Hallett Cove East Primary School

Keeping you in the loop ....


Dear Parents/Caregivers,


Teachers will be working with other teachers from local partnership schools on LDAM (Learning Design, Assessment and Moderation strategies). The OSHC will be open for child care that day. Please book in with Lissy or Sally on 8381 7577.


I have been undertaking observations in most teaching spaces as part of the performance and development program for teaching staff. It has been wonderful to observe students learning and engaging with high quality learning programs. The work I have been observing aligns closely with the work that the partnership schools are undertaking in the LDAM strategy. The biggest focus of the work is for teachers to design quality learning opportunities where working towards a high achievement standard is a priority. Learning intentions and success criteria are made clear to students to increase their abilities to be successful. While delivering these programs, problem solving and fun activities are employed to engage students in the work, feedback is sought from students and adjustments made to move students’ understanding on. Student discussions and conversations have been a focus in all learning programs as has literacy or numeracy. In all my observations to date these elements have been clearly observable. I have seen a range of interesting tasks including science activities involving changes in matter, making and testing parachutes, creating and testing coding, designing and testing earthquake resistant buildings, understanding recycling, breaking down and understanding computers, understanding the difference between needs and wants, learning how to take good photographs, understanding medicinal packaging, learning how to note take, learning about other countries, connections between community groups and animal adaptations, phonics based literacy programs, adding musical sound effects to a fairy tale and learning how to play glockenspiels and ukeleles. Don’t forget to ask your children what they have been learning and get them to share with you the interesting work they have done!


Our Groundsperson Tony Shepherd, is going to retire at the end of this term. We are currently working through our options to employ someone to replace Tony. On behalf of the school community, I would like to thank Tony for his important contribution to the school and wish him well in his retirement.

Helen Jefferson will be on leave as of this coming Monday and for the first 2 weeks of Term 3. Kylie Barnes-Sparks will manage the canteen in her absence on Tuesdays to Fridays, (with support from Linda Batten on Fridays). Judy Hart will manage the canteen on Mondays.


For students who are currently in Year 5 and 6, 2021 will be their last year in primary school. Please follow this link to read the latest update on this important strategy.


Just a reminder that as of Monday June 29th parents are able to come onto the school grounds, (though not inside of classrooms without an appointment.) Volunteering can also recommence with volunteers asked to sign in (before starting), and out of the front office for each visit.

Unfortunately, and despite the fact that school sports can recommence, due to the many restrictions on the management of school sports, the soccer season for HCEPS has had to be fully cancelled for 2020.


A new siren/sound system for the school is being installed during the holidays. It will include the ability to play music during breaks and before the bell goes at the end of each break. This should add a nice atmosphere to yard play and support our WH&S with a much clearer bell sound.

We are also currently seeking quotes to have air conditioning put into the pavilion. Because of the costs and department expectations associated with organisation of this job, it may take some time to achieve, but our hope is that it will be completed by summer.


Congratulations to Marley from 9W who recently completed his Grade 1 Piano exam achieving a B+. Well done Marley!


Teachers are currently writing reports and these will be sent home on Wednesday in Week 10.

Anne Rathjen



Finance Information from the Business Manager

A reminder we are continuing to provide the quality educational 2020 program planned for all students at Hallett Cove East Primary School.  To allow our program to be sustained we ask families to support us by clearing outstanding accounts as soon as possible.  We are very aware and understanding of the situation in regard to additional financial strains on families particularly this year and ask if you are experiencing financial difficulties we ask you contact the Business Manager  via email dl.1053.finance@schools.sa.edu.au 

Jenny McFadyen

Business Manager

News from our Wellbeing Leader

Resilience, worries and anxiety – they are all hot topics at the moment.  Simply, resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges.  Building resilience in children helps them to bounce back from everyday challenges as well as prepare them for the big challenges that may occur later in life.

Beyond Blue recommends that there are specific ways that parents can help to build resilience in children including:

·         building and strengthening supportive relationships with adults and peers

·         building autonomy and responsibility

·         learning to identify, express and self-regulate emotions

·         creating opportunities to build confidence through personal challenge  

If you would like to learn more about how to build resilience please visit Beyond Blue or click on the links above.

With COVID-19 restrictions lifting I will hopefully be able to offer the Peaceful Kids program.  This program runs for 10 weeks for 1 hour after school hours (most likely Wednesday).  This is a program which deals with worries and anxiety and teaches students tools and strategies to use.  There are also mindful meditation sessions during the course that can be accessed at home.  If you are interested in learning more about Peaceful Kids then please email me at evie.donoghue503@schools.sa.edu.au and I will send you more information.

Evie Donoghue (evie.donoghue503@schools.sa.edu.au)

HCEPS Wellbeing Coordinator

An update from the IT Coordinator

What is digital literacy and why is it important?


This is an old article from last year that is worth a read, for families who are interested in helping their children navigate through the online space.




Some of the main ideas covered include

·       Why is digital literacy so important?

·       What can you do to help your kids be digitally literate?


Have a read if possible and think about ways to start engaging your children about the internet and how it can be used as a positive instead of negative influence.  

Jonathon Warren-White

Our Early Years Team always busy, always on the go, always learning ...

A message from Joey - Pastoral Care Worker

We’ve all heard the saying that ‘practice makes perfect’. I read this week that we were using the saying as far back as 1560. We use the saying to tell people (sometimes ourselves) that if you practise something enough, you will eventually be able to do it perfectly. The problem with this is that we often give up before we reach the end result that we are looking for - perfection.  

One of my primary school teachers liked to use the Vince Lombardi quote, ‘Only perfect practice makes perfect.’ This adds the need for our practice to have a certain quality and I always found this increased the pressure. I need practice to be a place where I can make mistakes.

Recently there is a move towards the saying ‘Practice makes progress.’ I love this!  Progress doesn’t have the same pressure of perfection. Progress means that we can break things into smaller achievable steps. Progress is any increment you deem an improvement. Progress means that we can make mistakes and occasionally go backwards without entirely giving up.

When we say to our children (and ourselves) ‘practice makes progress’ we are encouraging them to strive for something that is possible. So next time you want to help your child to develop their academics, social skills, physical skills, helping around the house, etc., talk to them about what progress will look like. Help to break the end goal into bite sized pieces. And when they have practised, and progress has been made, celebrate with them. Then, help them to determine what the next step is. In time we will see motivated people who keep striving for improvement, rather than perfectionists who give up too soon. 




at HCEPS on Wednesdays and Fridays


Vacation Care Program and important information for our OSHC/VacCare Community

Please find attached Vacation Program for the upcoming holiday break,

 click the link to view the program.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION -  regarding the end of ECEC Relief Package- Free Childcare for families.

Dear Parents,

On Monday 6th June 2020 the Australia Government and Education Minister announced that as of mid-night 12th July 2020 free childcare will come to an end. Services will be required as of 13th July 2020 to begin charging and recovering the gap free from families for any care provided as per the obligations under the Family Assistance Law.

What does this mean for families?

From 13th July 2020, The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) will be applied to your account for any care provided following this date. Families are encouraged to check their details are up to date in their Centrelink online account through myGov. This includes their family income estimate for 2020-2021.

Families who were getting CCS before 6 April 2020, won’t need to do anything as long as they have remained eligible. Your CCS will start again automatically on 13th July 2020. If families are new to child care they should lodge a claim for determination of CCS as soon as possible, If you continue to utilise our services following 13th July 2020 and your CCS approval has not been supplied to the service you will be required to pay full fees during this period.

Families who received CCS in 2018-2019 financial year and still haven’t confirmed their income must do so by 30th June 2020. If you do not do this your CCS will not start again automatically on 30th June.

Changes to allowable absences:

The initial 62 absence days per child will cease on 30th June 2020. There will be 42 initial absences days in 2020/2021 Financial year.

From 13 July 2020, families can receive CCS for absences up to seven days before a child’s first, and after a child’s last physical attendance at a service, where they have been booked in for care, for any of the following reasons:

 the child, the individual who cares for the child, the individual’s partner or another person with whom the child lives is ill (no medical certificate required if the child has not used 42 absence days)

 the service has changed ownership

 the usual service is closed and the child is attending a different service under the same provider

 a family tragedy (a major event including the death of an immediate family member) has occurred.

To assist us with forward planning and to ensure Child Care Subsidy is available for you on your return, can you please advise, before close of business this Friday 26th June 2020, what your early childhood needs will be from Monday 13th July 2020.

Yours Sincerely,

Approved Provider


We pleased to be offering a limited Canteen LUNCH service 

  • Cashless service until further notice
  • All orders via Qkr! ONLY
  • No counter sales at recess or lunch
  • Limited Lunch menu 
  • Orders by 9.15
  • Unfortunately no Volunteers are allowed in school hence our limited menu offer.
  • We thank you for your continued understanding and support.

Our limited menu will be 

  • Hotdogs $4.00
  • Pizza $4.00
  • Mac and Cheese $5.00
  • Lasagna $5.00
  • Chicken Nuggets $4.00
  • Meat Pies $4.00
  • Sausage Rolls  $3.50
  • Muffins $1.00
  • Cookies $1.00

There will be no sandwiches, wraps, burgers and potatoes available


We do our best to return LOST PROPERTY, Hoodies, Hats etc.  We are always sorting through uniforms BUT there are so many uniform items that have not been named/labelled.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE write your child's name on each piece of clothing, lunch box, drink bottle, sporting equipment that is send to school.

Updated Uniform Price List

Did you know we have not had a Uniform price increase since 2015. Unfortunately our suppliers have and we are unable to cover these expenses with our current pricing.  Please find our new prices attached. For purchases please order via the QKR App or contact the Administration Office.


Secondhand Uniform Shop

Unfortunately due to COVID 19 the second hand uniform shop is closed until further notice.


Support us today! 20% of every Entertainment Membership sold goes to our fundraiser.  Buy a Membership and download the Entertainment App today.

Hallett Cove East Primary School 

Order your Memberships online today!


Community News and Events

Hallett Cove East Primary School


Hallett Cove East Primary School:

  • Learning for tomorrow’s world
  • Working together
  • Valuing each other and our future

Our Mission is to ensure that our students are able to successfully interact and achieve within andbeyond their own community, now and in the future.

This may be evidenced by:

A Strong Sense of Identity
  • Students will be resilient and reflective, confident in their own opinions and provide leadership.
Creative Thinking
  • Students will be creative and critical thinkers who draw upon a range of strategies to deal with new situations or information.
Success in Interactions
  • Students will value diversity and successfully interact with others within and beyond their community in a collaborative manner.
Preparedness for the Future
  • Students will demonstrate initiative, enterprise and adaptability and will be able to successfully manage change within their own lives and as part of a global community.
Skill in Communication
  • Students will be able to successfully communicate in a range of settings within and beyond their own community.
Success in Learning
  • Students will develop and apply knowledge, competencies and skills, which enable them to be successful now and in the future.
Self-Directed Learners
  • Students will be able to initiate and implement their own learning plans. Based on constructivist theory, students will be supported in self-assessment procedures in order to reflect on and guide future learning.

The school Values identified by the school community are reflected in the everyday language atschool by staff, parents, students and community members. The Values are

  • Excellence
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

Our ongoing commitment to our Values is reflected in our Student and Staff Wellbeing programs including the Year 7 Student Leaders program, Buddy and assembly programs.

Qkr App (quicker)

Qkr App (pronounced quicker) is Hallett Cove East Primary School and Out of School Hours/Vacation Care preferred form of payment. 

Please click for more details Qkr App

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