Issue 8: Wednesday 25th May 2022


Dear Parents, Carers and Community Members

As we approach the half way mark of this term I would like to again thank all of our families for your cooperation with the demands of a busy school term in challenging times.  As a school we are committed to providing a near normal program but concede that there may be times when we need to make changes due to staff and student absenteeism. 

 NAPLAN 2022

NAPLAN 2022 was implemented very smoothly last week and this week.  Our staff did a great job in catering for the changes that needed to be made to ensure that all of our children in Years 3 & 5 had a positive opportunity to succeed.  My sincere thanks go to Mrs Weir and Ms Laverty in particular for their leadership of this significant school event.


All of our classes have had the opportunity to participate in National Simultaneous Storytime event today.  National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).  Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously.  You may like to ask your child to recount today’s story and discuss today’s event with them. 


Our Year 6 student councillors and House captains are attending the 2020 Grip Leadership conference next Tuesday (May 31) after it was rescheduled because of COVID-19.  I am sure that this will be a very beneficial experience that will develop their leadership skills across the school.


Our Semester 1 student reports will be emailed out  during Week 9.  These will be slightly different reports as this semester we will not be providing grades or comments for the specialist areas of the curriculum.  As always, parents are encouraged to contact their class teachers if they have any queries.


A reminder that our next school development day is scheduled for Friday, 03 June.  On this day our staff will be participating in professional learning on:

·         Kagan cooperative learning strategies, &

·         A range of school based professional learning opportunities.

 Your assistance in enabling this day is genuinely appreciated.

 Thank you again for your ongoing cooperation and positive commitment to our school. Have a wonderful fortnight.

 Craig Ashby



From the Deputies Desk


Grandparents and special family members are invited to Bertram Primary School on Wednesday June 1st (June 8th for Koolbardi 1a, 2a & 6a). The day begins with activities in the classrooms from 8:30am – 10:30am, providing our students the opportunity to share their learning with their special visitors.

 From 10:30am – 11:00am, morning tea will be served in the undercover area outside the kitchen. A coffee van will be onsite if you would prefer to buy a ‘real’ coffee.

 You are reminded that morning tea is for our visitors, not students. Please say goodbye to them when you leave their class and come and enjoy the lovely food prepared by Mrs Bradshaw, Mrs Quinn and our Kitchen Committee.

 Grandparent’s Day is one of our favourite days of the year and many of our families take the opportunity to spend the morning at school. Please observe Covid safe practises: 

  • Stay at home if you are unwell 
  • Practise physical distancing – keep 1.5m from each other
  • Wear a mask if physical distancing is not possible

 There will be no Pancakes on Grandparent’s Day to allow the kitchen to prepare morning tea.


 Our Year 3 & 5 students have now completed NAPLAN, with 98% of students at Bertram completing all 4 assessments! We were extremely proud of the way every child displayed their Bertram FRREE behaviour during the testing period. NAPLAN reports will go home later in the year, once marking across Australia is completed and data has been collated.


 Semester 1 Reports will be emailed home at the end of Week 9. If you have changed your email address please update your details with the front office to ensure you receive your child’s report.


 Thank you to all those families who have returned Term 1 Unexplained Absence notes. We will continue to send notes home each week and would appreciate you providing reasons for the absence/s and returning the note to your child’s LA teacher or the front office. We understand there are times you have provided a reason for an absence and still receive an Unexplained Absence note – please help us keep our records up to date by completing and returning the note.


 Would you like support with uniform items? Have uniforms to donate?

 As the weather gets colder you may discover your child no longer fits their winter uniform from last year. If you have uniform items you no longer need, please consider donating them to the school. If you would like support with uniform items, please let the ladies in the front office know what you need and we will make every effort to source it for you.


Jane Weir, Cathy Stott and Sofia Delios 



MSP photography


The option to pay online using Qkr  is available.

After downloading the app and registering, simply select Bertram Primary School from 'Nearby Locations' on Qkr or type Bertram after tapping the magnifying glass in the top right of the home screen on Qkr. Please go onto the app, read the information, give your permission and make payment.

Grandparents Day

Kindy Grandparents Day



Friday, 3rd June School Development Day 
Monday, 6th June Western Australia Day Public Holiday 
Friday, 1st July Last Day of Term 

Monday, 18th July School Commences
Monday, 22nd August School Development Day 
Friday, 23rd September Last Day of Term 

Monday, 10th OctoberSchool Development Day 
Tuesday, 11th OctoberFirst Day of Term 
Thursday, 15th December Last Day of Term 
Friday, 16th December School Development Day 


MondayPrimary Music Institute (PMI) Keyboard/Guitar
TuesdayRunners Club 
WednesdayToasted sandwiches/pancakes
WednesdayAssembly (see Assembly Timetable) 
ThursdayRunners Club 


Week 5No Assembly -  National Simultaneous Storytime
Week 6 No Assembly -  Grandparents Day 
Week 7Senior - Kin-kin 2 
Week 8Middle - Boornar 2
Week 9 Junior - Kin- kin 5 
Week 10 Senior - Djidi-Djidi 1


Subject to Covid Restrictions
Wednesday 25 MayNational Simultaneous Storytime 
Wednesday 1st JuneGrandparent's Day 
Thursday 2nd June National Buddy Day 
Friday 3rd JuneSchool Development Day 
Tuesday 7th June MSP School Photos 
Wednesday 8th JuneMSP School Photos
Wednesday 8th June Kindy Grandparent's Day 
Thursday 9th June MSP School Photos
Friday 10th June MSP School Photos
Friday 10th JuneK-6 Disco
Tuesday 14th June P&C Meeting 
Thursday 16th June K/PP House Cross Country 
Friday 17th June Yr 1-6 House Cross Country 
Monday 20th June School Board Meeting
Tuesday 21st June Kindy P&C PJ Day Fundraiser
Wednesday 22nd June Shed Night Girls 
Friday 24th June K - 6 P&C PJ Day Fundraiser 
Friday 1st July Last day of term 




 About your child’s school-age friendships

Your child’s world gets bigger when she starts school. Relationships with other people – like the children in her class at school – become more important.

 Friendships are good for your school-age child’s self-esteem. When your child has good friends, he feels like he belongs. His friends care about him, and this helps him feel good about himself.  Friendships help children develop important life skills like getting along with other people and sorting out conflicts and problems. Children with these skills are less likely to have social and emotional difficulties later in life.

 School friends and parents: why your child needs both

Young children enjoy playing with their friends, but they still need their parents. In fact, during the early school years, family relationships are still the biggest influence on your child’s development. Good family relationships are what your child needs to learn and grow.

 Family relationships give your child a stable, safe home base through the ups and downs of making and losing friends. In fact, the care and love you give your child at home helps your child manage other relationships.

 If your child is upset at being left out, or has had a fight with a friend, he knows that you’re still there for him. And you can help him work it out by talking with him about what happened and how he felt. For example, ‘How did you feel when Ali wouldn’t let you play?’ This helps your child learn about his feelings and how to handle them. Sometimes just listening or giving your child a hug can be enough.

 Getting to know your child’s friends: why it’s good

Getting to know your child’s friends helps you find out about:

·         some of the important people in your child’s life.

·         who your child is talking about and their personalities.

·         what kind of influence friends have on your child.

·         how your child gets along with her friends.

·         who to invite for playdates and birthday parties.

·         other families with children of a similar age.

 If you’re not sure who your child’s friends are, just ask, or watch who he goes to in the playground at school. You could also talk with your child’s teacher. If you’re able to help at school sports, in the canteen or in the classroom, this can also give you a chance to see who your child gets along well with.