St Bernadette's Primary School Dundas Valley

Newsletter 2022 Term 3 Week 6


Dear Families of St Bernadette's

What a week we have had! Book Week is a great time for children to share their love of reading. Through stories they can travel to far off places, having non-stop adventures. 

Thanks so much to all of our families who supported our book fair. We sold over $4,000 and will be able to redeem many credits to add new titles to our new library. 

Sincere thanks to all of our parents who dressed their children up for our Book Parade on Tuesday. The children looked awesome and had a great time.

Next week we will celebrate our Fathers. Our Father’s Day stall is on Thursday. See our Qkr app to purchase vouchers to spend. We hope our dads and grandfathers can come and join us for a BBQ breakfast next Friday morning, followed by a liturgy in our Hall. We will have open classrooms also so that our dads can spend some time with their children and look at how the children spend their day. Check out the times for these events down in our dates to remember section.

So Happy Father’s Day to all of our dads! I hope you have a great day next Sunday.

Stay well and take care, 

Love & Light  

Lisa Gerrard

(on behalf of the St Bernadette’s staff & students)


From time to time, our school publishes documentation in regards to our policies and procedures. St Bernadette’s follows Catholic Education, Diocese of Parramatta (CEDP) direction in Safeguarding, Child Protection, Managing Complaints and Reportable Matters. As these Policies are in PDF format, they cannot be attached here, so over the next week, we will publish these policies in SkoolBag notifications. We are publishing these Policies as it is a requirement of our Compliance framework. 

Reportable Conduct refers to any behaviour relating to a child which causes significant emotional or psychological harm to a child. This behaviour may come from another child, staff member, parent or other adult in the community. 

Managing Complaints concerns complaints raised by parents/guardians, students, visitors, volunteers, community members and contractors expressing dissatisfaction with a service provided by CEDP, the behaviour and decisions of staff members or about CEDP practices, policies and procedures. The Policy contains information as to how these are handled fairly and with due process.

Safeguarding refers to the procedures that must be followed by staff members when responding to concerns relating to children and young persons.

Please look for our SkoolBag notifications in the coming weeks and read these policies as they relate to the safety of all our community members. 

Have a wonderful week, 

Jackie Willard

Assistant Principal


Sunday 28th August 2022


Lk 14:1. 7-14

On a sabbath day Jesus had gone for a meal to the house of one of the leading Pharisees; and they watched him closely. He then told the guests a parable, because he had noticed how they picked the places of honour. He said this, ‘When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take your seat in the place of honour. A more distinguished person than you may have been invited, and the person who invited you both may come and say, “Give up your place to this man.” And then, to your embarrassment, you would have to go and take the lowest place. No; when you are a guest, make your way to the lowest place and sit there, so that, when your host comes, he may say, “My friend, move up higher.” In that way, everyone with you at the table will see you honoured. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted.’

Then he said to his host, ‘When you give a lunch or a dinner, do not ask your friends, brothers, relations or rich neighbours, for fear they repay your courtesy by inviting you in return. No; when you have a party, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; that they cannot pay you back means that you are fortunate, because repayment will be made to you when the virtuous rise again.’

REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate

Hearing Our Lord's command: 'Invite the poor, the crippled, to the feast,' how do we respond as citizens of a nation which, in comparative global terms, is having a great feast? Jesus demands that we go well beyond an immigration policy which favours skilled and entrepreneurial people. They more than 'repay our courtesy' in terms of economic activity and social stability.

The majority of the poor and the crippled live in the subsistence villages, the refugee camps, and the squalor of the megacities of the Third World.

Heaven embossed invitations must be extended to such as those so that they may join in our national feast. Only then can we become the sort of people who, in the great Feast of Heaven, can join with those poor who are certain to be there.

We could pause for a moment to pray to put today's Gospel into effect so that we might hear Our Lord: 'Friend, join in the Feast. Be close to me.'

Community Of Learners

Year 3 Religion Work

Year 3’s focus in Religious Education is why do people sometimes do the wrong thing?

We have looked at the Ten Commandments and how they were given to the Israelites. The students wondered about the commandments and then re-wrote them in their own words.

Parish Mass

We are again attending Mass with the parish, both as a school and in class groups. As parish Masses begin at 9:00am, the classes involved will assemble at 8:45am, in order to be seated in the church before Father enters. Your extra effort to be at school by 8:45am on these days would be greatly appreciated. Please see the roster for when your child will be attending Mass and/or Reconciliation.


Voice of Youth

Last Wednesday 17th August some of our talented Year 6 children were involved in the Voice of Youth Cluster final. The three finalists from each school in the Rydalmere Cluster presented their Voice of Youth speeches to a packed audience.

Ian B, Isla M and Gameia Y represented St Bernadette’s and spoke extremely well. Ian spoke about the pressures of being an elite swimmer, Isla spoke about the benefits of dog training and Gameia spoke about women’s rights. These children were a credit to our school and we are very proud of their efforts.

Congratulations Ian, Isla and Gameia.

Zone Athletics

St Bernadette’s was represented by 34 children at the Cumberland Zone Athletics on Friday, 19th August. Once again it was great to be out and competing after so many disruptions over the past few years. Aside from a few drops of rain the weather was perfect for athletics and as always our children competed with enthusiasm and in great spirit.

Thank you to all of the parents who safely brought their children to and from the carnival, with special thanks to the parents who assisted me on Shot Put. Our Little As supervisor was very pleased with our performance!

There were some outstanding performances on the day, with 3 of our children successfully qualifying for the Diocesan Athletics Carnival on Friday, 2nd September at Homebush. We look forward to more news in a few weeks!

Congratulations to our 2022 Diocesan Team!

Shane F (1st - Discus)

Ayden H (1st Shot Put, 4th Discus)

Eamon N (1st 800m)

Book Week

This week we have celebrated Book Week and what a fantastic few days it has been! The children were very excited to purchase books from the Book Fair to add to their home collection. Our school also received some lovely donations from families.

Thank you, these books will be a great addition to our library.

We enjoyed seeing the tremendous creativity our St Bernadette’s community has during the Book Parade. So many wonderful costumes, it was great fun identifying who everyone’s favourite characters were.

There was also a guessing competition. The infants children had to guess the amount of Pig the Pug treats and the primary children guessed the amount of pages in a very long novel. Congratulations to our winners:

Early Stage 1: Matias P

Stage 1: Oliver O

Stage 2: Chloe X

Stage 3: Alex C

On Thursday afternoon the students will work together in their SEL Bernie Buddy groups to answer questions in our Book Week trivia. Which Bernie Buddy group will win?

Book Week Parade

Netball Gala Day 2022

With great excitement we made our way out to Jamison Park at Penrith to spend a fun-filled day playing netball, umpiring, coaching and supporting our teams!

We had six teams take the court and once again our children played exceptionally well, representing St Bernadette’s in a positive manner. They displayed true sportsmanship by congratulating their opponents and thanking the umpires at the conclusion of each game.

A sincere thank you to our wonderful coaches and umpires. 

Your time and effort devoted to making the day a success is truly appreciated. 

Aaliyah Mapagu - Year 6 Girls Coach

Beth Nilan - Senior Boys Coach

Virginia Mapagu & Jeremy Fernandes - Year 5 Girls Coach

Isabella Woolley & Takara Cheng- Year 4 Boys Coaches

Madeleine Reicher & Olivia Nilan - Year 3 Girls & Boys Coaches

A special thanks to our umpires from St Patrick’s Marist High School Dundas who all did a wonderful job!

Mufti for our Mates Fundraising

On behalf of our Stage 2 Cohort we would like to thank our St Bernadette's community for everyone's contribution to this fundraiser. We are pleased to announce we have raised $1190.

This donation will really help the students of St Joseph’s School at Woodburn.

Father's Day Stall - Thursday 1st September

A reminder that our Father's Day Stall will be held at School on Thursday 1st September. 

There will be a wide range of gifts for the children to purchase for their dads, grandpas and father figures for Father’s Day.  (Father’s day is Sunday 4th September)

Gift prices will be $2, $4, $6, $8 and $10. Cards with envelopes and sentiment cards will be 3 for $2. 

Children are more than welcome to purchase multiple items from the stall for their family members.

As we are cashless, prepaid stall vouchers will be available on the QKR app, please select the amount you wish to purchase by 30th August 2022.

Father's Day Breakfast - Expression of interest

On Friday 2nd September 2022, we are looking at having a Father's Day Breakfast at school in the morning before school.

If you would like to attend, we ask you to please let us know by Tuesday via email. Please include name of person attending and number of people attending. This way we will be able to cater adequately. 


Week 6:

Friday, 26th August:  Canteen Day ( Run by Year 1)

26th August:  Afternoon School Assembly

Week 7:

Monday, 29th August:  School Photos 

Thursday, 1st September:  Father's Day Stall 

Friday, 2nd September:  Father's Day Breakfast 

Week 8:

Wednesday, 7th September:  Parent Committee Meeting at 6:00pm

Friday, 9th September:  Afternoon School Assembly

Week 9:

Monday, 12th - Friday, 16th September:  Swimming Program

Week 10:

Monday, 19th - Thursday, 22nd September:  Swimming Program 

Thursday, 22nd September:  Last day of Term 3

Friday, 23rd September:  Staff Development Day (no students at school)

Happy Birthday

Lachlan B - 15/08

Benjamin - 19/08

Youssef - 25/08

Mia L - 26/08

Isabelle E - 28/08

Just a reminder that any treats sent in are kept to a minimum and individual.

Clothing Pool

If you wish to purchase any items from our school clothing pool, please email the school office via . If the items are available, they will be sent home with your child. We are no longer able to have uniforms paid for via QKR! app, as unfortunately refunds aren't able to be processed if your required uniforms aren't available.  Therefore all payments need to be processed via EFTPOS only in the school office. 

Our Digital Sign

We would love to advertise events in our community so if you know of an upcoming event please email the details to

Don't forget to collect your Bread Tags!


Community Health Advice

St Bernadettes Primary School

St Bernadette's Primary, Dundas Valley is a community focused, Catholic parish school catering for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school strives to build a Christ-centred community where faith is integrated with daily life. We provide learning and teaching experiences which enable the children to deepen their faith understandings, investigate, solve problems and explore their learning. We recognise the importance of creating a learning environment that provides opportunities to develop 21st century learning. Technology is integrated into the learning at St Bernadette’s in all Key Learning Areas.