Captains Flat Public School Newsletter

Term 3 Week 6

School News

COVID-19 Update

On Monday 17 August a new set of revised guidelines was released to both schools and parents. These guidelines outline some of the changes and restrictions in Education. Some of these are:

  • Non-Essential adults including parents are still not permitted on school grounds. Please call or email if you have any queries or concerns.
  • Call if you need to collect your child/ren and we will arrange for them  to be at the laneway gate for collection.
  • Drop-off and pick-up zones are still a part of morning and afternoon routines.
  • Any adult that enters the school grounds, even to place a school bag on a hook, will need to now complete an 'External Visitor To School Site' Form. Staff will have these ready on playground duty. This is a Departmental requirement should there be a need to complete contact tracing on a school site.
  • P&C events and functions are no longer permitted - we will explore options for online meetings in Term 4 if this is still in place.
  • Students that are absent or sent home due to flu like symptoms will need to be Covid-19 tested.
  • Students must not return to school until they return a negative COVID-19 result and are symptom free.
  • The school must sight the negative COVID-19 test result prior to allowing students to return to school.
  • Orientation programs in term 3 are currently on hold.
  • Some restrictions to school activities have changed and we will modify our programs around these restrictions.
  • School canteen can still operate under these new changes.
  • School camps are still on hold for term 3 and we will let you know as soon as we find out the determination for term 4.

Father's Day Stall

Our 'Parent and Caregiver Weekend' stall will operate on Friday 4 September. The stall will have a variety of gifts with a wide range of prices. Classes will be creating cards for students to take home for this weekend.

Sadly, it looks very likely that our planned 'Father's Day' Breakfast that we wanted to operate on 4 September will not be allowed to operate with the renewed set of restrictions. Our current plan is to hold a community Breakfast for any member of Captains Flat, when the current COVID-19 restrictions are rolled back. Time will tell when this will occur.

Comic Book Day

Comic Book Day just happens to coincide with the last day of term 3. There will be lots of activities related to comic books on this day. As it is the final day of term, students are encouraged to dress as their favourite comic book character on this day. Once again the great people at Spotlight Queanbeyan have many options for costumes if you are stuck for ideas.

High School Transition Programs

The planned transition days for both Karabar HS and Queanbeyan HS will not occur this term, under the current set of restrictions for schools. More information about possible rescheduled events or online days will be forwarded on when these changes are made.

Absences from School

It is a requirement of the Department that all student absences need to be in writing. This can be completed in SkoolBag in eForms or send an email to the school email account. We appreciate all those that complete this daily.

School Assemblies Currently on Hold

All future assemblies are currently cancelled until further notice. We will inform you when we will be able to return to school assemblies.

We are allowed to hold brief, parent free, assemblies each fortnight for no longer than 15 minutes. We resumed these last week, and will continue to complete these as a method of delivering fortnightly school awards.

We are currently investigating ways to bring these assemblies live via YouTube. More information will follow shortly.

Flaherty Food Van Visit

Next Thursday we will be spending time on the Colin Winchester Oval. Students will have the opportunity to order lunch from the Flaherty Food Van. Orders need to be finalised by tomorrow afternoon and can be made through eForms on the SkoolBag App.

Talk Like A Pirate Day

Date: Thursday 17 September


Our annual 'Talk Like A Pirate' Day is approaching very quickly. This will be held at school on Thursday 17 September. It would be great to see everyone dressed up and ready for an amazing adventure on the SS Captains Flat. Spotlight in Queanbeyan always has an interesting selection of costume ideas if you are looking for something basic and easy to wear on the day. 

Remember to place your chicken meal order via eForms

Comic Book Day

Date: Friday 25 September


End the term with our fun day dedicated to comic books. Students can come dressed as their favourite comic book character.

News From Around The School

Kindy News

Captains Flat PS have been doing lots of Creative Arts to catch up on all that we missed out on during Home Learning. Kindergarten have had lots of fun working with the other years to learn all about Art, Dance, Drama and Music. 

Kindy have been working on their artworks and created self portraits using their fine motor skills.

Literacy Groups

Each morning S123 has literacy groups. These groups consist of guided reading, spelling, writing and comprehension. Each group completes each rotation every day. Here is Paul and Dominic reading during guided reading time. 

Art Projects

Students in S123 have started creating an art project. They were able to choose from Music, Visual Arts or Drama. Students are currently working on creating an art design of their choice. Here is Milla showing her progress on her oil pastel design. Milla created this draft to experiment with how fireworks sit on her page. 

Genius Hour

We have had a blast working on our Genius Hour projects. In S123, each student has chosen a topic that interests and excites them. We have inquired, researched and started creating posters, presentations and models to display our learning. 

In the photo, Stella and Molly are displaying the books they have made for their Genius Hour project. Stella has researched into different horse breeds and Molly has collated a range of Art methods and created an instructional art book. 

SASS Recognition Week

SASS Recognition Week is here!

Our little school would not run smoothly without the amazing efforts of our support staff. A huge thank you to Karen, who keeps our school office running smoothly. A huge thank you to Ben and Alicia and Ria our School Learning Support Officers for their work directly supporting the students of S123 and Kindy respectively. We also thank, Mark Palmer, who works as the General Assistant at the school on Thursday. He keeps things around the school fixed, repaired, constructed, tidied, clipped and mowed.

Once again, thank you to an amazing team of people.

P&C News

The Department of Education has postponed all P&C school site meetings. The next P&C Meeting scheduled for Monday 26 October will be held via Zoom. This will allow members of the community to be apart of the P&C from the comfort of their own home.

Details of this Zoom Meeting will be forwarded out when the meeting date gets closer. We would encourage all interested in attending to download 'Zoom' software , the download is free and can also be downloaded onto mobile devices. It is best to use a device with a camera so you can full participate in the meeting.

Everyone is invited to attend a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CFPS P&C Meeting

Time: Oct 26, 2020 06:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 660 3211 1795

Passcode: 854207

Notes that need Returning

  • External Visitors to School Site Form (Required for each visit and entry on school grounds) Located in Eforms
  • Flaherty Food Van orders by Friday 28 August
  • Pirate day meal deal orders by Tuesday 15 September

Staff Changes This Fortnight

No scheduled changes to staff this fortnight.

Science Week 2020

School Events Calendar - 2020

Term 3

Week 1

20 Jul - 26 Jul

Monday 20 July

Tuesday 21 July


Teachers return to school

Students return to school


Week 2

27 Jul - 2 Aug


Week 3

3 Aug - 9 Aug



Monday 3 August

Monday 3 August

Tuesday 4 August


Parent Puberty Workshop Information Session 4pm

P&C Meeting -6pm

S123 Class Interviews


Week 4

10 - 16 Aug


Tuesday 11 August

Thursday 12 August


S123 Class Interviews

Kindy Class Interviews


Week 5

17 - 23 Aug



Friday 21 August


Year 5-6 -Student Puberty Workshops


Week 6

24 - 30 Aug


Week 7

31 Aug - 6 Sept


Thursday 3 September

Friday 4 September


Flaherty Food Van & Lunch at the Park (Orders close Friday 28 August)

Parent and Caregiver Weekend Stall


Week 8

7 -13 Sept


Tue-Wed 8-9 September


QHS Transition Visits (Postponed)


Week 9

14 - 20 Sept


Tue -Wed 15-16 September

Thurs 17 September


KHS Transition Visits (Postponed)

Talk Like A Pirate Day - Chicken Meal Deals


Week 10

21 Sept -7 Sept


Fri 25 September

Comic Book Day

Last day of term 3

Download the 'SkoolBag' Application to keep up to date with school news and programs.