Term 2 Week 6

What's Happening?

Term Dates 2022

Term 131st  January to 14th April
Term 22nd May to 8th July
10th JuneSpecial Lunch - Soup
13th JuneQueen's Birthday
14th JunePupil Free Day
16th JuneScholastic Book Club orders close
16th JuneKnock Out Football
23rd JuneKnock Out Football
8th JulyLast Day of Term 2 - 2:05pm Dismissal
Term 325th July to 30th September
13th AugustTrivia Night
22nd August Book Week - Roald Dahl performance
5th SeptemberSchool Closure
6th September Pupil Free Day
19th-23rd SeptemberSwimming Week
Term 417th October to 16th December
30th Nov - 2 DecemberYear 6 Aquatics Camp
13 DecemberYear 6 Graduation

From the Principal

Dear Families,

We’ve had a very cold and wet start to winter. I am still amazed by the number of students arriving at 8.15am in shorts and t-shirt telling me they don’t feel the cold! We are encouraging students to dress appropriately for the weather conditions to prevent cold/flu like symptoms that may be confused with COVID.

COVID update

COVID restrictions have been eased in schools. From week 5, face masks in schools will be:

·       strongly recommended for all adults (including visitors) while indoors, except when it impedes ability to teach.

·       strongly recommended (but not required) for students in years 3 to 6 while indoors.


Anyone who is a close contact and is aged 12 years and older will need to wear a mask when they leave the house for 7 days following exposure as per the SA Health close contact guidelines. Employees and non-employees who are not fully vaccinated must continue to wear a mask while indoors, at all times as per the COVID-19 vaccination policies.


Face masks will be required to be worn temporarily in  education settings when COVID-19 transmission reaches certain outbreak thresholds, based on SA Health advice. When certain outbreak thresholds are reached, face masks will be required to be worn by students in years 7-12 only, and all staff and adult visitors in the school, preschool, or children’s centre for a 14-day period.


We have resumed the following activities:

·       Access to the library, computer room and hall in the morning/lunchtime.

·       Student Leadership Council meetings

·       Buddy Class

·       ‘Grouping’ across classes within units

·       Indoor assemblies with parents of host classes invited to attend.


All these activities will be conducted in a COVID safe manner as per DfE and SA Health protocols, that is, wearing face masks indoors, physical distancing, and not attending the site if unwell.


Our school COVID numbers have significantly reduced in the Junior Primary unit. It is great to see most of our students and all staff back at school.


Mid Year intake Preschool and School

The state government recently announced the introduction of a mid-year intake in preschool in 2023 and school in 2024. The commitment for a mid-year intake gives families earlier access to educational programs for their child.


STARTING PRESCHOOL - From 2023 children who turn 4 years old:

·       before 1st May continue to start preschool at the beginning of the year .

·       from 1st  May to 31st October start preschool through the mid-year intake at the start of term  of that year.

·       after 31st October start preschool at the beginning of the following year.

Children will undertake 4 terms (1 year) of preschool, regardless of whether they start at the beginning of the year, or through a mid-year intake.

STARTING SCHOOL -  From 2024 children who turn 5 years old:

·       before 1st May can start primary school (Reception) at the beginning of the year.

·       from 1st May to 31st October start school through the mid-year intake at the start of term 3 of that year.

·       after 31st October start school at the beginning of the following year.

Students who start school at the beginning of the year will complete 4 terms of reception. Students who start school through a mid-year intake (start of term 3) will complete 6 terms of reception.



Materials and Services charge – discount or rebate for families

You may have read about the state government’s initiative to provide a $100 discount on both the 2022 and 2023 Materials and Services Charge. I am pleased to provide you with a letter signed by the Premier and the Minister for Education, Skills, and Training. The letter provides additional information about the initiative.

You can access the letter via this link: 

You don’t need to do anything at this stage. We will be processing the discount or rebate as soon as we can, however there are preparations that need to be made first.


Pupil Free Day

Tuesday 14th June is a Pupil Free Day. Staff will spend the day participating in professional learning covering the Teaching and Learning Cycle/Learning Sprints, and Teacher Clarity.


Last week we celebrated National Reconciliation Week – Be Brave Make Change. Students spent time in classrooms learning about our First Nations people and unpacking the theme of reconciliation. Thank you to the Student Leadership Council class reps and their mentors for presenting their learning at assembly on Friday. We listened as the students talked about changes made by brave people such as Eddie Mabo. We saw posters of First Nations people who have made contributions to Art, Sport, and cultural awareness. We heard words like kindness, bravery, inclusion which complement our school motto, and the values demonstrated by our students. A special mention to Room 9/Schultz for sharing their poetry and supporting their younger buddies to run the assembly. Room 1/Irwin kept us entertained with their storytelling, wonderful acting, reading and costumes.


Congratulations to the following students who received Encouragement Awards during the assembly:

Archie Clarke

Elsie Feist

Chase Pedder

Oliver Warncken

Douglas killey

Ethan Walker

Julia Harris

Hunter Viney

Lola Rudiger

Macey Grant

Byron Mitchell

Liam Pendergast

Jessica Bartsch

Ivey Merkel

Teddy Blythman

Cody Pedder

Jessica Rosenzweig

Ruby Warren

German Awards:

Henry Barnett

Chase Pedder

Flynn Trappmann


Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before. Bonnie Blair

Lynda Fitzpatrick-Brown

Lunch in the LIbrary

Making Damper at School for Reconciliation Week

First of all, we got all our ingredients together. Then we mixed them all together. We wrapped them in foil and put them in the camp fire to cook for twenty minutes. When the damper was ready we cut it up used butter and wild jams to put on top of a piece.

Then we ate a piece of our damper and enjoyed it!

By Destiny R

**See below for step by step pictures of how we made our damper. Scroll across to get the next picture

Science Investigations Miss De Leonardis' Year 3/4

This term in Room 8, for science we are focusing on earth and space.

Students have been developing an understanding of how natural processes and human activity can cause slow or rapid change to the earth’s surface. The students have been undertaking a number of investigations on how weathering can change the shape of rocks. In our first experiment we used sugar cubes to act as our “rocks” and the shaking of the container replicated the tumbling of rocks in a river.

Throughout our second investigation, students also developed an understanding that erosion involves the transportation of weathered rock materials form parts of the earth’s surface through wind, water, waves and gravity. We have also been looking at the relationship between sediment size and deposition. The students are really enjoying their science investigations. 

Nat's Notes

It’s been a busy few weeks in the office and I’ve loved every minute of it spending time cooking, chatting, laughing, playing and learning from our students. I even made it to my first ever assembly - very proud of all the kids that got certificates of achievement and especially Mrs Irwin’s class for their amazing performance. 

Love our school xx


Knockout Netball

Well done to our Angaston PS Netball girls for representing our school in round 1 of the State wide knockout Netball competition on Monday of Week 4.

Our girls played 2 games winning 1 of them. Matches were against Good Shepherd and Gawler and District schools at the Angaston Netball Courts.

Our girls put in fantastic performances, learnt alot, made some amazing memories. A big thanks to Heidi and Tilly for coaching the team. Well done to all involved, everyone at Angaston PS are extremely proud of your efforts.  

State Football Carnival

A huge congratulations to our Angaston PS girls for representing the Barossa and Light Sapsasa District girls team at the State Football Carnival held over 3 days in week 5 at West Beach. Mr Matt Bradley was the girls coach with Asha G, Ruby H and Hannah S all involved.  

In tough conditions the girls team put in fantastic performances, learnt a lot, made some amazing memories and mates. With 9 games played over the 3 days its a huge week for all involved. Our Barossa girls were extremely successful finishing in 3rd position overall in division 1 with 6 wins from 9 games. Well done to all involved, everyone at Angaston PS are extremely proud of your efforts.   

 Yours in Sport  

Mr Matt Bradley  

Health/PE Teacher 


Instrumental Music

Saxophone and clarinet reeds are available from the front office. Alto saxophone size 2.0 reeds are $5.05 and clarinet 2.0 reeds are $4.50.


Thank you to those families that have paid the Materials & Services charge of $303 for 2022. The Materials and Services charges are now overdue and need to be paid to avoid debt recovery action by Department for Education. Applications for School Card assistance are still able to be made so please apply online at under the heading Education, Skills and Learning. Please contact the Front Office if you require any assistance.

Payment can be made:

·          via the school bank account BSB 105-021 Account number 104147940 - using your family code or invoice number as the reference.

·          via Cash, Cheque, Eftpos or Credit Card at the Front Office between 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.30- 3.30pm.

·          via Credit Card over the phone between 8.30-9.30 and 2.30-3.30pm.

Any current Direct Debit Payment Plans will continue.


Please contact Kim Oag on 85642215 if you require any further assistance.

School Card 2022

 School Card applications for the 2022 school year are now open.

School Card A This is the most commonly used school card application. Use this form if you are liable for your child’s school fees and you're not:

  • self-employed
  • a migrant who arrived in Australia after 1 July 2019
  • receiving Veteran’s Affairs benefits
  • applying for a foster child in your care.

School Card A – apply online

School Card Eligibility 2022


The Department for Education administers the School Card scheme.

School card assistance is available to:

  • dependent students from 4 years of age receiving full-time schooling at a government school
  • independent full-time students in years 10, 11 or 12 at a government school
  • adult re-entry students undertaking subjects to complete their SACE.

To be eligible to apply for school card assistance, the applicant:

  • must be liable for their child(s) or their material and services charge
  • must have a combined family gross income within the school card income limits (in the table below).

Eligibility is not dependent on any family member receiving any Centrelink benefits or Family Tax Benefits.

Number of dependent children

Combined gross family income limit for the 2020/21 financial year

Gross weekly school card income limit
















Each additional dependent child



Combined gross family income for both partners, if partnered on 30 June 2021, includes all the following:

  • gross salaries, wages and allowances from their employers
  • taxable Centrelink pensions, benefits, allowances
  • non-taxable or tax-exempt pensions, benefits, allowances (eg Disability Support Pension, Carers Pension)
  • gross interest and dividends
  • benefits from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs
  • supplementary income as identified in the supplementary tax return
  • fringe benefits (eg provision of a car, entertainment expenses)
  • foreign income including pensions and employment
  • business or partnership income from self-employment (includes depreciation).

Combined gross family income does not include any amounts received for:

  • Family Tax Benefits Parts A and B
  • child maintenance payments
  • the TPI component of Veterans Affairs benefits
  • carer allowance.
When applicants are approved

Parents, caregivers or independent students who are approved for School Card assistance are not required to pay the materials and services charge.

Eligibility for School Card does not automatically roll over each year. Persons seeking approval for school card assistance must apply each school year.

The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.


Principal: Lynda Fitzpatrick-Brown

Deputy Principal: Sokhan Greenwood