Swansea Public School Newsletter

Term 4 October 22nd 2019

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Miss Henry is currently organising a special Halloween Disco for next Thursday, 31 October (Halloween night). Please see the notes that have been distributed and now in this newsletter.

Hearing Checks

We will be conducting Hearing checks at school this term, utilising a hearing screen App called Sound Scotus. Sound Scouts has been developed in collaboration with Australian Hearing,

Your child may be identified by their class teacher as a priority for this screening, and will be required to play a game on an iPad using a set of headphones under the supervision of a trained SLSO.

A follow up hearing check may be conducted if normal thresholds have not been met in the initial Sound Scouts attempt. If your child receives a second result indicating normal thresholds have not been me, we will contact you to discuss the results.

If you do NOT want your child to be screened, please advise the school Office by telephone 4971 1267 or in writing as soon as possible.


This is a repeat from last week’s newsletter:

Complete a Student Class Request 2020 form that is included in this newsletter if you would like to have on record some special requests. For instance if you have twins, you may like to suggest that they be in the same class or you make request that they be in different classes. It is important that I have a written record of your request as this will provide information for Mr Carr. This request form is available from the front office. The information on these forms are treated confidentially; however please be advised that not all requests may be able to be undertaken. Please ensure that any forms are returned to me by Friday 15 November (Week 5).


REMINDER tomorrow Wednesday 23rd October is the last day for payment for the Years 3 and 4 Excursion to the Wetlands

School Photographs - Special Group Photo ordering

SPS Global Goals

please see our new website for our up to date news: https://ggsps.weebly.com

Community Notices

Books BAS and Tax

Healthy food swaps

Healthy screen time

Be Sun smart

Calendar of Events

Wednesday 23rd October Money due for the Yrs 3 - 4 Wetlands Excursion

Wednesday 23rd October Galgabba Debating at SPS

Wednesday 23rd October Year 7 Swansea High Transition 9:30 to 11:30 am

Thursday 24th October Lake Macquarie Debating

Thursday 24th October 2020 Kindy orientation visit 9:30 - 10:45 am

Friday 25th October Swimming for Sport Years 3 - 6 commences

Thursday 31st October K-2 AFL sport program at school

Thursday 31st October School Disco

Friday 1st November K-2 STEM workshop

Friday 1st November Year 6 Farewell money due

Friday 1st November Swimming for Sport Years 3 - 6

Monday 4th November Swansea Retirement Village visit SPS for Picnic Day

Wednesday 6th November Years 3 - 4 Wetlands Environmental Education Centre Excursion

Wednesday 6th November Year 7 Swansea High Transition 9:30 to 11:30 am

Thursday 7th November K-2 AFL sport program at school

Thursday 7th November 2020 Kindy orientation 9:30 - 10:45 am

Friday 8th November Swimming for Sport Years 3 - 6

Wednesday 13th November P&C Meeting 6 pm in Staffroom

Thursday 14th November K-2 AFL sport program at school

Friday 15th November Swimming for Sport Years 3 - 6

Tuesday 19th November Yarning Circle Opening

Wednesday 20th November Year 7 Swansea High Transition 9:30 to 11:30 am

Thursday 21st November K-2 AFL sport program at school

Thursday 21st November 2020 Kindy orientation 9:30 - 10:45 am

Friday 22nd November Swimming for Sport Years 3 - 6

Monday 25th Nov to Friday 6th Dec School Swimming and Water Safety Program every day

Thursday 28th Nov Touch Footy Gala Day Yrs 3 - 6

Friday 29th November Swimming for Sport Years 3 - 6

Tuesday 3rd December Diabetes Day - wear something blue to school

Wednesday 4th December Yr 6 Farewell at Swansea RSL

Thursday 5th December 2020 Kindy Picnic 9:30 - 10:45 am

Friday 6th December last day Swimming for Sport Years 3 - 6

Tuesday 10th December Celebration Day

Wednesday 11th December Stage 3 Human Sexuality

Thursday 12th December Christmas Show at Swansea Village

Friday 13th December School Presentation Day at Swansea High 12:30pm start

Tuesday 17th December Yrs 3 - 6 Pool Party

Wednesday 18th December last day of Term for students

Friday 20th December last day of Term for Staff