As part of our ongoing commitment to student learning and improving outcomes for all students, staff identified maths as a focus area for our Site Improvement Plan 2019-2021. We have spent some time during staff meetings this term reflecting on our data; this enabled us to identify students' strengths in maths and in PLCs teachers have planned ways to increase achievement. We are quite excited about the possibilities!
Andrew Smith has taken on the role of Teacher Leader in maths and is working alongside class teachers to analyse PAT M and NAPLAN data to group learners according to their mathematical strengths. By grouping this way Andrew, class teachers and SSOs have been able to work with smaller groups on mathematical tasks that are better targeted to their levels of understanding.
This term Andrew has been sharing his passion for maths with students in Years 5 and 7. These students have been engaged in activities involving problem solving, reporting their understanding and methodologies for solving questions and their findings to their group. These targeted maths lessons have allowed students to engage in richer tasks that are suited to their level of understanding which improve their critical thinking skills and problem solving skill – as a result more students will achieve their personal best.
Feedback from the students that are a part of the smaller groups has been positive, the students have noted that targeted grouping allows them time and opportunity to question, seek teacher support more frequently and learn from each other to a higher degree.
As we continue to improve on this model, we will look for ways to provide students from other year levels across the school with a similar opportunity to work in smaller targeted maths groups as the year progresses.
Andrew and class teachers will continue to working together in PLCs to reflect on the targeted approach, share student progress and identify areas for future growth.
Site Improvement Plan Goal 1 - Challenge of Practice:
If we adopt a targeted approach to extending number sense and mathematical thinking through problem solving investigations, then we will increase the achievement and retention of students in the upper bands as measured against NAPLAN Numeracy in years 3-7.