The Punchbowl Press

Term 4 Week 5 November 2018

Upcoming Events

Friday 23rd November - White Ribbon Day

Wednesday 28th November - Year 6 Farewell

Friday 30th November - Year 1 Excursion 

Wednesday 5th December - International Day

Thursday 6th December - Movie Reward Day 

Wednesdsay 12th December - Stage 2 & 3 Fun Day

Wednesdsay 12th December - Kindergarten to Year 2 Presentation Day

Thursday 13th December - Year 3 to Year 6 Presentation Day

Principal's Message

Teaching and Learning

It has certainly been a busy start to Term 4. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the many teachers who have organised and led significant events across the school to start the new term.

We had a ‘Kindifarm’ recently visit the Preschool and Early Intervention Unit. Our Kindergarten students have also recently visited Calmsley Hill City Farm (Fairfield) to complement learning being undertaken in the classroom.

Transition programs being run between Punchbowl PS and local high schools has also been a feature of this term. Students have attended Wiley Park Girls HS, Punchbowl Boys HS and Sir Joseph Banks HS to participate in the high school curriculum and access resources to support their learning. Activities completed during these visits included wood working lessons, cooking classes, physical education activities, technology lessons, literacy and numeracy lessons. We have also had students in our performance groups recently attend the Punchbowl Uniting Church to entertain the local community. This is a tradition that has been upheld by the school for over 50 years and we are very proud to showcase our talents to the community.

Our students in K/2K and K/2G also participated in community access programs with visits to the local shopping centre and participation in a gymnastics program run through the YMCA.

All of this is has been on top of the wonderful learning opportunities that our students are receiving across the curriculum each and every day here at the school.

BYDS Program

As you are aware, a select group of Stage 3 students have worked with the Bankstown Youth Development Service (BYDS) this year to develop a ‘respect rap’. The students have performed the rap at a number of significant events and have also been asked to perform at upcoming events including White Ribbon Day and the Department of Education’s Network Awards afternoon. The video of the rap is now available for you to watch on Youtube.

The video has been shared nearly 3000 times and I have also shared it with our Director, the Executive Director and the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education. All have shared the video with colleagues and we have received some outstanding feedback from both the educational and local community. Well done to the boys. We are very proud of their achievements!

Kindergarten Orientation

Our Kindergarten Orientation program has now been running for 2 weeks and will continue until Week 7. The final session for the year, Friday 30th November, will be used to hold a graduation assembly to celebrate each child’s participation in the program and to welcome them to the ‘Punchbowl family’ for 2019. I would like to thank the many teachers who have coordinated this event or presented at the parent workshops. I also thank the external providers who have contributed to the sessions and especially thank the parents who have taken the time to attend the sessions. If you know of any children who start Kindergarten in 2019 and have not yet presented to the school, can you please remind them to do so as soon as possible. It is of great benefit to the children to attend the orientation sessions prior to commencing Kindergarten.


Our Years 3 and 5 students received their NAPLAN results at the end of last term. Those families who were not able to collect results from their child’s teacher last term would have recently received the results in the post. The school did offer a workshop for any parents who wanted to discuss their child’s results or required assistance interpreting the results. Future opportunities for parents to engage with the school’s NAPLAN results will be made available next year when the school communicates how the results will be used to drive the development of teaching programs and resources across the school. I remind parents that the NAPLAN tests are one ‘snapshot’ of their child’s academic performance and that our teachers continue to use a variety of strategies to ensure that student performance data is collected in a timely and regular manner. This ensures that our teachers are able to adjust their teaching strategies and curriculum content to meet the identified needs of each child. 

Staffing News

I wish to congratulate Mrs Robinson who was recently appointed as a permanent Assistant Principal at the school. We look forward to Mrs Robinson continuing her strong contributions to the school as a member of the executive team.

I also wish to inform you that Miss Sutcliffe has been successful is gaining a teaching position at Wentworth Point PS. Miss Sutcliffe will commence at her new school in 2019.  

I am also pleased to advise our community that Mrs Christodoulou and  Mrs De Villiers recently celebrated new additions to their families. We also wish Mrs Delanty and Miss Gill all the very best as they both expect the birth of a child in the near future.

School Grounds

Our school grounds are continuing to thrive thanks to the work that is being put into the school’s gardens. Thank you to Mrs Kontakos and Mr Shearer who are working with students and staff from Panania Free Rangers to provide valuable ‘environmental education’ to our students and to drive sustainable practices across the school.

As the Year Draws to a Close

As the end of the year approaches, it is more important than ever that our students are upholding the school’s values and setting a standard of behaviour that they can take into their learning next year. We highly value the partnerships that we have with our parents and I thank you all for supporting the school’s actions and continuing to instil strong values into your children.

We have many significant events, including celebrations, taking place in the coming weeks. We look forward to having many of our students and community members actively participating in these events.

Please continue to look at the school’s app, Facebook page and website for updated information regarding school events.

Thank you for your ongoing support. We are looking forward to a very productive and exiting end to the school year.

 Mr C. Smyth-Gapps

Acting Principal

White Ribbon Day

On Friday 23rd November our school community will be involved in White Ribbon Day activities to show our support for this worthwhile cause. 

  • White Ribbon merchandise will be on sale every morning in Week 6. 
  • Students are invited to come dressed in black and white clothing on Friday 23rd November. 
  • Parents, students and members of the community are invited to attend the march beginning at 5:30pm from Gillies St Lakemba and concluding at Parry Park on Friday 23rd November and march behind the Punchbowl Public School banner. 

Punchbowl Public School has proudly supported White Ribbon Day since 2015.

Early Stage 1 - KC

KC have been preparing for our excursion to the farm by learning all about farm animals. The students have been learning how to label a diagram and how to use these words to write a description of each farm animal. The students have also continued responding to quality narrative texts by writing about what happened in the story, what part they liked best and how each character feels. This is developing their vocabulary knowledge for speaking and writing. Our motto is if I can say it I can write it!

Early Stage 1 - KJ

Our Kindergarten students are so excited to visit the farm in week 5!

In preparation for our visit, we have been learning all about the different animals we can find on a farm. This has required our students to research different farm animals and make a plan full of useful information and keywords. Take a look at some of the extraordinary writing about what these animals look like, where they live, what they eat and what they can do!

We have also been investigating what living things need to stay alive. Students in KJ got to choose a farm animal and make a poster about all the things it needs to stay alive and healthy. Look at those amazing labels and illustrations!

Preschool - Kindifarm Visit

This term Preschool have been learning about Farm animals. Kindifarm brought some baby farm animals to the preschool for the children to meet.  The children were very excited to meet and get up close to the baby animals.  These included a calf, goat, duck, sheep, pig, rabbit, guinea pigs and even baby chicks and a lamb. They were able to pat, feed and even hold the baby farm animals.

Here are some of the children’s comments:

Yazeed: I liked the big one 'the cow', because he has a very big tongue.

Souad: I liked the goat because I was feeding him with the bottle.

Vahaj: I like the chicks because they have eggs and I like eggs.

Omar.E: I like the cow the best. It’s the best because I gave it some milk.

Aariz: I love the rabbit because he was cute. He was brown and white.

Amy: I liked the pig because he was a happy pig.

1D - Visual Arts

1D have been exploring with clay in Visual Arts. Students first watched a video, looking at pictures and labels of insects to learn about their body parts. They experimented with play dough first and then went on to create a clay model. They had lots of fun using this medium.

My favourite part about using clay was making the different body parts of the insects.

- Karim 1D

Stage 2 Girls Visit Wiley Park Girls High School

By Zainab Hanoon (4S) and Fatat El Badawie (4V)

Our visit to Wiley Park Girls High School was an amazing experience because we had the opportunity to see what it felt like to be a secondary student. We met some of the students and teachers. Our favourite subject was Science because we made things ‘pop’. We also attended classes for Textiles and Design, Gym and History. Gym class was enjoyable because we got to play fun games like Around the Wheel, running relays and basketball games. Textiles and Design was also interesting because we got to make pom poms and add decorations. History was fun as we learnt to write our names in Egyptian Symbols and got to mummify our friends. It was a blast! It was one of our favourite excursions yet. We can’t wait to be an official secondary student there.

Stage 3 - Community Language Program

Stage 3 Community Language students have been thoroughly engaged in their learning trying to understand how to Code as well as design simple 3D objects using Tinkercad software. They have started with designing nametags and are now working on designing a toy with a specific purpose. Students have also been exploring problem solving skills through discussion and collaboration with classmates. When asked about their learning students have responded positively and showed a desire to want to know more about using the design software and Coding. Most importantly they are expressing positive messages about learning their home language because they find the content challenging and fun. Before the conclusion of lessons students logon to Google Classrooms to write a reflection of their learning. Some are able to write their reflection in Arabic independently while other students are doing that with assistance from peers or the teacher. Following are some motivating comments from our students:

“I liked the coding because it was challenging” Hadi 5-6D

“I like Tinkercad because I’m learning new things” Abdul 5-6A

“I’m learning to do things differently and in many way” Mohamad 5-6A

“I learnt how to move a character in Coding” Aladdin 5-6A

“I learnt how to debug mistakes in my Code” Moumin” 5-6S

“Im learning to be patient and when I try to solve problems in Coding” Jad 5-6T

“Today I learnt how to Code and I like it” Shehd 5-6Y

“I like coming to Arabic because I’m learning more about my language and I’m learning to Code and design” Haitham 5-6S

“Coding is fun that’s why I like coming to Arabic. I learn how to tell the computer what to do.”. Zak 5-6T

“I like this, I’m going home and I’m going to do this (referring to Tinkercad)”. Hadi 5-6N

Commemorating Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day in Australia is dedicated to Australians who died as a result of war, particularly from World War I onward. A minute of silence is dedicated to the deceased, especially for soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation.

5/6 A made poppies and learnt about the significance of Remembrance Day.

Library News

The last week for borrowing books from the library is Week 5.  All books need to be returned by Week 7.

Returns can be put into the return box in the library at recess, lunch or during class library time.

Waste Warriors and Green Team News

The Waste Warriors, Green Team and preschool students participated in EnviroMentors, Keep Australia Beautiful program today. They learnt more about how to look after the garden, worm farming, compositing and household recycling.

Did you know that when aluminium cans are collected they are squashed and made into bales ready for recycling?

We are preparing these young citizens for the future!

School as Community Centre (SaCC)

Playgroup News

Our first playgroup at Punchbowl Plaza was a great success. Lots of families came along to play, sing, read, and have fun.

Scoot the Bandicoot visited, and joined us for some singing and reading.

Step In To Work

Parents have been part of a workshop called Step In To Work through the SaCC program. 

The series of workshops has supported them to prepare themselves for the work force. Resume writing, interview skills, and dressing for success were some of the topics covered.

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