Scarborough Primary School Newsletter - The Link

Issue 3 – 11 March 2022

Upcoming Events and Reminders

  • 18 March - Harmony Day Assembly
  • 24 March - Swimming Carnival @ Claremont Aquatic (12-3pm). Years 3-6
  • 25 March - Your Move Ride2School Day
  • 1 April - Interschool Swim Carnival TBC
  • 5 April - P&C Meeting
  • 8 April - ANZAC Day Assembly 2pm
  • 8 April - Last Day Term 1
  • 25 April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday
  • 26 April - First Day of Term 2 for Students

Principal's Message

Dear Community 

As we navigate a term where we have had to adapt to ever changing guidelines and regulations, I would like to acknowledge the flexibility of our staff in ‘thinking outside the box’ to allow us to still deliver engaging learning opportunities for our students. It is a testament to all that we have been able to continue with our choir, Taiko drumming and morning reading clubs. 

I am also happy to be able to confirm that (at this stage at least) it looks like our swimming carnival, scheduled for later in the term will also go ahead. Year 3-6 students should look out for permission slips coming home next week. At this stage we are confident that parents will also be able to come along and spectate, but will let you know if this changes.

COVID information

Thank you to those parents who have phoned to clarify aspects of their individual situation, particularly around close contacts and whether or not it is ok for their children to come to school. Please continue to do so. It can help to talk through what are sometimes complex or confusing situations when trying to make decisions.

As we hit the predicted peak of COVID infections within our state, there is a lot of information coming out that can be quite detailed and subject to constant change. Whilst I will keep posting the latest Department of Education correspondence on Skoolbag, I thought I would just list a few things below that are important to the context of Scarborough Primary School.

  • Students in Years 3-6 are currently required to wear masks whilst in indoor spaces at school. We are very proud of the way our students are managing this in such a common sense way with no fuss at all. They are getting regular ‘mask breaks’ in a variety of forms and our general approach has been to just ‘do your best’, which is exactly what everyone has done!
  • Where a student tests positive and has been at school whilst infectious, it is now unlikely that a whole class will be asked to quarantine in Years 3-6. It is more likely that only a small friendship group may be deemed close contact.
  • Students who are a close contact, other than a household close contact, can continue to attend school under a modified quarantine arrangement. This means they can attend school, but must isolate at all other times. This would include a student who has been deemed a close contact through a school, day care, or most sporting events.
  • Students and staff that are a close household contact of a confirmed case are unable to attend school. This would include where a parent or sibling that lives in the same household have tested positive.

In a very high caseload environment, a close contact includes:

  • A household close contact: a household member or intimate partner of a person with COVID-19 who has had contact with them during their infectious period.
  • Someone who has had close contact with a person in their infectious period, including:
  • At least 15 minutes face-to-face contact where a mask was not worn by both the person with COVID-19 and the exposed person
  • Greater than two hours within a small room or classroom environment, where masks have been removed for this period by both the person with COVID-19 and the exposed person (note: others wearing masks in this scenario would not be a contact) *NOTE: the contact can occur either inside or outside school.
  • Someone who is directed by WA Health that they are a close contact.

Before and After School

I’d just like to remind students and parents of some of our before and after school procedures.

  • Classroom doors are opened for students at 8:35am. Before 8:35am, school staff are busy preparing for the day and engaging in meetings so there is no supervision for students prior to this time.
  • Any students on school site without parents should wait at the colourful tables near the undercover area where they will be supervised from around 8:20am.
  • There should be no parents or students on site before 8:20am without an appointment.
  • The school day starts at 8:50am. Students should be in class and ready to start the day at this time. Being consistently late by even 5 to 10 minutes can make it hard for children to settle into the day effectively, and miss out on important information and learning.
  • After school, all parents and students should have left the school site by 3:20pm. This prevents us having problems with students remaining on site unsupervised, some becoming involved in inappropriate and unsafe activities, as well as altercations with Mulberry Tree, who have licence to the school grounds after school. Deanmore Square is our closest public facility for after school catch-ups
  • For safety reasons, scooters, bikes and skateboards should not be ridden on school site. Students should dismount once they enter school grounds and walk their wheels to their parking spots.

Engaging in the above processes helps to keep our school a productive, safe and positive environment for all of our students, so we thank you in advance.

As always, if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to call or email me on

Sarah Dawson


P&C News

Hello SPS families!

Want to know what the SPS P&C is up to this year? Why don’t you come along to our next meeting! Our next General Meeting will be held Tuesday 5 April at 6.30pm. We’re not sure whether this will be through zoom or in person, so register your interest to join by sending us an email. That way we can keep you up to date.

At the next meeting we are planning to discuss what we would like to achieve in 2022. If you have any suggestions, fundraising ideas or any opportunities you would like to see the P&C involved with, please come along to the meeting. It is only a gold coin donation to be a voting member. We always enjoy seeing new faces!


The Uniform Shop is stocked so come and pay us a visit on Wednesday mornings for all your uniform requirements from 8.45am to 9.15am.

Order forms can be downloaded from the school website at  E-mailed orders will be delivered to your child’s classroom.

Contact Carrie via


We are always looking for canteen volunteers. So, if you or anyone in your immediate family (aunts, uncles, grandparents etc) have any Friday mornings available, Laura would love some assistance in the SPS canteen.

Helping out in Canteen means that you come in and support Laura for 2 hours, usually between 10am-12pm or 11am-1pm; whatever works for you! Duties consist of washing dishes, prepping pizzas, handing out lunches, etc.

E-mail us at the P&C or speak to Laura on Fridays in the canteen if you are keen to help.

A special reminder to all Kindy group 2 parents and caregivers; you can also order lunch and recess from canteen every Friday. Don’t bother making yet another lunch; order before Friday 8.30am via and we will deliver it your child’s classroom.

Please also note that all canteen orders need to be placed via QuickCliq prior to 8.30am on Friday. Cash is not accepted.


We continue to fundraise through the Entertainment Book. When you purchase the Entertainment Book, a portion will go to the P&C.

Everyone is a winner! Buy any Entertainment Membership and get a bonus eGift Card valued up to $30*!

 Order your membership here 


We will continue to fundraise through the Containers for Change initiative. The Containers for Change bins can be found at the school entry at Hinderwell Street near the Room 9 Heritage Building. Keep on bringing those empty cans and bottles to support the P&C!

CONTAINER FOR CHANGE bins are not for rubbish but for eligible empty drink containers only, thank you!

Alternatively, if you wish to donate at a refund point of your choosing you can quote our Scheme ID C10240685. If you prefer to attend a Reverse Vending Machine location please use the barcode at the top of the P&C news. This may be your preference if you have a larger donation and be rest assured that the money goes back to the P&C.

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Community News

The advertising material in the Community News section does not represent endorsement by Scarborough Primary School.  For further information please contact the company directly.

Term 1 Parent Planner 2022


Scarborough Primary School

Address: 60 Hinderwell Street, Scarborough WA 

Phone: 08) 9222 9200   


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