Equity and Excellence
This week we highlight the Equity and Excellence area of impact from the Public Education strategy. Excellence and Equity asks schools to strive for excellence including foundational capabilities such as literacy, numeracy and digital for all learners. Our classrooms provide varied, challenging, and stimulating experiences. This area of impact is underpinned by knowledge, skills, and capabilities alongside inclusion for all social, cultural, community and family backgrounds.
At Hallett Cove East, whilst focused on Effective Learners, we also recognise that the 4 areas of impact are interrelated and strongly influence learning outcomes and successes for our students, now and into the future
Lighthouse Leaders and Effective Learners
Our Lighthouse Leaders recently surveyed students R-6 on their understanding of an Effective Learner at Hallett Cove East. More than 50 students were surveyed for their thoughts. Lighthouse Leaders presented the data at our recent student free day for staff to consider.
A snapshot of the data included:
- 6% of students responded appropriately to “What is an Effective Learner?”
- No student accurately describing how to recognise an effective learner.
- 2% of students were able to identify when they experience curiosity in their learning.
Staff analysed the data and student comments at our SFD and have identified classroom actions to build students’ meta-language, understanding and capabilities on our schoolwide focus area. Our teachers are committed to further developing Effective Learners in partnership with students at our school.
Staff Update
I am pleased to welcome Heidi Lewis to our staff for the reminder of the school year. Ms Lewis will be teaching the new reception class for term 3. We have 13 new receptions commencing in our mid-year reception class which is really exciting.
School Uniform
Lighthouse Leaders recently completed a Uniform audit on behalf of the Governing Council Uniform committee. We are pleased to report that 85% of our students were dressed in correct school uniform. Thank you for ensuring students come to school each day in school colours. The majority of students not dressed in school uniform wore incorrect colours in the form of non-school coloured long-sleeve tops under school shirts or black coloured shorts or leggings or black long pants. Governing Council is responsible for setting the uniform of the school and we are very proud of our school colours. Please be reminded that students are expected to wear the correct colours of maroon, grey and or light blue every day. Our uniform shop has a supply of uniform items and we regularly review our uniform offerings.
Our School Purpose
We have commenced a review of our mission and vision for Hallett Cove East Primary School. We are identifying characteristics of our school that makes us unique and the characteristics we want for our school community, aligned with the department’s public education purpose statement. Some key themes identified include; compassion, community, inclusion, nurturing and resilience. We will continue to work on our purpose and will bring you further updates as well as opportunities to participate in decision making at a later point.
With regards
Matthew Chapman