.

(Photographs by our Year 10 Photography and Digital Media Students)

Year 4 Kimbriki Excursion

On Tuesday 18th February, the Year 4 students went to Kimbriki to learn all about Rethinking, Reducing, Reusing and Recycling to improve our world. We had some very thought-provoking lessons with Peter and explored the eco-garden, where we discovered Australian native bees, worms and delicious plants. Peter played an amazing Swiss drum and we all had a turn at playing an African drum. We also went on a tour of Kimbriki with Rachael, who explained all the processes involved in reusing and recycling the waste from our suburbs. We all returned invigorated, full of ideas to improve our sustainability programs at school and in our homes.

Junior College Buddies

J4C has had a fun session working with their buddies in J2. After waiting for what seemed like for ever, the girls came together to spend some time on fun activities. First the girls worked on the J2 student goals, and then we all went outside for a game of skipping. It was so good to get to know our buddies and we look forward to our activities during the rest of the year.

Student Achievement

On Sunday 16 February, Piper participated in a dance competition and completed her first solo performance. Piper did really well, achieving a 3rd place for Jazz, 4th place for Contemporary, and coming in the top 10 out of 30 performers for Improvisation.


Junior Library News

The Premier’s Reading Challenge starts next week and I’m looking forward to having even more students complete the challenge this year! It isn’t compulsory, but the challenge list is so extensive that I am sure everyone can find books that they will like.

On our school library website, we have quick lists for all of our PRC books. Parents can view the site as a guest or you can use your child’s login details (username = firstname.lastname; password = their student number).!landingPage

Our eLibrary also has collated PRC ebooks by challenge level. Use your child’s School login details as above to access and borrow through the eLibrary. There is also an App that you can download. A link can be found on the Schools website:

Once the challenge starts, students can use their special PRC login (different to their school login) to log books through the PRC portal page:

Premier’s Reading Challenge Logins
Logins from previous years are still active but new students won’t have logins just yet as they can’t be uploaded until the challenge starts.

Years K-2 Logins: Between library and classroom reading all K-2 students will complete the challenge and I will log their books. If you wish to log books at home as well, please contact me and I’ll forward your child’s details to you.

Years 3-4 Logins: Will be issued in student diaries

Years 5-6 Logins: Will be issued during library lessons and saved on student devices.

Hopefully you are still reading! Only a little bit more to go…

The Rules

Starts: Monday 2 March 2020

Finishes: Friday 28 August 2020

Below is a brief overview of the key rules for the Premier’s Reading Challenge. The full list can be found here:

Years K-2 Challenge: students can read the books on their own, read them with someone, or someone can read to them.

Years 3-4 and Years 5-6 Challenges: students must read the books on their own, but someone can help choose them.

  • Only 3 books from any series count towards their PRC books, anything else would go towards their personal choice books.
  • Audiobooks do count.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs Trish Doonan on:

Happy Reading!

PHPA (Pittwater House Parents Association)


PHPA Upcoming Event Dates:

  • Mothers’ Day Gift Bazaar: Week of May 4th
  • Mothers’ Day Lunch: Thursday 7 May at 11am - Tickets on Sale Soon!
  • Fathers’ Day Breakfast: Friday 4 September at 7am
  • Christmas Markets: Saturday 28 November at 4pm

Please also watch out for Comedy Night and Golf Day…two more fun events for Semester 2 – dates to be advised shortly.

PHPA Parent/Carer Community Update Meetings:

Thank you to everyone who attended last weeks Term 1 Meeting. If you would like a copy of the notes from the session please email at:

Meeting dates for the remainder of the year are:

  • Term 2 Update: Friday 29 May 9am
  • Term 3 Update:  Friday 21 August 9am
  • Term 4 Update: Friday 27 November 9am


From the Health Centre

Out of consideration for the whole School community (students and staff), please Do Not send your child to School if they have had vomiting or diarrhoea in the last 24 hours, or if they are running a fever. Parents will be called to collect students who are potentially infectious. Thanks for your attention to this. 

From the Co-ordinator of Gifted and Talented

'More Able and Ambitious 2020' Conference
There is another exciting opportunity coming up on Tuesday 19 May for students from Year 10 to attend the ‘More Able and Ambitious 2020’ Conference at Ascham School.

This is a day for ambitious students who are interested in ideas. This year the focus will be on the capacity of gifted and talented students to more readily manipulate abstract ideas and make connections across school subject areas. Each session will be multi-media and inter-disciplinary. Using the Australian curriculum to meet the needs of highly able students, students will spend the day with like-minded youngsters all keen to reach the ceiling of their ability and share ideas. These days are designed to specifically target the development of capabilities in gifted and talented students by adding depth, complexity and richness to student learning.

I have secured 12 tickets for this event and it is open to Year 10 students only.

If your child is interested in being part of this event then please ask them to send me an email outlining the reasons why they feel this event would be beneficial to them at:

Individual Competitions for Terms 1 and 2
There are some fantastic online competitions for students from Years 5-12 to enter individually. The experience of entering and applying yourself to something you are passionate about cannot be underestimated. Not to mention that there are some amazing prizes and certificates up for grabs!

Primary and High School Competitions

  • Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards. The Dorothea Mackellar Memorial Society has chosen the theme “We Used to Live There.” Instantly a nostalgic feeling of home and belonging washes over you, but we’re sure Australian students will surprise us with their interpretations. As always, it is an optional theme, so please write about whatever topic sparks your poetic genius. Register your online entry with the help of a parent here:
  • What Matters? By Whitlam Institute inside Western Sydney University. What Matters? is a 'catalyst for young thinkers and young writers to develop a perspective, a point of view, on where we're heading as a society'. Submit your entry online here:

High School Competitions

  • Future Leaders Writing Prize 2020. The Future Leaders Writing Prize is designed to recognise and reward talented young writers. It aims to encourage expressive and creative writing. Year 11 and 12 students in Australian secondary schools are invited to submit a piece of writing (800 to 1,000 words). The writing can be fiction or non-fiction and on any topic. Submit your piece here:
  • Future Leaders Future Justice Award. The Future Leaders Future Justice Award recognises Year 12 students who have shown leadership and initiative on intergenerational equity, future justice. Future justice is concerned with what those living today leave behind for future generations. Year 12 students need to be nominated by a teacher. If you would like to be considered for nomination then please email me at: outlining detailed information about your future justice activities. Deadline is Sunday 31 May.


From the Outdoor Education Co-ordinator

Kathmandu Discount Offer for the Pittwater House Community 
Pittwater House has set up a program with Kathmandu at Warringah Mall that entitles students, families, and faculty to 40-60% off the regular prices of Kathmandu gear. 

The way it works is that Pittwater House will have various "events" throughout the year. These have been set up to fall before School Camps/World Challenge/ DOE trips. The invitation letter to attend the discount event will be sent to all families via Skoolbag. All you need to do is print out the invitation and attend the store during the Event time period.

The first event is to be held on the 30th of April through to the 3rd of May. A Skoolbag invitation was sent earlier this week. 

School Uniform Shop News

Please Note: The School Uniform Shop will open at 12.30pm on Monday 9 March

  • Students in Years 1-6  must have their blazer for the start of Term 2. Please pop into the School Uniform Shop to place an order.
  • Lost property is over flowing with swim wear from the carnivals.

To Notify the School of Student Absences
Please download and use the Skoolbag app or Log in to the Edumate Portal or email:

Edumate and Skoolbag Basic Training Sessions

If you are interested in some basic training in Edumate and/or Skoolbag, please call School Admin on: 9981 4400 or email: to book a half hour appointment between 7.30am and 3pm.

Term Dates

Click Download