
Term 3 Week 10

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers
As we come to the end of another great term, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful and supportive parents, carers and friends who have continued to work with us to provide opportunities and support for our students. I would also like to thank and acknowledge our teaching and administrative staff for their hard work this term. The students of Wattle Grove are blessed to have such a wonderful team behind them as they travel their educational journey through such different times. Despite the many challenges COVID-19 has presented, we have all continued to work together as a school community to provide the children with rich opportunities in all areas.

I hope you all have a fabulous holiday with family and friends. Stay safe and we will see you back for Term 4! Students return for Term 4 on Monday 12 October 2020.

Presenting students with their Principal awards is one of the highlights of my week. Congratulations to all the students on receiving their Principal Award this fortnight!

Well done to our Super Kids for the month of September! Your demonstration of great behaviour and application to your work has paid off!

At the Week 9 assembly the students who placed for their stage in the public speaking competition received their certificates, and the winner also received a trophy. Congratulations to everyone and best wishes to Jayda as she will be competing at the network level early next term.

Congratulations also goes to Charlee (Stage 2) and Jayda (Stage 3) for successfully competing at the district level of the Multicultural Speaking Competition against 13 other students. They will now compete at the regional level. I wish them the all the best!

A huge thank you to Mrs Batram for her leadership in providing these public speaking opportunities for our children. Public speaking is a lifelong skill, that is so important in many aspects of our lives and future careers!

Please enjoy the photos further on in this newsletter.

Pirate Day
This week we all enjoyed a day of pirate fun, and what a fantastic day it was! The Year 6 students did an amazing job planning this event which involved designing and creating pirate themed activities for the students and planning the timetable for the day. Over the day, the children solved puzzles, responded to a writing stimulus, played skill-based games and completed an obstacle course. Getting into the spirit of the day, many students put on their boots, coat, bandanna and pirate hats!  A lot of time and effort went into the students’ costumes, making this day special for them. Thank you to all our families for their support in dressing up and donating to the Year 6 fundraising efforts. We raised $900. I would like to acknowledge Mrs Dodd, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Richter and Mr Wilson for their leadership and support of this event!

Selective High School 2022
Applications for Year 7 entry to a selective high school are now completed and submitted online. A new online application site is under construction. Information about changes to the application process for entry in 2022 will be updated in coming weeks. The link to the form will be available from 6 October 2020 until 9 November 2020 for entry in 2022. More information is available on the department’s website.

COVID-19 Guidelines
Thank you for your continued support with drop offs and pick-ups. It is important that as soon as the children are dropped off and picked up that you leave the school grounds. Teachers have been asked not to meet with parents under the cola of an afternoon, but alternatively make an appointment to discuss necessary matters via the phone. If a face-to-face meeting is necessary, this can be arranged. If you have any concerns or questions please contact the office. 

Students displaying any flu-like symptoms need to be tested and are unable to return to school until documentation of the negative result is received. If students are displaying any symptoms at school, they will need to be picked up from school and be tested.

It is anticipated that the Department of Education’s COVID-19 Guidelines will be updated early next term, with information relating to end of year events and celebrations. Changes will be communicated through the SkoolBag App.

Cancellation of Fees
The school is working through a process of ensuring all monies paid for cancelled 2020 activities are credited to your school account. Those families who would prefer a refund (as opposed to a 2021 credit) or who will no longer have a child at Wattle Grove in 2021 will be able to access a refund by the end of the year. We are awaiting Term 4 COVID-19 Guidelines around scheduled activities, so we can be sure this process is accurate.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office.

Kindergarten 2021 (Repeated Information)  
We are now taking Kindergarten enrolments for 2021. Please apply online at: or visit the school’s updated website.

Orientation and transition sessions for our 2021 Kindergarten children and families will look different from previous years due to the current COVID-19 situation. Our priority is to work within the NSW Department of Education and NSW Health guidelines, whilst providing a supportive transition for our Kindergarten students.

A survey has been sent out to families who have a student enrolled for Kindergarten in 2021, asking for information relating to your child. This survey will provide an opportunity for you to share additional requirements that you feel your child may need before starting school. All information will remain confidential. If you have not received the link for this survey, please call the office, and they will be able to assist you.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Focus The focus behaviour for Weeks 9 and 10 this term is:

*Be a learner – Explore, try new things and make good choices.

Wattle Wanderer
Year One have been learning how to plan and compose persuasive texts. As part of their learning, each of the Year One classes wrote a class letter to persuade me to approve the purchase of a class pet. Whilst the classes had convincing ideas, we came across the problem of who would look after the pet during the holidays and pay for any pet bills! I visited the classes to talk about their fabulous ideas and discuss an alternative. Each class was given a toy pet, as it would not need looking after in the holidays and accumulate any bills! 

Today we said goodbye to our wonderful Senior Administration Manager, Mrs Kerry Dawson who has served in public education for 25 years and is on the road towards her retirement. We are lucky enough though, to have her come back and work every Friday until the end of the year. She started at Moorebank Public School in 1998. Mrs Dawson is looking forward to spending more time with her husband, children and grandchildren. The staff here at Wattle Grove will certainly miss Mrs Dawson's calm demeanor, her efficiency and outstanding organisation skills, but most importantly her generosity and kindness. She has always been there to lend a hand and make everyone feel welcome. Mrs Leanne Whiting will relieve in Mrs Dawson's role Monday-Thursday.

Nicole Cameron 

Thank you Mrs Dawson - 25 years of Service in Education

Miss Cameron visits Pirate Day in Year One

From the Deputy's Desk

Welcome to the last newsletter of Term 3,

What a wonderful term of learning we have experienced this term. If there is anything we have learned this year, it is that when you have blocked pathways in place, we band together, get creative and find new ways of doing things. Such has been the case with Public Speaking stage finals, Education Week, Year 6 Fundraising, Superkids and Principal Awards and Cross Country Carnival to name a few. From this exhaustive list we can see that our students are still being recognised and celebrated for their achievements.

Mrs Farah has sent out a note this week in regards to our Book Parade and Book Fair to be held early in Term 4. Please look out for that note in your child's bag if you have not already seen it.

To all our children, have a wonderful relaxing break. Remember to continue reading. Practise makes perfect! Don't forget to go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather- play games, run around, go for a swim, a hike, walk your dog, ride your bike. Active bodies make for healthy minds!

1 Aqua
This week I was lucky enough to visit 1 Aqua where Mrs Tenca was teaching students to read and write 'o'clock' and 'half past' time on analogue and digital clocks. The students worked in groups and independently to practise this tricky skill. This is something that could continue to be practised over the holiday break so students can master this new learning. The photos below show how engaged the students were in the activity.

Mrs Brunner and 1 Sapphire
Mrs Brunner invited me along to 1 Sapphire to observe a writing lesson. I was so impressed with the students' positive attitude towards learning. Students have individualised learning goals which they will be working towards achieving over the next few weeks. When students understand what is expected of them and timely and effective feedback is provided on these learning goals, student outcomes improve. I will be visiting 1 Sapphire again to check in and see how they are going working towards their writing goals. See photos below.

ICAS Science Assessments
This year, parents paid online for their students to participate in the ICAS assessments. As a result, there were fewer students registered this year compared to previous years.

The science results have become available and of the 13 students who participated, we were awarded with 9 Participation,  1 Merit and 3 Credit Certificates. Congratulations to the following students who achieved a Merit or Credit:

Bobby (3/4 Coral):           Merit

Lachie (4 Scarlet):            Credit

Amelia (3/4 Coral):          Credit

Matthew (5/6 Tuscany): Credit

Our Community Garden is on its way!
You may have noticed four new garden beds at the back of the school, where the old sandpit once was. A huge thank you to Kristen, and the P&C for supporting the community garden initiative. Kristen our P&C President has been busy applying for a community grant and has also asked our local Bunnings for some assistance to establish a garden. This wonderful idea will build our students' awareness around sustainability as well as learn about our 'Living World' through a practical and hands on approach. If there are any parents who know about irrigation systems and can share their skills and expertise, please make contact with me, by calling the front office.

Social Media Advice for Parents
I often draw attention to different social media platforms as we are living in times where ensuring our children are safe is challenging and as parents we should always know what is happening on the other side of the screen. A couple of weeks ago, the eSafety Commissioner released a statement about a distressing video that was circulating with some advice for parents which I have listed below.

•     Engage in your child’s online activity and discuss the types of apps, websites and games they are viewing to ensure content is age-appropriate

•     Make use of parental control on devices to help limit your child’s online exposure

•     Help your child report and block inappropriate content on social media or apps

•     Encourage your child to talk to you about anything upsetting they view online

•     Visit for further advice on apps, social media and online safety issues.

Yes we trust our children, however, we must vigilant in adhering to social media age restrictions and monitoring our children so that they don't encounter content which may cause unnecessary worry or distress.

Student Wellbeing

Building Resilience in our Children
What is resilience? Resilience is the fine art of being able to bungee jump through life. I find this is a wonderful analogy to describe a life long skill which we all need to draw upon when faced with challenges.

Resilient children are those who are provided with opportunities to develop the necessary skills to enable them to take positive and effective steps to achieve their goals, build relationships, respond adaptively and flexibly to the inevitable challenges of life and to 'bounce back' after encountering difficult situations or circumstances.

Raising resilient children
Bad times don't last. Things always get better.

Other people can help.

Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset.

Nobody is perfect-not you and not others.

Concentrate on the positives.

Everybody experiences sadness, hurt, failure, rejection and setbacks.

Blame fairly- how much of what has happened was due to you, to others, and to bad luck?

Accept what can't be changed.

Catastrophising exaggerates your worries.

Keep things in perspective. It's only one part of your life.

Thanking you for your ongoing support, 

Vicky Valensise
Deputy Principal

Photo Gallery

Principal Awards

5 Merit Awards - Louis K Purple, Olivia K Yellow
10 Merit Awards - Aiden 1 Sapphire 
15 Merit Awards - Kaelan  1/2 Turquoise, Veda 4 Scarlet, Ethan 3/4 Coral,  Jacob 2 Kiwi, Leah 1/2 Turquoise, Thomas 2 Emerald 
20 Merit Awards - Annabelle 4 Crimson
25 Merit Awards - Allegra 4 Crimson, Shaila 3/4 Coral, Annabelle 4 Crimson
30 Merit Awards  - Byron 6 Pink, Bianca 6 Fuchsia, Tyler 5 Royal, Chloe 4 Scarlet
35 Merit Awards - Ethan 5 Royal, Piper 5 Amethyst
40 Merit Awards - Grace 5/6 Tuscany

Principal Award Recipients

Class Merit Awards

K Blue - Aiden, Caleb, Skanda
1/2 Turquoise - Liam, Hannah, Jay, Victoria, Charlie, Jeffrey4 Crimson - Charlotte, Inaayah, Savannah, Max, Mariam, Ayah
K Green - Kyle, Daisy, Maryam, Gabby2 Emerald - Madi, Summer, Harry, Max, Thomas, Sophia4 Ruby - Ahmad, Vienna, Alexia, Koby, Ofa, Austin, Tyler, Annika, Riley, William
K Purple -  Quinn, Josiah, Oscar2 Kiwi - Max, Tahlia, Micah, Beatrice, Damian P, Hamish4 Scarlet - Chloe, Cherise, Ben, Kupe, Dylan P, Sophie
K Yellow - Kayden, Zahli2 Teal - Emma, Cameron, Caitlin, Ethan, Harrison, Taliah5 Amethyst - Sebastianne, Meike, Nai, Robert, Lily, Chelsea
1 Aqua - Zebadiah, Jackson, Joseph, Kaitlyn, Amelia 3 Canary -  Tyler, James, Audrey, Ariel, Milan, Livia5 Royal -  Antonio, Reaghan, Saxon, Drew, Adelaide, Emmi, Tiarah
1 Navy - Ashton, Leonardo, Dusty, Indiana, Eloise, Aria3 Daffodil -  Te Wai, Zac, Gelsie, Madiu, Dylan, Ryder M, Marcus S5/6 Tuscany - Danica, Ethan, Lana, Makenzie, Draven, Holly
1 Sapphire - Aakifah, Braxton, Brooklyn, Niya, Jeese, Jad3 Mustard - Charlee, Mikayla, Ayman, Andy, Alexis, Rachel6 Fuchsia -  Trisha, Christian, Zane, Aidan, Stevie, Dimitri
1 Sky - Jaxson, Owen,Charlotte, James, Laura, Phoebe L3/4 Coral - Amelia, Suchita, Matthew R, Lincoln P, Bria, Nandish6 Pink - Jaxson, Byron, Jake, Max, Zoe-Jane, Sophia

Superkid Awards - September

K Blue - Sienna, Luka, Riaana1/2 Turquoise - Sela, Henry, Kye4 Crimson - Ayah, Emily, Xander
K Green - Alex, Kaden, Iva 2 Emerald - Madi, Joshua, Chanel4 Ruby - Abbey, Cooper, Darian
K Purple - Kaira, Talia, Jacob2 Kiwi - Patrick, Hamish, Damian4 Scarlet - Ruby, Savannah, Kupe
K Yellow - Hollie, Kayla, Sophia2 Teal - Taylor, Kevin, Ivy5 Amethyst - Valeria, Fletcher, Nuuha
1 Aqua - Declan, Mackenzie, Emily3 Canary - Cooper, Serena, Ben5 Royal - Scarlett, Luke, Georgia
1 Navy - Indiana, Taylor, Antony3 Daffodil - Ryder, Harry, Flynn5/6 Tuscany - Holly, Ava, Ira
1 Sapphire - Kody, Brienna, Peter3 Mustard - Juliet, Jackson, Coen6 Fuchsia - Dean, Will, Georgia 
1 Sky - Franki, Ryan, Kimiora3/4 Coral - Clara, Eli, Charli6 Pink - Sienna, Layla, Yarra

Superkid Award Recipients

Student of the Month - September

ICAS Award Recipients

Caught BEEing Good Award Winners

Public Speaking

Public Speaking
At last Thursday’s assembly the students who placed for their stage received their certificates and the winner also received a trophy. Congratulations to everyone and best wishes to Jayda as she will be competing at the network level early next term.

PlaceKindergartenStage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 

Public Speaking

STEM Stars

Defence News

Posting Season
It’s getting to that time of the year where posting/relocations are being sent out. Be sure to let me know if your family is posting this year, this ensures that I can support your child at school during what can often be quite a challenging time.

Partner Employment Assistance Program (PEAP)
Defence recognises the military lifestyle can present challenges for ADF families. Challenges like partner employment, when families relocate to a new location on posting or when ADF members transition for medical reasons.

DCO provides funding for initiatives aimed at contributing to the employability of ADF partners when they are relocated as a consequence of their partner’s service, or if their ADF member is transitioning for medical reasons.

Posting Connect
ADF families, PostingConnect is being designed by Defence, for Defence families. Throughout 2020, the PostingConnect project team have been conducting group style and one-on-one testing sessions of the PostingConnect platform to better understand the needs of ADF members and their families through real-time feedback. 

To date, these sessions have resulted in a more user friendly and simpler design with less steps to navigate, and more relevant information provided.  

Defence currently has some limited testing opportunities available, if you would be interested in being involved in these sessions, or for more information on PostingConnect, email

ADF partner deploying and not sure what to expect?
Join experienced DCO experts for their new webinar series “Deployment: embracing the challenge’. The webinars feature a range of tips, strategies and resources to help partners, parents and kids with a member absent from home, who has recently returned from deployment or are going to deploy soon. It’s also a chance to ask questions.

To see the range of deployment support and resources available, see

Deployments and Absence
Please make sure you let your child’s teacher and I know if a member of your family is away for an extended period of time. Having this knowledge will go towards supporting the student at school throughout the absence period.

Useful Contacts
Open Arms (formerly VVCS)

Free and confidential counselling for all current and ex-serving ADF members and their families

1800 011 046 or

Defence Families of Australia (DFA)

A Ministerial appointed advocacy group for Defence families.

1800 100 509 or

Defence Special Needs Support Group (DSNSG)

A network of peer support for Defence families with special needs. 

1800 037 674 or

Defence Community Organisation (DCO)

DCO is available to support all Defence members as well as their families. You can contact them anytime, all contact is confidential.

1800 624 608 or

Kookaburra Kids

The program is dedicated to supporting the unique needs of children from serving and ex-serving ADF families.

1300 566 525 or

DCO Posting Countdown Calendar
The Sydney and Liverpool DCO team have created an awesome ‘Posting countdown calendar’ for you to count down the days until you move! The calendars come with pictures, representing moving milestones, which your kids can cut out and paste onto the dates that match the milestone. Calendars are suitable for primary school aged kids and will be posted to families in the first week of October. Register by 30 September for your free calendar. See Eventbrite for all the details

Kim Lazarevic

Defence School Mentor